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You know me now!
God, I wrote that too long ago. I am Bio and I am awesome. No spelling errors anymore!! Lols >~<
The Wonderful World of illusion~
Welcome to the wonderful world of Illusion, where your wildest dreams come to life. You may think I'm lying.. well you might as well bop yourself over the head and say "you need a V8" because I am real. Like the Sun, and Moon, and Earth. I am your illusion. Your nightmares that you dream of at night in that dark room, evil glowing red eyes with a smirk of pure white, staring down at you while you sleep, laughing about how they could kill you. But then, there are your magnificent dreams that triumph over your nightmares! The light brown colored sand surrounding you, keeping you protected as you play in it, to find yourself on that unknown beach on a coast with clear blue waters, and a beautiful coral reef, with dolphins and seals swimming at your side when you jump in that cool, refreshing water.

Amazing isn't it? How these, so called "illusions" turn out to be your dreams and nightmares, your fantasies and adventures that might not ever come true. In your world, you never see these up close. You see, the world of reality is my enemy. I despise that place. So negative! That's why we don't like each other; Were total opposites. I'm the magic woman with a bunny under her hat and cards that fly out of the long black sleeves with a nice short cape. Reality is that punch that hits you when you find out the truth. It hurts! If you follow me, you could be in this amazing world of magic, fun, and adventure Or if you go with Reality, then all you do is get knocked down. So, will you follow me into the red curtain and enter this world of mystery and fun?

The little girl looked up at the woman with the blackish purple hair and olive green eyes. Pondering the women intently, she gave her a slight nod.

Yes! I-I mean, lets fly!

Stepping up to the stage behind, with the flick of Illusions hand, the two were engulfed by a magical curtain that gently floated over them. A pair of floating hands grabbed the sheet tightly and yanked it off and in a matter of seconds the two were... gone.

Part One: a Butterfly, into a Swallow, into an Eagle.

The whirling of a glitter wind, full of gleaming specks of light shot colors of all sorts: green, blue, pink, red, yellow, silver, in all different directions. It spun around like tornado, yet gentle as raining white feathers of a pure dove fluttered around them. How.... Wonderful; Literary. It kind of makes you giggle about who these characters are. How they work, where we they were born and from what. The list is endless. I shouldn't spoil some of the details for you, however, this is an exception. Reality is a bit on the mean side when it comes to Illusion's beautiful world of, well, wonders! So in our time together, I will tell the tale of Lady Illusion, and Sir Reality.

Chapter 1: Illusion

The whirling of a glitter wind, full of gleaming specks of light shot colors of all sorts: green, blue, pink, red, yellow, silver, in all different directions. It spun around like tornado, yet gentle as raining white feathers of a pure dove fluttered around them.

My grand entrance! Did it give me a beautiful look, sort of class and grace? I always did get "Miss Dream Girl" of the year, oh... how many time? 8,614,345 years in a row? Yeah, I've been around for a VERY long time, more than you can imagine. Stuck facing my mortal enemy. That guy, I stick my tongue out to him every time he passes by: Reality. He is the most dull, truthful, person. With the worst personality I have ever seen. And to believe I've been stuck with that man for 6,714-ahh! I forgot now because I'm so mad! He has made precious children cry because he said that the economy will fall, and Technology will rule the earth. HA! I say, Ha! I mean, its obvious that technology is just made up! I am the one that created the word "made-up." I can make all the video games and life sized TVs' you want, whenever you want. Whatever that is.

See, the upside about my world is that we always get to have fun and have adventures! Learning new things along the way. P.S: Never dream about dinosaurs; they creep me out! I'm never doing one like that again. Anyhow, we could take risks, follow your wild side and be a part of the Magic and.... Illusion~ if you didn't know, that's my name. Illusion. Just Illusion, no last name. But I do have a "Lady" at the front of my name, but I just skip because it makes me sound old.

However, I do have a downfall. I have never seen the Real world, Reality's world, that is. He dominates that world. He's the smarty pants who thinks he knows everything, which maybe he does. B-but that's not the point! The point is I will never see the other side and that's that! It's is bad to go over there. Please don't leave me for him. I mean, he has people to hang around, but I don't. Barely anyone dreams anymore, dreams about me. No one believes I exist. It hurts. Don't leave me to Reality.

Oh Gods! A-anyways! L-let's go have some fun! Okay? I-I mean, come on! Lets go have some adventures, young one, and together we will discover the unknown, the great abyss, the world beyond!

Illusion reached her hand out, concealed in a white glove with strips at the top. The young girl looked up at her, and stalled to take her hand. Illusion began to panic and pace around her.

Please! I beg of you to come! I'll go on my hands and knees to fight for you. I just want to end my pain young lady. Rarely anyone comes to visit, or comes at all- yes I know I sound like a merchandiser trying to sell you something cheap, but I'm not! You pay nothing and I'm begging you to believe me. Even though people dream... they never understand what dreams are. They're ME! I'm the one that creates those dreams of you becoming a space astronaut, or you becoming a pop star. I can show you, watch, what do you want to become?

The girl looked up at the beautiful Illusion and she smiled. Guessing game. Illusion sighed and began to pace back and forward once again, clutching her head in aggravation as she tried to figure out the young girl's dream. After several minutes of watching this older woman, who wasn't so elderly looking, she finally snapped her fingers with satisfaction.

I got it! When you're older, you want to be a language arts teacher, or a story book writer. What beautiful dreams you have. You also have another one, but its a bit fuzzy so I can't tell what it is. So, now that I have proved myself, won't you come with me, please?

The girl looked out towards the grassy plains in the distance. Nearby, there was a road that lead somewhere, though had a large sign that read Adventure awaits. She didn't know what this adventure lead to and, inside she was afraid. And excited. It gave the hairs on the back of her neck an enthusiastic feeling. She looked up at Illusion, who looked like she was about to break down into tears. A wide smile stretched across her face, reaching for Illusion's hand. Illusion grinned wildly when the girl gripped it tightly. The two pair of girls began to walk down the long road, the bright sunset that sat in the horizon happily stared down at them. Following close behind, the pair of white gloves floated along their side, protective, ready.

