I so need to get a life.
My last entry was probably the most randomness one I have ever done in my life. (Including my paper diaries under lock and key). I find these internet journals better than the locked ones, I am forever losing the keys to them, and then I can't get back into my diary. Speaking of keys, I lost my locker ones today, but some nice person found them and handed them into the office (Yayz). Exams in two days (Well, if you count the hour before I go to sleep a day) and I have studied nothing, zilch, zip, nada. Except I have done the sheets the teachers handed out. On top of my 'studying' I have to learn my lines for the end of year play, it's in two weeks, only half of the script is written and we haven't started on costumes, props and the sets. Oh. Boy. Looks like my teacher is also a procrastinator. Wondering what that word means? When I first saw it, I thought it was something gross, like ejaculation (No I am not telling you what that means if you don't know, look it up) so I looked it up (Procrastination, not ejaculation) and it means someone who leaves things 'till the last minute.
Okay, off the random teaching you meanings topic. Ollie is getting better at fetching (because now he brings the toys back to you) and tomorrow is his first day of Puppy class. I've taught him myself to sit, stay and to fetch which is pretty good as we have only had him for two, maybe three, weeks. Anyway, I talked too much, so I'm getting off. Bye.
xXMidnight SeductionXx Community Member |