Hi, I'm going to wright a sequal to the love hina anime. It won't have any pictures and it WILL NOT have additional characters. If you have a good idea for an episode (Each episode will be like a short story some will be in parts) just let me know. Just comment or pm me if you think it should be a surprise. If you want to you could make a script (do not include stuff from the manga only the anime or episodes I put in my journal. The only rules are simple. 1.No cussing(s**t is the only exception but only on very, very rare occasions. 2.Have fun but don't go overboard. Punching for a resone, sword fights(and setas head bleeding) are OK but having everyone die isn't. NOTE:Not all ideas will be excepted and some will be saved for a rainy day(later day). Sorry if I bored you now back to analyzing the love hina series. I"m basing this off the anime series becase I don't own the manga (but I want to). Everyone at the hinata apartments has or had a problem that made them go there. Naru's parents got divorced and remarried so she doesn't fell welcome at home (these are the original resones why they MOVED there not why they are staying there currently) now she stays there just to be closer to Tokyo U. Motoko moved there because she thinks than males will get in the way of her training(shes probable believes that a little to much all tho its semi true) and if she goes home she has to inherit the diffinity school of swordsmanship witch she is sure she is not ready for. Mitsune/Kitsune has an unknown past but she probably stays there because she is always drinking and well getting drunk. Kaolla(Su) ran away from her home country and ended up living at the hinata apartments. If she returns to her home country(this may have changed its kind of wishiwashy) she will be forced to marry. Mutsume lives there because she lives in Okinawa but she is trying to get into Tokyo U and the hinata apartments are closer. Sara lives there sometimes because some of setas archeological digs are to dangerous for her(in setas view). Keintaro is there so he has a place to live and he is the apartment manager. Last but not least(seriously not least)my favorite Shonobu. Shonobu was really shy and she thought she was worthless and couldn't do anything wright she was failing school and her parents were divorcing. Only because of keintaro's empathy a serese of complex things did Shonobu end up in the hinata apartments. I'm sorry I'll finish this one tonight I'm to tired this morning. If I'm tired I can't spell at all and Im not a good speller to begin with.