You see? She's alone, yet she still tries to find the brightest side. Its painful to see that someone like Illusion most suffer alone. Almost part of the Gods above, ending up hurt. Yet, she found someone to get along with finally, so it cheers up my dear heart. So now you have gotten a glimpse on how Illusion is doing... shall we check up on are dear friend Sir Reality?

Part Two: The Ink, into a Pen, Into a folder, into a Computer.

Now that we have met are dear beloved friend Illusion, the one who herself is an Illusion, its time to move on to another good friend of mine, who is a bit uptight in himself. His name, what you would usually refer to as hard times, is Reality. He looks like a man in a top business once you first get a passing glance by him, but he is a abnormal guy..... sorta. He can be very truthful.. all the time, but he can also be fun-loving... OK, he would kill me if he heard this. He isn't very happy-go-lucky, however, he is very formal. You know what? You should meet him instead of getting my opinion. Let's go check him out in the World Of Reality.

Chapter 2: vs. Reality
Ahem! Good evening, my name is Reality. You may refer to me as Sire Reality, but never " Mister! " Or " Dude! " Just, Reality. My mind is at top-notch. I graduated from Harvard and Texas University: Which by the way is a VERY ugly place to be. I mean, I could have found better looking people in Idaho! No offense or anything... It's just the truth of things. That's one thing about me, I'm always telling the truth. Illusion says I always hit people with my logic, but I don't hit anyone unless its for my self defense. She's beautiful and all... and gorgeous and funny.... B-but that's not my point here! I'm saying that she is so blind to see what is becoming of this world. Sooner or later, computers will rule the Earth! O-oh sorry, I don't think you want to know that so soon. So... Would you like to come with me and see the world of Reality?

A young looking boy with brownish blond hair just looked wide eyed and shook his head slowly in a no as Reality then spoke.

I understand. However, here my statement: Where do your dreams start, hm? Not from you're dreams, from how your raised. Logic! You learn more from school than anywhere else, and you hang out with friends and live long and healthy. Illusion is Nothing. She's not real. Even her name is a word in the dictionary described as a made up image from light reflecting off the sun. Its fake. She's fake. No one believes in her. If you do, you'll be sent to a whole new world of nightmares and terrors. Dreams could be good or bad, its just how you depend on making them. Tell you what. If you come with me, you can see what your life will be like in the future.

The boy then perked up and smiled as he gave a nod. " Will you show me other lives?! The energetic boy said with a smile as Reality gave a nod with hesitation and confusion as the boy began to run forward on the sidewalk, next to a giant black building with tented windows and glass reflecting of the shimmering sun in the sunset.

Children are so easy to bribe these days. Now it takes money..

Reality murmured as he walked behind the boy curious about what will happen next. Maybe Reality was for him. Reality was wearing his usual suit with a black, red and white stripped tie, added with some strips going horizontal with black specks inside the red parts of the tie. He was also wearing a white undershirt with a black jacket and black pants. Reality's manly like hands were curled up in lose fists inside his enlarged pockets, with his shirt tucked inside his pants, which were slightly sagged, and it was obvious that it he had been ironing this morning. He wore a black leather belt as well, to keep his pants from falling down onto the pavement and making a fool of himself, which he rarely did.... unless he was around Illusion, where they would have fights about which world was more important, but other than his dress wear, he was calm and steadily walking towards new sights.
OK! So Reality is hypocritical, but he does it to show people the truth. His little story is short because its not as wild and adventurous as Illusions is, However, in this story of Illusion and Reality, they will find out soon enough that maybe they might need each other to work together... Or something will happen... But I can't tell you or I will spoil the story for myself, and you. So.. get ready to go on a wild adventure with both Reality and Illusion...

Chapter 3: Sweet Dreams Are Made of These!

Our real story begins with the Bodacious Illusion bonding with her little apprentice, Traveling through her most fun and wildest dreams, and hopefully, they won't get killed like Illusions last visitor tried to do.

Snow... Something I really wish I could touch. Scene I live in this world, I'm cut off from anything... Real. I just wish I could touch, feel, or smell everything this young girl feels. I want to be free from by border line from Reality, however, he forbids me to go anywhere near his world. A Long time, I even tried to make up with him, but all he did was yell in my face and told me to go back into the hole I crawled out from. How rude!! Now, all I can do is watch everyone from their dreams, and look at the seasons pass my eyes... My oblivious eyes that can't even stay on topic for eight minutes. That's what Reality told me. A-Anyways! Lets not get my mind rapped into something that is deep in my heart! Lets get this adventure on a roll!

Illusion rambled on as she had created the young girl's most memorable dream; a day in the snow with her family. Illusion loved to see the girl play around in the snow with her loving, caring family. Why did her heart ache though? It confused her so much, but she just let it slide. It probably didn't even matter.

Chapter 2: Dove

Illusion allowed herself for a chair to appear beneath her bottom and sat down next to the pair of snow white gloves that floated with nothing to control it.

Watching the girl play with her family in the frosty wonderland caused Illusion's heart to drop, and looking at this, the hands couldn't take it, and he flicked her on the side of her head. She snapped out of her slight trance and looked over at the gloves. "What?! I'm just in deep thought thats all." She whined as the right hand stuck its index finger in the air and shook its hand, signing that was wrong. "Fine, you got me. I'm a little down about her dream." The gloves pretended to have a waist and placed them there, making Illusion pout more. "Okay! I'm really down!" With a thumbs up from the gloves, she giggled, but the two knew that the pain wouldn't fade from her. This would stick with her forever.

When she was around the time of Columbus, Reality would come into her world and play card with her, discuss things of importance, like, how will the world turn out or how dinosaurs think they are parakeets. They had a lot of fun back then. Illusion even took him dancing in a ballroom, a dream one of course. Reality had changed into a stunning black tux with silver lined down the vest and pants. Illusion was fitted with a gorgeous long dress with black arm gloves with shiny designs of flowers crafted within the two. However, something happened. When they placed their hands together, it was something magical. The sights felt real and the smells seemed exactly like a real ballroom. Cheep perfume and sweat from dancers was a kind of sensation that just got the two spiced up. When the most romantic song ended, Reality walked Illusion out to the balcony, where the moon was out full and high, and all she could look up to was Reality's handsome face. He slowly leaned over, and placed his hand on her hip, and just as they were about to kiss, the clock struck 12:00 a.m. in the human world and he clinches his fist as he whispered. "I'm sorry..." Then ran out, evaporating the image all to purple dust, then all she saw was him, walking through his portal and giving her one last look before never coming back.

