wahmbulance wahmbulance Hello fellow Gaians! It's me again with your updates to my store lolz! wahmbulance wahmbulance whee Well, again I'm on a sell-only-10-items-at-a-time limit sweatdrop , so here's what I got for ya!
Warm Sporty Starter Sneakers for 1g Skittles Crazy Cores Facepaint for 1g Water Puddle for 25g Warm Punk Starter Pants for 1g Citrus Snug Lacy Leggings for 1g Warm Starter Boots for 1g Warm Dress Starter Shoes for 1g Warm Hip Starter Sneakers for 1g Newspaper Combover for 1g Red Racer Pants for 110g
Well, those are the 10 items for the time being now! Head over to my store before they're gone! See ya when I update next and don't forget to take my poll in the forums every 2 weeks! blaugh
DeejayCWWEFan15 · Wed Aug 19, 2009 @ 02:52am · 0 Comments |