So Here's entry number 1:
I was walking through Saffron City and a man came to me and offered me a drink saying, "Delicious drinks from the Sinnoh region! Direct import, no taxes!" It was awfully cheap for a Import drink, so I bought it and stowed it away! Its a funky smokey grey color, but the bottles pretty (with a star and swirly stuff and such)! I'll drink it sometime when I feel fancy!
Otherwise I have 'caught' several pokémon today! Some were rare...but not many! I even caught one from a off-the-clock cop! It was awesome! I'm immortal!
There's a meeting in a few days. Not really looking forward to it...but you never know...there may be a promotion! We'll just have to wait and see!

(Check back frequently to keep up with me/Team Rocket!)