Illusion was almost at the verge of crying when the gloves placed its right hand on her shoulder and squeezed it tight, as if someone was really there for her. "T-thank you, James. But this isn't like any other time." she had admitted, looking over at the gloves. He worked with Illusion most of his life, to be correct, James was a person who is invisible and can only be heard by Illusion, for her imagination is so wild, she created her own friend... her own Real friend. Reality helped her with that, just for the sake of it. But, it pained her even more to just look at her real friend who tried to help, yet couldn't... Not now.

Looking back over at the little girl who enjoyed the snow so much, swinging her arms around and hitting tiny specks of snow as she twirled. Could she feel that snow? Illusion just watched and softly smiled at the girl. James interlocked his own hands and watched the girl, but his hands turned and they seemed to back up slightly to see a shocking smile on Illusion's face. "I don't care about him anymore! So don't get any ideas!!" She shouted with a wide smile and laughed as the girl fell down into the snow covered grass, making a snow angel. Too cute. Just as Illusion was watched, a sudden snow ball whacked her upside the head, making her fall over into the snow also. The little girl looked up and laughed, with Illusion popping out and looking over at James who was tossing a ball of snow up and down in his. A large smirk appeared on her face while getting up. She then poofed her outfit to a pitchers' uniform and then tilted her hat forward a bit, having a snow ball in her hand, she blew a pink bubble gum bubble while focusing on James, who poofed up a bat and was rotating it in his hands. Illusion then made a fast pitch to him. Of course, James hit it back to her and it hit her in the face, making the little girl laugh even harder. Illusion was hit back into the snow. She raged out of the snow and started rapidly throwing snowballs at James, who was armed as well, getting the girl involved. The three laughed, well, the two laughed and had fun. Something the girl hadn't experience in a long while. Something... her busy parents couldn't provide her.

At the end of their long day of fun in the snow, the girl had fallen asleep, and vanished. She awoke from her slumber in the world of Reality. As always, Illusion was wide awake, standing there, with a handful of snow. She sat down as a bench materialized out of thin air, pulling her arms to her chest as the hands came right beside her, his body outlined in snow, with him sitting down and placing an arm around to her shoulder, legs crossed. "I cherished the time we have spent," Illusion whispered, gripping her arms tightly while they folded across her legs. "It hurts to know that nothing lasts forever." James' head turned, seeming like he spoke to her while Illusion nodded. "Except time, right?" James moved his arm back to his lap and clasped his hands together, and when he pulled them apart, a deck of cards sat in the middle of his palm. Illusion was poked at to look over and it made her cheer up to be able to see those cards freshly shuffled by James She reached over with a pinkish pale hand and grabbed a random card from the middle, and twirled the card in her hands, her eyes closed softly "May the Gods and imagination be on the child's side." Flipping the card towards her, she opened her eyes to a Black Joker. Illusion giggled and brought the card to her lips, kissing the tip of it. The card exploded into silver dust, with a light sparkle to it. "Children of the world, Dream of Jokes, laughter, and the joys of having fun. "

Thought bubbles began to invade the space that surround the two on the bench, kids dreaming of clowns and festivals, to seeing their friends, to riding horses and playing at the beach. This made Illusion smile widely, getting up from the bench and twirling all around the bubbles, laughing and giggling as James watched her move and dance. Illusion would sometimes touch a bubble and another dream popped into their head. Even adults dreamed that they were laughing with their families and friends, and dream when they were young. Illusion loved humans so much. Even up to the day they die they never stop imagining, or having fun, or learning something new, discovering something new, anything they desire was all in their heads and hearts. "All in their heads and hearts." Illusion repeated to herself. However, her favorite of all these dream bubbles, was Reality's bubble.

She walked over to it and watched it as James came over and stood next to her. With the snow shaken off him his outline was no longer visible, so all you saw was his hands in a crossed position. Reality dreamed of discovering a new way to create a new 'computer'. Illusion was still clueless about what it was, that could interpret someones feelings by only touching them. He had been at this dream for a long while, and still hasn't finished it. He started, but never finished.

However, what he dreamed of now were... white doves. His favorite bird. Illusion wanted to touch his bubble and make him think of her, but she couldn't do that. Literally, his bubble was guarded by a special shield created by him to keep his thought only in viewing for her, not for messing with. She turned away and she closed her fist and opened it to have a white dove on her palm. "The White dove represents Peace, Love, and...." She let the dove go, with it flying away into the ink painted sky that filled her world. Her lips only mouthed the last word, with true remorse and sadness. "Freedom."

Illusion is a lot happier because of this young girl now, right? She is seeing more wonders and values to life, but at the same time she can't understand the mind of a man. So looks like we must in tune ourselves to the other side of the story.

Chapter 3: The Beginning of Faulty Faces, Part 1

Casually, walking down the street with his hands in his pockets, the boy was running and jumping with excitement, making the calm expression of Reality's face into a slightly ticked off one. Before, he was talking gibberish. Almost like he had two personalities, but that was most likely from the fact that he had a bad cup of coffee, got a stain on his nice suit, and had to go to his house and change out. Unlike Illusion, Reality had to work to have a home. It wasn't that hard. All he did was sell off his ideas to top companies and live quietly alone. The Ipod, for instance, it's first name was the Crept Lock, or C.L. An original design to actually be a complete house security system. However, they modernist it into a dainty little thing that it's sole purpose is to entertain others and have music outrun the data banks.

No human can give off 'good' logic anymore Reality thought to himself as they passed an Apple store down town. He had to drag the boy by his shirt away from the window, with the boy pouting and struggling.

"If you really want to see something interesting, you'll follow me." Reality commented as he dragged the boy and then placed him gently on his feet, walking to his normal looking Black Grand Prix with black tinted windows. However, once inside, it was a mess of new technology. The young boy's jaw dropped at the sight of this. Reality hopped into the driver's seat on the left side, with the boy climbing in into the passengers seat.

