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Lark's journal
These are my random thots... enjoy
A tribute to Snow and Nate
Once upon a December snow,
A girl was born as a blizzard did blow.
And once upon an October night,
A boy was born in the dark, full of fright.
The girl was loved by the family she had,
By her cuddly pet and two men, both called dad.
The boy, however, would grow up alone,
He wondered the streets and didn't know home.
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The girl was raised in a magical way.
By spirits of Christmas, or so they would say.
To honor the holiday and always remember,
This lovely young girl was called, simply, December.
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The boy had been found in a far off land,
By devious candies with a devious plan.
He grew to a man who scared everyone sober,
This master of fright would be known as October.
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A story of love you won't soon forget,
Our story begins, when these children met.

Chapter 1:
"A party! A party! We're going to a party!" December danced around as she opened her closet. She looked at her dresses and couldn't decide what to wear. Her father Nick came in.
"Having trouble dear?" He asked lovingly as he approached her.
"I don't know what to wear." She pouted playfully. Nick smiled.
"Well Ebenezer and I have been working on a surprise for you."
"Really?" December instantly became excited. "What is it?"
"Close your eyes." December did and Nick whispered a spell. "Open them." When she did she looked in the mirror and squealed with joy at how pretty she looked.
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October fussed as he buttoned up his shirt. "I hate dancing." He grumbled. He looked at himself in the mirror. "Do I have to wear this Carnauba?" He asked.
"Yes." Said the candy corn. Carnauba was the father figure in October's family. "It's almost Halloween. And you have to look your best at tonight's ball." October looked himself over again and huffed.
"Okay. But I'm not dancing."
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An hour later people had gathered outside a large mansion. Group by group was being announced and allowed in. December was jumping in an attempt to see how close to the door they were. She looked up to her fathers and asked sweetly, "How much longer til I get to dance?"
October stood with his arms crossed. He couldn't wait to get in, get through the night, and go home. He looked around and sighed. Looking to his father and siblings he asked glumly, "When can we go home?"
Suddenly October was knocked over by a girl in a white dress. December quickly found her footing as October rose back to his feet. "What's the big idea..." October stopped yelling and looked at the girl.
"I'm sorry." December looked like she knew she was in trouble.
"No." October said quickly, "It's alright. See? I'm fine?" He turned in a circle that made his cape flow a bit. December smiled and spun in a circle while she giggled. When she stopped their eyes met and she smiled. October blushed.
"October!" Carnauba called. October quickly snapped out of it as he joined his family and they were allowed in.

Inside October sat quietly with a bowl of candies in his lap. He watched as the adults mingled and the children danced and played to the music. This year the Saint Patrick's Day Clan was holding the Holiday ball. The clan was made up of Leprechauns and their adopted son March. They were also a music group and were singing for the rest of the guests.
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October had met March before and they became fast friends. The thing that connected the two was the fact that they were the tallest of their families.
"May i have a piece?" December was standing next to October and indicating the candies. She reached for one but October quickly jerked the bowl away.
"You don't want these." He said quickly.
"Yes I do!" December said as she began to pout. "I'm hungry!" October quickly took a chocolate bar out of his pocket and handed it to her. She took it happily and smacked her lips as the chocolate melted in her mouth. "Thank you. But why couldn't I have one of those?" She indicated the bowl in his hands.
"Because they'll rot your teeth." October replied.
"Isn't that what candy is supposed to do?"
"Yeah... but this candy does it in seconds."
"Well that's a mean trick." December said. "Why would you do that to people?" Suddenly March took the mic and began to sing a slow song about his home by the sea.


December smiled, took October's hand and dragged him to the dance floor. She forced his hands into the proper positions and began to dance with him. "My name's December." She smiled.
October moved his feet nervously. he had never danced before. He blushed as he stammered, "I... I'm October." December didn't break eye contact with him the entire dance. As soon as it was over October released December and as he felt the blood rise to his face he said, "It's hot in here."
"Oh!" December took his hand and led him outside to a garden. "I saw this as I came in. Isn't it pretty?" She looked over the garden.
October watched and whispered, "Yeah, pretty." As December looked at October the two of them jumped when they heard something shake in the bushes behind them. They looked to see two red eyes peering from a bush as low growl rumbled the earth beneath them.
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Like a blur in the darkness a beast came out and slashed at December. As quick as he could October pushed her out of the way and was caught in the beasts grip. It pulled him back to the bushes. December screamed as she heard October grunt and the sound of the beasts roar. Finally she heard a whimper and October fell out of the bushes.
"October you're hurt!" December cried as she ran to his side.
