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View User's Journal

These are some stories I have been working on...if anyone wants to read them ^^ I would be glad to keep going with them ^^ please comment!!!
Untouchable Love (NOT FINISHED)

It was a normal Sunday morning and Kasie was sitting on the couch bored beyond belief. She didn't have any friends to do anything with because she had just moved. Her dad was in the military and he wasn't someone she liked to talk to, and her mom wasn't the best either, always yelling for the stupidest things. She hated her mom...she was her step-mom, of all people, and she fit the criteria of wicked. Not a day of peace went past when she was around to screw something up of be in a pissy mood for no apparent reason. She hated even being around her for a few short minutes. On a better note, she would start her new school tomorrow and get out of the hell hole she called her house. The only bad thing that came with school was homework and that her parents were nagging her about making friends and actually doing things instead of staying inside and blah blah blah! She hated the lecture, so she went to her room and turned her music up to where she couldn't hear them anymore. That's the only way she could tone them out and get away from the stresses of life.
After dinner that night, she felt so warn down from moving in that she went up to her room, put the music to a smooth level and drifted to sleep quickly. She had woke up to a strange light shinning in her eyes. She peered at the clock, it was 2 in the morning. She wiped her eyes then looked over where the light was, but it was gone. When she finally got back to sleep, she didn't think of what it was, but to tell you the truth, that light was going to change her life forever.
In the mooring she woke up and remembered the light that had woken her up. She went over to find a hazy purple stone. She picked it up, slipped it in her book bag and got ready for school. When she got down stairs, she had to run out the door, she had to be at school early to get her uniforms, and she was about to be late for school in general. When she arrived at the gates, and noticed a lot of the kids were very different from her. The whole place had a wired atmosphere to it and no one was like her at all. She walk quietly through the crowed and found herself being stared at and mocked for what he had been wearing and how her hair was done. It seemed like middle school.
After making it to the office and finally fixing herself up a bit she went to her first class. She was so confused, they thought totally different things than what they did at her old school. She was way behind them, maybe it was because they went to school for longer hours. They also went to school everyday but Sunday and hardly had time off. Kasie caught the eye of a really cute boy and he approached her.
"Hey, your new right?"
he smiled and held out his hand,
"The name's Davis."
She wasn't able to speak she was so scarred, he finally put his hand down and broke the silence.
"Do you want to be lab partners?"
She just looked at him,
she said in a daze. She wasn't sure what to say then, so she just sat there looking at him until he smiled at her and sat down.
"So, I didn't catch your name."
"Oh, how stupid of me not to tell you."
"What, how is that stupid?"
he looked at her with his smile still perfect and wider as if her were ready to laugh.
"Um, well, when you are introduced to someone you'd normally tell them your name."
They started to laugh a bit.
"So, your name is...?"
"Ooh, mmm..my name's Kasie,"
She said with a slight smile, feel rather stupid.
He smiled back, he was her first friend at North High.
The teacher tapped his ruler on the board,
"Do you have your lab partners?"
he looked around the class and everyone had found someone like it or not.
"Good, say hello to your neighbor for the rest of the year, now, take out your pencils and let us begin by taking a few notes."
When Kasie reached into her book bag to grab a pencil, she grabbed out the stone that she had placed in there this morning. Davis looked at her and then saw a bit of deep purple in her hand, his face lit up a bit.
"Where did you get this?"
She looked at him as he took it to examine it,
"I found it in my room this morning when I woke up,"
she explained to him how it had appeared and that she thought it was a dream,
"What of it?"
"Davis, ummm..." The teacher turned from the board.
"Kasie sir,"
"Yes, I was getting to you, anyway, can you be anymore distracting?"
the teacher turned around and went back to the problem on the bored.
He leaned over once more,
"If you meet me by the school library, we can discuss this over some ice cream or something."
"Ok, now where is this?"
"It's around the entrance of the school."
he gave it back to her,
"here, let me see your schedule"
She got it out and he explained to her where she should go and such, they had a good amount of classes together. He stopped when he got to the part that said choir,
"You sing?"
she smiled and blushed a bit.
"What part do you sing?"
"Soprano one,"
she answered with some pride.
"You should sing for me sometime,"
he handed her schedule back.
"Why not?"
she shrugged her shoulders and put it back into her book bag,
"But only if you can get out of study hall."
"What you didn't take me seriously, did you?"
He laughed,
"I'll see you there."
The bell rang and he helped her to her class. when it came for her to be in choir, she had to audition and there in the back row Davis sat. When she started to sing the director smiled widely and looked at her with delight. When she had finished everyone applauded.
"Your incredible,"
he went up to her,
"What was that song called?"