He asked. "Where did you get this car?!" Reality didn't even look over at him as he placed his oddly shaped key into the engine slot "I built it, right down to the very base of it. Camouflaging it to look like a Grand Prix." He placed the shifter into drive and Reality sped off the curb, with the boy astonished at the feel of the car.

"Whoa... it's like we're driving on air!" He quickly put his seat belt on while he leaned back in the leather chair.

"It took a while, but its still needs a few more adjustments made. I'll do that later."

Driving down the road for some while, turning corners, they arrived at what looked like worn down apartments on the other side of town. The building was created by bricks, but erosion has grown on the stones over time and cracked through. Some windows had pieces of glass missing and cracks running through the window like rivers on a map. The ceilings, visible just by a glace up, had water stains through time that have left the marks to prove of its ugly past, and finally, the vines that grew up parts of the building, hording what space it has. Reality had parked the car right there in front of that disaster of a building, leaving the boy in shock. When the small, flaky brown haired boy stepped out of the car, he just stared at the building for a long while, sometimes glancing back at the car, and then the building, bringing up the question as Reality began to walk calmly to the weathered down door.

"Is... this it?"

As Reality touched the door handle, he turned back and sighed. "Humans love judging, don't they?" Speaking to himself, the boy began to walk towards the man in fancies. But when the two entered the door, the door closed tightly, leaving the men in an elevator like room. The boy blinked, taking in the sudden culture shock, again, with awe. Reality typed in a code onto the silver panel before the two on each side of the think iron doors that closed on them. The elevator started up and started to move slowly, feeling their bodies be turned and moved by gravity, often making the boy fall off balance. Once the elevator stopped, a cool woman's voice spoke, sliding the doors open. "Welcome back, Master."

"W...whoa...." The only audible words that came from the body as he looked at the wonderland of technology in the room. The walls were of steel and the floor of black granite. The furniture was one black leather sofa and many desks of computers, some mounted on and IN the wall, and a fire place running on gas was lit. Reality stood in the middle of the wonderland and raised his arms slightly off from his sides and introduced,
"Welcome to the future."((Pick up here))
Reality took off his black suit jacket and pressed a button on the wall that pushed out a long metal rack with half hooks and half hangers, placing his jacket on the hanger. He offered to take the boy's small jacket, but he refused, shoving his hands in his pockets. The room was lit by a uniquely shaped ceiling fan and lit all corners of the room. Part of the room was a window glass area that had been remolded to over look the apartment building's, actually well kept garden. The area of the glass window was leveled slightly lower than the main floor, so you had to step down to come to the area. This had taken the boy's interest, and he investigated the scene. Reality was typing in something on one of the wall computers and asked,

"Would you like anything to eat?" The boy had perked up immediately and said, turning to the classy man with hungry eyes. "A hamburger!"

Reality couldn't help but roll his eyes and type in the answer, then leaving it once finished.

Reality didn't want to look at it in any way, shape, or form, but it was pressing on him like gallons and gallons pouring onto his head constantly. It would almost snap his composure if he didn't have such great self-control. It wasn't a topic lightly held with children, however the fear of this continuing through the boy's and his journey was a threat indeed. The grown man was just about to speak out when the bell rang and the boy ran to the wall that had popped out a hamburger. He began to eat over the plate, in an ungovernable fashion. Reality's drooped eyes in tension and anger forced him to turn away so that he would strangle the boy till his face was purple. Obese food. If that was one thing he hated, it would be number one on his list, and America did not help one bit. Reality had that strong urge to burn every Fast-Food joint in the city, however his so called "Great self-control" gave him a wall to that opportunity. To that, he would have to go to jail and that would inconvenient.

Slumping onto his couch, Reality pressed his index finger in the middle of his head between a space where his groomed eyebrows were.

"Wrinkles." Reality's concentration was broken because of this boy's gruff manner and was surprised by the comment so much, only an eye brow raised.

"Excuse me?" Reality asked in a cold voice, eying a smudge of ketchup on the boy's face.

"You have wrinkles!" He exclaimed, pressing his child like index finger against the grown man's forehead, pressing constantly, squishing the wrinkles as he spoke with a meaty breathe. "They say, if you frown all the time, then you will have more wrinkles on your forehead when you grow old!-"

"That is absurd," Reality cut off the last of his sentence, still frowning while he closed his eyes and grabbing the boy's hand to make him stop his prodding. "If you smile all the time, you receive more wrinkles along your forehead, crow's feet, mouth linings, and possibly sags." Reality had opened his eyes to look the boy in the face in mid-sentence, showing his unamused expression, however, this boy looked so persistent and also... confident.

"Not true! My mama told me to always smile because it was the most beautiful thing you could ever show anyone! So if it's so beautiful then how can it have more wrinkles?!" The boy had pulled his hand away and began ranting on about smiling. This was something he hadn't seen in a child in a while, it actually amazed Reality. He stared at this boy with surprised eyes as the boy went on telling him false facts of his own believe, and this made Reality begin to laugh. The boy felt offended and his childish rage got the best of him, yelling at the man. "What is so funn-?"

The boy just stopped and watched as Reality, the man of clean stone, broke a smile. "P-pardon Me, I-its just- Hahaha!"

The boy looked at his man with a growing smile, then he began to laugh a little with the man.

When the two were done, Reality felt more comfortable around the unknowingly wise boy, feeling like he could talk to him with slightly more grace than before. It didn't occur to him until then because he thought it wasn't possible, but the fact that children absorb anything their parents give them when a child, they will remember and take it to life. The good-children are the ones that have parents that have gone through a lot in the past and teach their child. Reality remembered because of this boy who, abruptly, challenged the grown man... and won.

