oc - Ori
Name - Ori
Age - 25
Height - 5'9
Weight - 170
Skin - light tan
Eyes - ice blue/crimson red
Hair - white and spiky.although it was originally black. a friend of Ori played a prank on him but Ori did not mind in fact he accusaly likes it this way.as for the Bandanna its a replica of the bandanna his ideal wears THE ADVENTURER/PIRATE Ryoko queen of the Azul seas.
Piercings/other - He has 2 piercings on his left ear one on the top of the ear the other on the bottom.also has a scar between his eyes that he acquired on his many adventures.
Clothing - Growing up in a dessert town be was use to wearing breezy cloths apart from his plane wifebeatter,jeans,and boots he has a vary stylish yellow long coat that helps him stand out though thats not always a good thing.he also has goggles but never wears them.next are his hand wraps Ori hates getting his hands dirty...literally!.and finally we have his sword no real adventurer is complete without one.How Ori got his sword was in a fighting contest nearly dieing in that ordeal he won and was reworded with the sword Hero sword not liking the name he changed it to Yaso-no-Ryugetsu
Personality - care free,vary sarcastic, not interested in no one else but his own life kinda guy. He doesn't tolerate stupidity so he'll just ignore it. he flirts with girl that are to his liking and always leaves them in the dust when they even slightly disappoint him. he has a potty mouth and is pretty sure she will someday end up in hell, which is just fine with him. he drinks, smokes,but hes Basically one bad-a** dude.
Job -His main title is Tomb-Reider and plundering what he can to sell and make ends meat and hes quite good at it he was even offered to join some group of other Tomb-Reiders but decline.
Bio- There is no real reason that he became an adventurer.he just one day decided to become one,but thats what he tells everybody hes real reason is like most of us is to find his purpose in life is.