"Oh..." October looked at his now shirtless body. He was bleeding. "It's just a bite. I'll be fine."
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When they went back inside everyone was informed of the attack. The parents were so worried that they all took their children home for the night.
October tossed and turned in his bed. He growled in the darkness and began to sweat hard. He woke violently and walked to the bathroom. As he washed his face he looked in the mirror and froze. His wounds were gone and something was different.
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The next morning December woke up to the doorbell ringing nonstop. She rolled out of bed and screamed, "I'm coming! hold your horses!" When she reached the door she opened it quickly and yelled, "STOP RINGING THE DOOR-" No one was there, "-bell?"
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April stuck her head out from around the corner. April was one of the children of Easter. A group of kids who, although weren't related, were in charge of that holiday. These were March, April, and May. April was a prankster. She loved to play tricks on people. December put up with her because it was in her nature to be kind to everyone.
"Hey April." December said as she welcomed her friend inside. "What are you doing here so early?"
"I figured you needed some cheering up after last night." April said as she walked in the house and looked around. The two of them went back to December's room. As April sat on December's bed she asked, "What exactly did happen last night?"
"I don't know." December began to pick out her clothes for the day. "I was just in the garden with October and,"
"Stop." April had a huge grin. "You were alone with October?"
"Yeah," December replied, "Why? Do you know him?"
"I know of him." April seemed very excited. "He's the heir to Halloween! He's worse than I am when it comes to tricking people! What was he like?"
"Well..." December thought about the prior evening. "He was very quiet, and kind, and mysterious, and handsome, and very, very brave. He saved me from that monster." Her voice grew soft and she smiled as she remembered their dance."
"Is he available?" April asked, her smile growing by the second.
"What do you mean?" December asked cautiously.
"Does he have a girlfriend?" The two girls looked at each other. After a moment of silence April's question was answered with a pillow to the face. The two girls laughed. "Hey!" April pulled a bunch of candies out of her pocket. "Was he the one you danced with last night?"
"Yeah..." December looked at April cautiously.
"Did he have a bowl of candies?"
"Well..." April looked at the sweet in her hand. "While you distracted him I snagged a few pieces."
"April, NO!" But Decembers warning was too late. April had already put the candy in her mouth and was smiling victoriously.
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She stuck out her tongue as she ate more.
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She ate more and suddenly her smile faded.
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She wiped her mouth and said, "I don't feel so good."
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Her teeth suddenly fell out and April began to cry.
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"April we have to get you to the hospital!" December screamed, "DADDY!!!!" Ebenezer and Nick came running in. They looked at the scene and without hesitation each man swooped up a child and whisked them to the hospital.
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December sat in the waiting room as Nick talked to the doctor and Ebenezer contacted Aprils parents. Her pet ice bear Napora clung to her leg nervously. A familiar voice coming from down the hall made Decembers heart jump. She looked around and saw October, his father, and a doctor having a conversation.
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"Everything seems to be normal." The doctor said. "It's strange though. I heard you got beat up pretty bad last night. It's a miracle you healed so quickly."
October smirked. "I guess I'm just lucky or something." He rubbed his eyebrows uncomfortably. "But what about this?"
"Well." The doctor began, "There comes a time in every young mans life when he starts feeling strange things. His voice gets deeper, he starts thinking about girls more and he gets hair in funny places."
"I'm not old enough for that doc." October said as he looked over his shoulder a tad embarrassed. He looked down the hall and saw December. With a smile he asked, "Can I go?"
"Go on." Carnauba said. "I have a few question for the doctor."
October walked quickly down the hall and slowed as he approached December. "Hey." He said coolly as if he had just noticed her.
"Hey." she replied with a smile. "Are you okay? Did you spend the night here?"
"No." October replied taking a seat next to her. "I went home. When I woke up, all my cuts were gone. What are you doing here? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine." She said nervously, "I'm here because my friend April decided to eat some candy she stole from you."
October smirked and looked down. His smile changed to a look of curiosity as he watched a small bear sniff his shoe. "Well hello." He said observing the cautious creature. "What are you?"
"Napora!" December said with a laugh as she swooped him up. The bear made a chortling noise as if it was giggling. December ran her fingers over it's belly and it pawed her hand playfully. "He's an ice bear. My dads got him for me on my first birthday."
October was taken aback, "Dads?" He repeated, "Are they?"
"Brothers." December said quickly. "They're brothers."
"Oh." October was suddenly embarrassed again. "I only have one dad and three brothers."
"You have brothers?" December asked, "Where are they?" October pointed to a statue in the middle of the waiting room. Three candy corn creatures were in close proximity.