[Chapter-3 part 2]

Time passed. The day was June 7th, the day was covered by ink splashed clouds that stretched for miles. Rain poured down onto the long, thin streets, but that didn't stop the pedestrians from walking and driving their cars. Window shield wipers were pumping gears, swishing back and worth, pushing the water off the window shield to keep the driver's vision clear as they drove. It was efficient, but not good enough to keep it off for long. It was a cycle repeated over and over as the human's rode through the harsh weather. To some, this weather is perfect, others it was trouble-some. However, we are not looking at just general people at the moment, what the prim subject was Reality. At the moment, this stubborn, intelligent man was enjoying the rain particularly today, walking in a new suit that was full black added with a blue tie, strolling casually with his business-black umbrella. Close behind, the boy Reality had met a few days ago and took him on as an apprentice was also with him with an identical umbrella, jumping in the puddles a few feet away from Reality's perimeter. The two looked like a brother-to-brother couple, just walking to the older man's business place, but this was totally different. The boy had requested a day on the town, and today was that day.

The city had a vibe of its own, as if it were alive with the power of electrical life that flashed yellow across power-lines and shined down from post lamps to watch over the roads that were covered in water so. It hummed, keeping up with the rhythm of the people. It shouted, the honks and sounds echoing off of the cliff sides known as buildings. It swayed, the wind still penetrating the fortresses of the large industrial playground. Reality knew everything there was to know about this aura of the city, after all it was like a kin to him. It ran in his blood that technology would take the souls of humans, bringing them into this living 'reality' among technology. This was partially his fault, as sort of a God like figure, Reality had made technology come into play, making this world fall under his wildest dreams. The hum of the city, was the humming of a tune that Reality made. The rest, humans just had to accept. He didn't want to admit it, but his dreams had been sparked by his old friend, Illusion. She had the idea of a world where it was a metal, yet green planet with advances everyday. He took that idea and turned it real, hence forth his name.

The young boy was a curious one, looking up at Reality almost every moment that he had. Something was stirring in his mind; a question. The boy tried to find the, rather handsome yet dull, face of Reality, trying to catch his attention, but he snapped out of it when Reality stopped dead in his tracks. The boy slammed into his back unexceptionally, slightly annoyed why he had just stopped, but his gaze turned as Reality looked at the shop. It was a rather worn down antique shop that had small dolls sitting in the window, just looking out at the world with plastered smiles. The boy saw this to be... quiet disturbing. He never did like porcelain dolls because of their fake smiles, but this didn't stop Reality from turning and entering the shop. A rusted jingle rang above Reality's head as he opened the door, folding up his umbrella. His first look went at the counter to see an old woman, fast asleep. He made the first courageous step just as the boy stood outside with his umbrella at hand, watching as Reality looked under the dirt covered glass counter to look at the display of porcelain dolls that were all different shapes and sizes. One he just looked at for a long while till he gently tapped the counter, waking the old woman from her slumber. The poor woman was in for a bit of a shock to see a young man in her shop. She gave a cracked, yet soft smile, in a close whisper spoke.

"Would you like to buy that little doll?" Reality gave a nod his head and the old woman slid the door open and pulled out a Barbie shaped doll with long black hair and pale white skin. The woman asked for twenty dollars and Reality pulled out his wallet and gave her the money, asking her to put it in a little box and then in a bag. The counter woman did so in a rather slow manner, but it was done, and he left. Taking out his umbrella and extending it, the boy asked. "Why did you buy a doll?" Reality only let a sigh escape his lips.

After moments of silent walking, he spoke in a strange tone as if he was shaking. "I have been wanting it for a while. I never had the courage to buy it." The boy nodded and then turned back to his little world until the question buzzed back into his head and started to ask, before Reality shot in a comment. "We are here." The boy's eyes widened and then he ran to the door. In big words on a wooden sign, it read 'Billiards Club.'

The two entered the Billiards club, overwhelmed by the scent of alcohol and smoke. The boy looked around at the different kinds of men as a waitress came up to them and showed them to their table. Reality ordered some water and the boy asked for a Coke when she asked about drinks.

"Why are there so many difference's in people, Reality?" The boy asked suddenly with anticipation. Reality racked the balls onto the table, setting it up, with the boy watching as a learning experience.

"Because they we are born in that way and shape. We are all ma-" The boy suddenly raised his hand, Reality narrowing his eyes and choosing his hand with hesitation. "Have you fought in a battle?" The boy slumped forward after his question. Reality took of the triangle for forming the ball, that perfectly aligned up to the small point on the billiards' table. "Yes, numerous of times." Reality was just shot at with penetrating questions from this boy, till he was fed up with it, just as the boy was in mid question. "It's your turn." The boy gasped and took his billiard stick and tried aiming for a green striped ball. Reality turned away and gripped his head, gritting his teeth. I would kill this kid if he weren't of my interest! His head was jogged with too may question that brought of the past. All of them having Illusion in them. She was his past... She was my past... this is my present. He kept saying that to himself, but he never kept with it. That one day he left the ball in her world... it was time for him to go, and time has always ate at him, even though he has immortality. Time... He hated it. He hated the God that controlled it. Biting his lip, he had almost had the thought of... going back. "Man! I didn't get it in! Your turn Reality." Reality turned quickly around, his eyes looking as calm as ever, but his hand trembled within his pocket. The thought of it made Reality shiver. He left, he made the decision to never go back there because it wasn't worth it.
I-i choose not see her ever again. I knew my heart would-
The crack of billiards clanking against each other woke him up from his thinking, making in almost all of his billiards. I need to focus, I can be caught up with daydreaming. Today, the young boy and I are to have a day on the town, and I will make it a marvelous day. He leaned back up and began to walk over to the table, the boy stomping his feet in the grand disadvantage he was comparing experiences of previous billiard past. Experience was far up his belt.

It was a 5-1 game win for Reality, buying the boy ice cream to cheer him up as they headed to their next destination.