"My Immortal, it's like a Romeo and Juliet thing, but it's more like Juliet to her Romeo, ya know?"
he only smiled,
"What ever it is, you were awesome."


After school, Kasie met Davis and they headed into the library where there were a few other people, they were 3 boys and a girl. They all just looked at her with weird looks.
"Who's your friend Davis?" the girl came up to him and gave him a peck on the cheek.
Davis blushed a bit then answered, “This is..."
"Kasie," she went in front of Davis and held out her hand, “My name's Kasey."
"Right, Kasie," he whispered.
The girl just stood there and looked at her hand, “My names Riu,"she got close to Kasie's ear and whispered, "Davis is mine, if you can't tell."
Kasie put her hand down as Riu dragged Davis to the back of the library and started yelling.
Kasie looked down to the ground as a boy held out his hand to her, “Sorry about her, don't let her get to you, the name's Julian."
Kasie smiled, “It’s nice to meet you Julian."
The other two boys came up to her and introduced themselves as Troy and Dominic."
When Davis came back with Riu everyone finally got together to go get some ice cream.
When they sat down Davis turned to her,” Kasie, will you take out your stone?"
"What, oh yeah," she reached into her bag and pulled out the hazy purple stone, “Here it is."
Riu looked at her, “This can't be true, she can't be the key!"
Julian looked at her with a crude look then turned to Kasie, “May I see this?"
Kasie nodded her head and handed it to him. He pulled out a baby blue one that was on his necklace.
"Yep, it's the real thing alright."
Troy looked at it, “Looks like we've finally found the key to the other world."
Dominic smiled, “We can finally go home."
"Here, you must keep this safe no matter what. “Julian said as Dominic handed her jewel back to her."
Davis smiled then whispered in her ear, “I knew you were the key, you were too lovely not to be."
Kasie smiled and then turned her attention back to the stone, “What does it do?"
"We'll need more time to explain, just keep it safe till tomorrow ok?” Davis said smiling.
"Oh shoot, what time is it?"
"4:20, Why?"
"O goddess, I told my mom I'd be home in ten min."
"Here," Davis said getting up and taking her hand, “I’ll take you home on my moped."
"Oh thanks so much," she jumped on behind him as Riu was throwing a fit, “Your a life saver!" she kissed him on the cheek.
Davis smiled at her and then started to go with Riu screaming behind them. They had to go through loads of traffic and they even cut through the park to save some time. When they reached her house she ran up and reached for the door handle.
'Hey. Kasie, were meeting at Julian’s house," Kasie went back down to where he was at the bottom of her driveway. He took a piece of paper from his pocket, “here’s his address, were meeting at 9. There will be a cab waiting for you."
Thanks Davis," she smiled and ran up to the door.
Her mom opened the door as Kasie reached for the door handle once again.
"Where have you been?"
Kasie smiled, “Uh..."
Davis drove away and her mom had a face full of furry. Her mom didn't say anything until her dad came home.
"How could you ride on an unsafe contraption by yourself with a boy?"
Kasie just sat there and looked at them.
Her mom just left the room.
"How could you be so irresponsible?"
"Me? irresponsible?" she took a deep breath, “You told me to make friends, I make friends, then you yell at me for actually hanging out with my friends?” Kasie stood up a went to her room.
"Go to your room!"
Kasie opened her door and yelled, “I am in my room!"
She knew that she would hear about this again tomorrow because they were off school. When it came to dinner time, she took her food up to her room and when she was finished brought it back down so she didn't have to listen to them. She turned on her music, it was the only thing that could make her feel better at a time like this. She took out her stone and studied it carefully trying to find out how it worked. She still wasn't completely sure of what it was still, but they said that they would tell her tomorrow. She went through her dresser to find some string, she saw how the other's had theirs as a necklace and she thought that it would be smart to do it too, she was prone to losing things. When she was finished, she put it on and found it turned into a great chocker. She giggled to herself and then crawled into bed.
The next morning, Kasie got ready to go to Julian's house. She wasn't sure what to wear, so she just picked out some thing that she would normally wear. She too out a black tank top and slipped it on then put the old uniform skirt she had from when she was in Florida, it was black and red plaid. She put on some fish net hose then put some of her gothic Lolita heals on. She finished it off with some crazy earrings she had from hot topic and then flipped her hair out gently still showing innocence. As she want out the door she grabbed her jacket that had zippers on the sleeves. The car was waiting and she got in.
When she reached his house, Julian opened the door. He just stared at her for a few min. then let her in. When she walked in, all the guys looked at her with weird expressions. Davis dropped his jaw slightly.
