Total Value: 735,583 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Vampire's Fangs (RAWR)
Elemental Wings
Demonic Armor
Satin Hairbow
Demonic Armor
Lidless Demon Armor (Boots)
Alruna's Rose 8th Gen
Freddy Claws
Shadow Spirit
Blue Alien Tattoo
Anima Adamantea 3rd Gen.
Black Body Dye
Trendy Dark Skinny Jeans
Gray FLEX Top
Name: Hazel
Age: 15
Race: shadow demon
Sexuality: strait
History: this is hazel's full demon fourm. she gets to this point when she completly gives up the fight with her self and releases her demonic half. but she gets here when she is pissed and isn't paying attention to her emotions. she likes nothing and will attack every thing in her path.
Other: her main power is her teeth and claws. then her former powers from her wearker demon half. her speed is faster then light. she will stop at nothing when she's at this fourm. unless she is at the point of dieing. she only has one weakness and thats light. besides the light made from her curse mark.