"Being a loser isn't so bad," The boy commented, licking up the ice cream in the most unusual ways; from the top, bottom, sides, and making signs in the ice cream using his tongue. Reality could not win when it came to humans. You're not the all time loser, though. Reality imputed into his mind, walking a long distance to the other side of town, stopping at different places along the way. The park was chasing bird, the vending shops were lunch, and the streets we for passing time. When they did reach the other side of town, it was the afternoon, around five o'clock. The boy and Reality stood out in front of a worn down club of some sort, and it was as big as a storage unit. The boy took the first step to curiosity and opened the door, pushing the heavy, rusted door open to find a dust covered, wood floor. There, in the large room, was a stage made out of wood, and a covered grand piano. Reality walked past the boy as he stood in awe, looking at this dusty dance room. The boy watched as Reality took the cover off on the piano and it was to amazement that the piano had not a single scratch, no dust speck on it. It shined within the dull room. The boy slowly walked toward the middle of the room, his steps making the way for him. Reality took his seat on a dust covered bench, surprisingly not caring about the dust on his suit, probably because the boy had spilled some soda on it after they left the park. The process in opening the piano was complete while the boy thought. He never knew that Reality was the kind of person to enjoy Jazz. His fingers glided across the key board in a popping tune, with the boy's smile growing wider and wider. The music was amazingly familiar. The boy knew this song somehow. It felt too familiar, however this had then the first time hearing this song. He found himself tapping his foot and waving his body, and sure enough, started dancing. Reality wasn't playing her personality anymore. He was showing the boy who he truly was. A little smile formed as he played, with music swarming around them, catchy like a virus, lovely like a beautiful young lady. You'd never know if you could hear a drum, a trumpet, a female in the back ground, almost like an echo. Reality had a dream. This was his dream years ago... This Jazz club. I hope you see this... Illusion. I hope you're happy. Reality thought as he practically sang out, only using keys on the piano, to dance.

[Chapter-3 part 3]
When the duo arrived back at Reality's home, it had been night. They ordered some warm food and could not stop talking about anything at dinner. Reality felt a lot more comfortable with the boy and felt like he could share with him his past, which was something he couldn't do. He explained who Illusion, the other world, the Gods above, and such. But he kept the very important details hidden, just giving out the basics in his life that he lived in. The Gods and Goddess that lived above them controlled the world, and they gave Illusion a name, and gave Reality his name.

The boy was very interest in the topic about Gods and such that lived in a different world, making this world and other ones in fact, and Reality was one of them. A Guardian of this world, and apparently another world, was working with a woman that controls dreams and nightmares who goes by the name Illusion. For many years, he has cut off contact with her.

I don't know the reason why he did that, but I think it is pretty cruel to just cut off contact with a girl you have known since you were born into existence.
The boy was recapping himself within his head, thinking of reason why Reality, who was now in his room, would stop talking to this woman. Just because of the stories, he wanted to meet her, see what she was like. The boy, at the moment, was pacing around the living room, learning about all this information that would change him forever. He had a sense that he was... special, finding all this information out from a special being. At first he didn't even know Reality was a God like figure, but now he knew that he controlled Life and the way it flowed. What if I some sort of "Chosen One" like in video games. That would be so cool! The boy smirked just when he placed his arms in a cross position, nodding his head confidently, firmly believe in the things he just lightly assumed would be true.

"I am the Chosen One!" The boy repeated to himself multiple times, trying to find the ring in it as if a sword and shield would pop out, along with power of being the "chosen" but, no, he was chosen for a totally different reason. For about a few minutes, he was pretending he had a sword and was swinging it around, but then he had the sudden urge to start playing video games and started that up on the plasma screen.

In the other room, Reality stared down at the doll he had bought from the shop earlier that day. The doll looked like Illusion to him and it was dressed in the exact way; a magician kind of look. He placed it on a shelf above his bed and just stared at it, as if he were waiting for it to come alive. Truth be told he was. Illusion has a special power were she can enter in inanimate object and bring them to life. Inanimate objects are a source of a dream that started through someone so she is allowed to take control of that dream, even for a long time. Reality was hoping she would see the doll in his room and she would come.

Perhaps I am thinking too much of it... maybe she is still sad.
Reality changed dress with a quick snap of his fingers and got into bed. All was a t-shirt and boxers, which he enjoyed for it was comfortable to him. Maybe I got my hopes up.... Reality slowly closed his eyes for a moment, then suddenly, a loud boom came from the living room, followed by a " YAHOO!!! " Reality got out of his bed and walked straight over to his door, busted it open, with it crashing against the wall, walking out into the wide open room, and watched as the boy played Legend of Zelda and using bombs to obliterate rocks. Reality's eyes widened as he watched him play. That T.V. was specifically hooked up to over look the city and he un-wired and rewired the whole thing. Impressive, but-!

Reality snapped back into his deprived sleep mood and said, too calmly, "You know it's ten o'clock, young man."

The boy jolted in his seat, slowly turned around, his eyes meeting Reality's. The
boy softly as he scratched the back of his head.

"I-I just want to play a game. "

Reality sighed, walking over and looking at the T.V as the boy resumed playing the game, watching it with interest.

Only when two hours passed did the boy really feel tired and turn off the game, rewiring it all back. Reality yawned and then went back to his room, waving good night to the boy as the parted to their rooms. Reality finished his yawn and looked straight at the doll, which had been frozen in place as if it had been there all its life. Reality brushed it off, heading to his bed and letting the blankets wrap around his body. Tomorrow they would go to his office and learn what he did for his fake life. Possibly would have a show off his power, and what he could do. But in the mean time, as this man went to sleep, the doll's eyes had a flicker of life to them, somehow, watching the room protectively.

The same effect has happened to Reality! The boy has opened him up to new wonders, and somehow brought out the truth within him. However, if you notice, he isn't feeling too happy inside about a certain someone. Why does he want the sudden urge to see Illusion now that this boy has come into his life? He doesn't know that Illusion has a little girl she is looking over, but will Illusion have the courage to go and seem him? What will happen next? My goodness, I am getting chills just sharing this once again. Did I mention I love this story? This is my favorite book out of every one. Uh- oh! Sorry, my bad. Lets get on with the story. Now, turning back to the wilderness wonder group, we find Illusion, James, and the girl back at the main entrance, why? Lets find out.

[Chapter 4: The Art of Controlling Inanimate Objects.]

"Starry, starry sky, how may I see you tonight?
Sky, oh, my true sky, how ever could you lie?"