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"The one that's passed out is Goe, that chipper one is Zolo, and the one that thinks he can fly is Dolce." October told her.
"They're adorable!" December squealed.
"They're embarrassing." October argued.
"Do you think he'll be ready in time?" October heard his his father's voice. He looked down the hall to see his father still far down with the doctor and Labtech.
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"It's still early." The Labtech said. "We'll have the blood analysis in a few days." October thought he was hearing things. They were to far away for him to hear them so clearly. He blinked and what he saw made him jump.
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"October?" December saw October jump. He began to rub his eyes. When they both looked down the hall everything appeared normal.
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December looked back to October. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," October couldn't hear the voices anymore. "Just seeing things I guess." December looked worried. Then she smiled and covered her mouth to fight back a giggle. October looked over his shoulder and followed her example as April came out of the office.
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"On't schay a wor." She huffed through her new braces.
"Boys!" Carnauba called from the exit. "Time to go!" October's brother bolted for the door.
As October stood up he turned to December and said, "So... Because of the accident last night my family is throwing a Halloween party tonight. It's a costume party, and my band is playing and I was wondering if you'd,"
"I'd love to go." She stood up, kissed his cheek and left with April and her fathers.
October stood still. Totally in shock due to the events that just occurred. "I'll see you tonight." He whispered to himself.

The day passed and the party had begun. December rang the doorbell and the door opened. She walked in and saw Goe sitting by the door in a mummy suit.
"Parties in the back." He said lazily.
"Thank you Goe." December curtsied and walked to the back.
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When she stepped through the back door she saw tons of other guests in costumes. From aliens to monsters and Movie stars to politics, the costumes were amazing. December truly felt the Halloween spirit. She looked around but couldn't find October in the crowd. The sound of a speaker turning on turned her gaze to the stage. Standing next to some young men October talked with them as he held his keytar.
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December looked at them all. Although they were all in costumes December couldn't shake the feeling she somehow knew all of them. The one by the mic was dressed as a super hero named, Hidden Ace. He approached tapped the microphone and began to speak clearly into it. "Sup everybody?" He said and laughed. "We're the N-emies! That's Nightmare Neil on the drums." The drummer bashed out a few notes in his insane costume. "Rico on bass." The bassist plucked a few strings and took a drag off a hand rolled cigarette. "Fidget on electric." The electric guitarist had combined the costumes of a dog and a noble man. He ripped on the guitar like a hyperactive child. "Little October on his keytar." October howled as he played numerous notes and sounds on his electric keytar. "I'm Hidden Ace, I'll be your lead guitarist and vocals. And this goes out to all those Gleeks out there!" They played.


The people screamed and danced in the crowd. The music caused everyone to become full of energy. When the song ended the crowd was sweating and screaming for more.
"Okay." Hidden Ace began, "We're gonna give the mic to our little man here." He bowed to October and lowered the mic for him.
"Thanks guys." October said looking to his band. "I've been working on this for a few weeks. This is my One Man Band project." The rest of the band stepped back and relaxed. "So if I may." He caught the gaze of December and winked at her before he started to play his song. "This one is for Trixie, from Hidden Ace."


The entire song was played through his electric keytar. He had sound effects and switched musical instrument notes several times as he sang. When he was done, everyone cheered. The entire band patted him on the back and gave him a thumbs up. October smiled and waved and made his way off the stage. The rest of the band cheered and began to play without him.
"That was really good." December said over October's shoulder. October turned and smiled.
"Thanks." He said loud enough for her to hear over the screaming crowd.
"Who's Trixie?" December asked curiously.
"Hidden Ace's ex."
The two of them were quiet. They stood next to each other in silence until October asked, "You wanna go somewhere quiet?" December nodded and October took her hand and led her back into the house. As he ran through he glimpsed Goe, Zolo and Dolce talking to their father.
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He continued to lead December until they were out in the front yard. There he stopped and turned so quickly that December ran into him and their lips met. They both tore away quickly and looked around nervously and embarrassed. They met eyes and smiled. Both leaned in and each received their first real kiss that night.
Moments later the two of them sat on the lawn and looked at the stars. December put her head gently on Octobers shoulder. "Look at the moon." She whispered as the clouds in the sky made an opening for the moon beams to shine through. "Isn't it beautiful?"
"Yeah." October sighed, "It's... OW!" He jumped and covered his nose.
"Are you okay?" December asked. She looked at him cautiously.
"I'm fine." October said as he held his face. "I just... OW!" He wrenched away from December. He stood up and walked away from her, holding his face in pain. "OW! OW! OW!" December ran to his side and began to take off the parts of October's costume that covered his face. "OW-OW-OWOOOOOO!!!" He howled and December jumped back in fear at what she say.
