Recently I have gotten alot of girls sending me pictures such as this:

and let us not forget this:

This brings up the question of Yaoi and all of you messed up fangirls for that matter! In fact Mello and myself did grow up in the Wammy house together, we were both orphanes and I did better than him in pretty much everything. But now all that I see are fanfics about us being rouge lovers and a couple. How did you get that idea? I was only twelve when he Wammy's after L died because he refused to work with me, because he hated me!
Not to mention that almost every fangirl imagines the very possible (and most likely true) relationship going on between him and Matt? And lets not forget when he almost shot me...
Then there are the fangirls that wrote about Light Yagami, aka Kira, and myself. I do not even want to know how that idea got in their minds. The only time that I really saw Light was when he tried to kill me by writing my name in the death note! (the idot should have practiced writing in blood) and that was when he was killed and after Matsuda shot him!