We find our trio all on grassy field, looking up at the night sky that replicated the real world's stars, with James finding the most constellations. The girl watches in amazement at how many shooting stars actually fly through the sky on a daily basis. She pointed out at least 20 of them shooting by. Illusion just watched the sky in a half daze. This worried James and the girl, with the pair of hands gesturing toward her, and the girl slightly understanding what he was trying to say. She looked over and shock came rushing at her like a head on car collision. Illusion was crying, looking up at these real stars that were out there and Illusion would never be able to see them. The girl gripped her fist and crawled over, and put her face right in front of Illusion, scaring her right out of her hat. " Hey! This is no time to be mopping around, Illusion! " The girl said, smiling brightly. Illusion slowly sat, rubbing her tears away. James patted her back, making Illusion feel like she was in an emotional wreak. " I-im fine! I'll be fine. Thank you guys. " A wide smile came to her lips, making the girl smile and James put up a thumbs up. Illusion then looked back up at the sky and then gasped, having a great idea. " Hey, I have an idea! Do want to see my house? " The girl was quiet surprised that Illusion had a home here, so there was no way she could say no. The girl had no effort about getting up as fast as she could, hoping around in joy with James, who was motionless for a moment, but that couldn't stop the celebration. James knew that Illusion never showed anyone her home ever since Reality was here. That was the only person she went to her house with. This was a step. Illusion got up off the ground and watched the two dance around the grassy field like a couple of fools. This made Illusion laugh softly at first, but it turned into a hearty laugh. The two fools turned to see her laughing, looking at her for a while, but then they ran, or for the hands floated, over and tackled her. The three laughed till they were in tears. Within the air, the wind echoed once more before the three were up and walking:
" Stary, Stary sky, how you give dream to children,
Sky, oh, my true sky, may you stretch on forever. "

The path to Lady Illusion's house was very strange. They first had to go though a dark forest where the creatures ruled the shadows. The girl got scared easily from this and the pair of glove protected her as Illusion moved through, happily greet some of the monsters. Illusion had told them this was the Forest of Dare-Say Nightmares. After that they pasted a river were baby sharks lived in harmony with Koi fish. Illusion hopped stones to get across, with James offering to carry the girl when she went into an outrage about how, making Illusion laugh. The Girl eventual just went over on her own. Next was through a small desert that large trees survived in, making The girl feel a little suspicious on where Illusion lived, and what was even more stranger was that Illusion was eating the sand, saying it was edible. This confused the girl even more, with the urge swelling up in her that she had to try the sand. It tasted like chocolate. Finally the three ended up at valley, where a two story home stood. You could visible see a spiral stair case on the outside sides of the house. The front had two large doors that were a bright red, so it looked from the top of the hill that lead into the valley. James and Illusion were the first ones to head down, with the girl following closely behind. The girl looked at her first at first, but then at the house again and saw that the doors had changed colors. It was a different color in the light. The girl was more interested than ever just how powerful Illusion could be. It was obvious that she could bend light the way she wanted, create a forest full of monsters, and paint a night sky before her every eyes. Though, she was reminded that they were all Illusions, made to be real, but ended up on the side of false truth. Even though Illusion kept this in mind, The girl insisted they were real. It felt real, like before when they were playing in the snow, she felt the coldness of it. The heat of the sun felt real, she knew it was true. The girl had a small bit of hope that Illusion would believe that too. Would she at least try and believe that? Or is something stopping her? The girl's thoughts were interrupted when she suddenly started walking on pathment. She didn't see this from the hilltop so it was kind of strange. Trying to roll with it, she walked along the path. The casual Illusion and James walked along like it was nothing uncommon. When they reached the doors, they were a grayish black tint. Illusion waited a moment for the girl to come in viewing sight, and proceeded to open the door with a simple snap. The doors creaked open, and what the girl found inside was something she had never, ever seen in her whole life. It looked like a mansion inside.

The girl twirled inside and smiled widely, intrigued by every inch of Illusion's home. Illusion watched in awe as this girl could see everything in this home. The regular human could not see this because they did not believe Illusions were... true. This girl insisted that everything she made was real and that gave Illusion power, just a bit. Long ago, she had made this house with Reality and shared it for thousands of years. Now, engraved into the home, the realness stayed within the walls as well as a spark of majestic power. Upstairs lied Illusion's room and Reality's room. Down stairs was where all the fun is at. Illusion curled her lips into a silly smirk and pranced over to the girl, tapping her dazed shoulder. " How about we go play some games? " No hesitation was required from the girl to say " Yes! " and they were off down a hallway. James, on the other hand, pulled his gloves back and headed for the kitchen. It was his turn to shine in this two sided story. The spark also lied in James. The personality, the attributes, all of it made James. He was a loyal servant to both Illusion and Reality, but on that faithless day when Reality left, James chose to stay my Illusion's side. He had known about the dangers of leaving her all alone in her own illusions and the chance of her trying to kill her immortal body were in a sad reaching distance. James placed his hands against the counter top of the kitchen and a flicker of his body appeared, only for a moment. James wiped his invisible forehead and pulled off his gloved, Now, he was completely invisible. Though, due to this very spotless man, (you would see the spots of dirt on him if they were there) He would use an apron to keep himself clean as he cooked a nice meal for everyone. Cooking could be a slow step in getting the newly formed crew more together. Once the tying was complete, the cooking commenced. In his own way, James would start with the desert, since it would always be the most extravagant, and then the meal. The apron swished around to look at the clock and it read 'four o'clock' in the world of Illusion. In about 30 minutes in the human world time, it would be five o'clock. Time her pasted a lot faster than in the real world, so dinner would be done a lot sooner. With a turn to the stove, the cabinet doors began to fly open as James began his process to a great dinner.

About three hours later, the food was done. James was still spotless when the end product was finished. He had made a delicious Lasagna followed with a rich ratatouille, assorted fruit, an arrangement of drinks and wine, and a decorated and perfected Devil Chocolate cake with chocolate strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and a sprinkle of blueberries. There was a lovely setup of the dinning room area with the plates having a little picture of a swallow on it with the placements having little shapes sewn into it. James Took a sip of his wine that he had out for him and quickly set it down, washing his hands of leftover residue, then putting his clean white gloves back on. He untied his apron and hanged it back up on the hook where it belongs, then headed out to retrieve the two rambunctious girls. What he found was something that would need along of cleaning up later by their behalf. Pillows were tossed onto the floor, every single board game had either been pulled out and played with, or pulled out and just never touched it. The movement of his hands showed when he was looking at the girls, who sat on a couch, playing a competitive video game that apparently required shouting and jumping on the couch. When Illusion lost she threw the controller onto the couch and the girl hopped up and down, having a victory dance. When words only Illusion could hear, she turned and smiled. " James! Want to join us? " The gloves made it easier for the girl, who was now looking over, to understand and just shook his index finger side to side. In a silent communication, James spoke to Illusion and she gave a nod, and smiled. " James made dinner for us. Lets go. " The girl was very surprised to hear that he could make dinner, more than he had made dinner. The two got out the couch and proceeded to the dinning room, which James lead them to.

