-Race: Vampire/human

(human or her gothic form) ^^
---Eyes: purple/silver
---Hair: short purple/long black
---Build: slim, slender, beautiful/tall slim, gracefull
---Height: 6'0/6'0
---Weight: 130/130
---Clothing: dress shirt,black pants/dress shirt,black pants
---Age: over a million years old/dido/(human)18
---Weapons: two black swords/two sword chains
---Sexuality: Lesbian
-Personality: Is very protective, verry gracefull though, is very shy at some points, is very kind, very strong and bold
-Notable Skills:
---Physical: can run track and is the fastest person anyone has seen, is good with a sword or any kind of weapon.
---Magickal: as she is an elf she bend water, and destory anything when she is at full power in either stage
-Character Background and History: She is a vampire that is part elf but looks
human at some points. She has been a slave to her master but is now set free and
is very timid and can jump out of no where. She doesn't mean to hurt anyone but
she just has to protect herself because of the awful things her master did to her.
-Theme Song: I will learn to Love again by Dj Boonie