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October turned to December with confused terror in his eyes. "What's happening to me?"
"It's beginning!" Carnauba proclaimed. October and December looked to the front door.
"Dad?" October hesitated. What he saw couldn't have been his father. The shape was dark and decayed. His brothers came out and they too looked as if they were rotting away.
"You are transforming son." The dark Carnauba continued. "But it is far too soon. You are not yet ready for what comes next. BOYS!" Suddenly October's brothers attacked.
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With a scream October threw his brothers to the ground.
"STOP IT!" December screamed.
"Stay out of this girl!" Carnauba demanded. A dark blur smacked December to the earth. In a rage October howled grabbed December and ran off into the night.
After the boys gathered themselves they looked to their father, "What now?" They asked.
"Now?" Carnauba replied. "We prepare." The boys smiled as they approached their father. One by one they dove into their father's open mouth. When Carnauba had devoured them all, a black cloud engulfed him. When the cloud faded a strange creature stood where Carnauba once did. The creature began to laugh as it disappeared into the night.
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When December woke up she saw October standing over her. "Where are we?" She asked as she sat up and looked around. The landscape was covered in candy wrappers.
"The candy graveyard." October replied. He looked around as he scratched the back of his head. "This is where Carnauba found me." As he said this the wrappers began to tremble. "Something's here." October said as he stood protectively over December. Suddenly small ghosts began to rise from the decayed candies.
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"October." The ghosts whispered, "October... October...." October looked around cautiously. December got up and grabbed October's arm.
"They know your name." She trembled.
"Yeah." October looked ready for a fight.
"October?" A small voice asked from behind them.
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The two turned quickly and came face to face with a ghost no bigger than a marshmallow. "Is it really you?" The ghost looked him up and down.
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"It is!" The ghost smiled. But soon the smile faded.
"Who are you?" October demanded.
"You silly boy." With a smile returning to the small ghosts face it came closer and kissed October on the cheek. "I'm your mother."
"My mother?" October backed away.
"His mother?" December had no clue what to make of the situation.
"You can't be my mother! Carnauba said..."
"You're father has probably said a lot of things." At this the two children were awe struck. "Allow me to explain." The small ghost began, "Years ago Carnauba was a powerful king. He was very handsome and generous back then too. So generous that he gave mountains of candy away for free on a single day of the year. Halloween. But Halloween is the day we celebrate Jack and all this candy giving was taking attention away from him. At this time I was at your father's side. We had something powerful between us. Something beautiful that nothing could break." She looked at the children before her and smiled. "One thing led to another and you were born. But as I was giving birth to you your father challenged Jack for Halloween. Enraged at this Jack turned your father into a goblin. Upon his return to find you were born, he took you from me with a wicked plan in his heart. he would raise you to be a weapon. And from what I see his plan has finally come into fruition."
"What are you talking about?" October yelled. This story was too crazy to be true. "What do you mean weapon? What's happening to me?"
"The creature that attacked you." The ghost continued. "It was a dark creature created by a combination of medicine, science and magic. It's bite has infected you. Turning you into the weapon your father needs."
"Weapon for what?"
"To overthrow Jack." The ghost replied.
"Darling!" A familiar voice said smoothly. "Why would you ruin the surprise?" they turned to see the creature Carnauba had become. The goblin Jack had turned him into. The small ghost jumped onto October in fear.
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"Dad?" October gasped.
"That's right." The goblin said jumping onto October's head and hugging the small ghost. "We're your real parents. One big happy family."
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"Get off!" October grabbed the goblin and threw him to the ground. "You lied to me my whole life! And you did this to me!" He growled and howled and pinned his father. "WHY?"
"As your mother said." The goblin panicked beneath him. "I need you." October growled and raised his fist.
"October!" His mother called. October growled and sighed. He released his father.
"Get out of here." He whispered.
As the goblin got up and ran off he called back, "You know where to find me! you won't be able to control the beast on your own." October knelt to the ground and began to cry. He had been overwhelmed by all this information.
December ran to his side and held his hand. "You're not alone." She whispered.
"She's right." His mother floated in front of them. "We're here." She closed her eyes and sang an eerie note.
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A flash of light engulfed the small ghost. When it faded October gazed upon the true form of his mother, the Marshmallow Mistress.
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"And it may be late," She whistled and a cold chill shot down the spines of October and December. "Here's a gift for all those birthdays I missed." A spirit whipped playfully toward them until it stopped and nuzzled October's leg.
October smiled and patted the wisp's head. "I'll call him Zero." He laughed and the wisp danced merrily between him and December.
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