Their gaping mouths could not stop the drool that poured out of the girls mouths. Everything was sparkling with deliciousness and even the flavor of everything could be wafted in. The aroma was intoxicating tingling with the with the taste of the food. The girl felt like she could practically eat the air. The two imminently sat down as James served them their plates of delicious food. The girl could tell James was a professional just from the look of the food. James took a sip of his wine that was brought to him from the kitchen by a servant that was in the form of a playing card. During dinner, things began to become comfortably fun. James shared the story about when a child asked to go to a dinosaur era, and after, Illusion shared a traumatizing even of when a stupid little boy wanted to visit dinosaurs from the most dangerous era. The girl was laughing so hard tears formed, and during her laughter the two argued playfully about other stories that were new to the girl's ears. The girl felf something swell inside her, a feeling of comfort and safety. Something she never really felt before. Before the girl was totally swept up in the new atmosphere, the girl tonged with new curiosity. Curious about a few things that had been bothering her for a while, most of the journey. She had to ask them, before she forgot again. However, she waited, in fear of interrupting James's and Illusion's deep debate on how a moving tree was or was not in the story Alice through the looking Glass. Illusion had turned back to the girl and several times swept her up in another fascinating story about something new and strange, something ever before heard. The girl felt as if she had been locked in a trance by a kind witch.

For a while, the three shared a few more hilarious stories until the servants came back around and took up their clean plates. James offered to serve the desert and both kindly accepted the offer. Dishing out the wonderfully beautiful cake, the two females were dazed by it's chocolate beauty. The girl and Illusion had no hesitation taking their first bite and It took them into heaven. Every bite melted with chocolate goodness in their mouths. Swept up in delicious cake, the girl was on her third bite, until she realized she needed to have her questions answered. Finishing her bite and then asked Illusion. So, what exactly are you? " Illusion was surprised by the question, but didn't hesitate to show her proud colors, exclaiming. " Why, I am a Demi-God. O-or, well, umm, " Illusion turned slightly James's way, but still looked at the girl. " Im like a branch of God that is slightly weaker than the top dogs, umm... " Illusion was now fully facing James, who moved his hands in a scratching-invisible-head gesture. Turning back to the girl, with another idea. " I am more of a Guardian, lets say that. " James quickly gave a thumbs up and Illusion nodded, smiling at her before being shot at by another question. " What are you pow- " Illusion held up her hand and placed it on her own lips, but then smiled gently, almost a little desperate. " Could you give me a list of question so that I can answer them all at once? " The girl nodded and sat back in her chair. For a while, the girl tried coming up with a list of questions important to her right now. James and Illusion sat in silence, daring a bite of their cake. Just before the bites were made, the girl rose from her seat abruptly. " Question number one, for Illusion: What are your powers exactly? Question two, for Illusion: What does James look like? Question three, for James and Illusion: Did Illusion make you? Thats all the questions I have right now. " The girl sat down with a wide smile, but the others were the opposite. James, after the third question, was shock and accidentally flipping his fork off his plate. He caught it quickly with two fingers, but fear of the girl taking a glance, so he switched to catching it with his full hand. Illusion stared down at her cake for a while. Slowly, she placed her fork down and turned her head to James. Her face only shared a sorrowful smile, making James's fists tighten up. Turning back to the girl, Illusion rubbed her hands together, pushing her plate away. " I think it is time to tell her everything. The truth. "

[Chapter-4 part 2]
For a while, it was silent. The room was at a stand still and no one moved. James was looking (or at least the girl thought he was because his hands were turned in that direction) at Illusion, who had her head down for a moment, as if she were recollecting thoughts. The girl was looking back and forthwith at the two and felt the need to break the silence. To think she thought these would be easy questions. The girl was just about to speak until Illusion lifted her head and turned to the girl, with Also James turning towards her. Illusion was the first one to break the silence. " Let start from the every beginning. My name is Illusion and I am the Guardian of Nightmares and Dreams. I protect humans and Nots, the other species I protect. Humans and Nots have a lot more in common than you would think. " Illusion sighed and tried to keep herself on track, closing her eyes for a moment and opened them up shortly after. " It all started in Olympus, I was born by the Gods to protect humans and Nots from getting devoured by there Nightmares, and corrupted by their Dreams. I keep the dreams of every soul inside of their hearts, to only reveal when it is fully inspired. I even let the nightmares come out when they feel most vulnerable. It keeps everyone alert and awake in a way. However, for many years, I have been weak due to the lack of inspiration within hearts because no one believe in their dreams. Most just try to take the easy way out when those dreams they think are impossible achieve are in their grasp. Only few people realize this and I get such little power from it. Every so often a riot starts up and my power increases, but it is used sooner or later. " Illusion turned to James and then smiled softly. " James is only visible when Reality is around, and that should bring up your next question. " The girl sat back and listened closely, now curious who Reality was. " Reality used to be my partner. He was born a few seconds before me. He is the Guardian of Truth and Knowledge. He lives in the world of Reality, which is your world were things make sense. I live in the World of Illusion, where everything doesn't make sense. Just like me, Reality doesn't have much power either, even though he is surrounded by the power everyday. Most humans forget or don't seek the truth, but when they do, he gains power. Unlike my, though, His fluctuates on a daily basis because of the knowledge seeking humans and Nots. Back to James, he can only be seen when Reality is here because he helped me make him. We both made him. Whenever James touches a part of Reality's things, or is in that world, you can see his boy, or even a flicker of it. " James placed his on Illusion and she looked over to him, softly sighing, translating for him. " James says a few generations ago, Reality just suddenly decided to leave, turning the middle of a wondrous ball, when the clock stroke twelve o'clock. Before he left, he asked me to go with

~My Emoticon~

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