"What?" Kasie smiled, “Why are you starring at me?"
Julian looked at her with a daze,' You look awesome..."
Kasie smiled at him and then Davis went over to he, "Ready to go to Ashlandle?"
Kasie gave him a strange look. Julian led everyone upstairs.
"Alright Kasie," Julian grabbed her hand, “open the gate."
Kasie thought this whole thing was crazy, “Is this some kind of joke?"
Julian looked at her a closed his eyes.
A weird word implanted itself in her mind, “Xolehia"
This great light consumed them all and a strong wind went through the room. Kasie closed her eyes wish it would go away. When she opened them she found her self falling.


Kasie screamed as she was falling toward the ground at an enormous velocity, “Someone help me!" she lifted up her hand waiting and praying for someone to grab it. She shut her eyes...was this the end of her....???
"Why do you look so funny?" Kasie opened her eyes to find Julian, he smiled, “Are you okay, you look stunned...?"
Kasie smacked him, “You incredible a**!" she hugged him, "You saved my life!"
She looked at his incredible white wings that were emerge form his back. she grabbed one of the feathers.
Julian set her down on the ground and rubbed his cheek, but smiled. She was very special to him...
(OOO YEAH! *smiles* So pretty!)
Davis came running out if the forest that was ahead of them, "Kasie!" he grabbed her to check to see if she was ok, then embraced her in a hug, “I’m glad your ok, I can't believe I wasn't..."
"Davis, it's ok, Julian was here to save me," Kasie smiled back a Julian, “Thank you"
Davis looked at Julian with a jealous look then back down at Kasie, “Well at least your ok..."
Davis put his arms around her again and led her to the forest where everyone was. Riu gave her normal smug look as Kasie went passed. Kasie only smiled at her just to piss her off even more. Julian followed them a little ways behind.
(What a love triangle!)
Kasie looked then at Julian because Riu grabbed him away from her, “What just happen? “she said wondering what this new scenery that was now around her.
"We're in the realm of Ashlandle," Julian smiled at her and closed his eyes as his wings returned into his body.
"We're finally home!" Troy grabbed a flower and put it in Kasie's hair. It was a red rose with no thorns. Kasie smiled and blush slightly. Dominic joined then but he was always quiet. Hardly ever said a word unless he had something to say.
Kasie smiled and looked over to find a little white fluffy thing, "What's that?" Kasie jumped back and grabbed a hold of Dominic's arm as he just kind of gave her an uncomfortable look.
Riu came back and smiled, “Oh my goddess! I haven't seen you in a long time..." she picked it up and kissed it's head, it was some kind of a rabbit but it was very small, “My snowy..."
Kasie gave her a weird look as she started to talk to it. Dominic only looked at her. "Can you let go of me....?" he had almost no expression when she looked up to him letting go.
"Sorry," she gave a quick smile and put her hands behind her taking a few steps back. She wasn't sure what to do, this whole thing was already too freaky to be real, yet she was there...
Kasie saw a small spark as she turned around. She walked away from everyone else and came towards. As she got closer she felt a burning sensation under her very skin. She came upon it to find it was some kind of locket. She picked it up and noticed the engravings on it, they were a unique design with almost no pattern to it. It had a gleaming emerald stone in the very center.
"Hey Kasie," Davis waved and smiled, "we're going to the castle now, come on!"
Kasie put it in her jean pocket without thinking and rejoined the group once again. Kasie smiled as she came upon where they were, “We get to go to the castle!?!"
Julian smiled, “Yes, you finally get to see your home..." his eyes were kind and very loving towards her. There was also a fire that was there that she loved to see.
They started to walk toward the castle that was in the distance of their vision. Kasie got excited as they got closer and closer. Riu went a bit farther with her little fluff ball behind her and started to boss people around as usual. Davis smiled at her and then looked her straight in her face, "Last time I checked I was the leader..."
Troy laughed at her as she turned away from him sort of annoyed. Troy just looked back at Kasie and shrugged his shoulders. Kasie smiled at him and brushed her hair from her face touching the rose he had given her.
Julian grabbed her arm and smiled leading her back to the group because they were very far behind. Dominic was even faster than them.
"Come on Kasie," Julian smiled, “We’re way behind..."
(How cute is this...I feel so adorable!)
Kasie ran after them grabbing Julian's hand so that they could all be together. They caught up in a matter of minutes. The ground started to crack underneath them as they reached them. Kasie looked down, but said nothing because she didn't wish to sound like a wimp. Kasie then felt the ground to be uneasy and then she fell through, "Not again..." she grabbed the edge of the newly formed cliff. Her grip wasn't very good so her hands slipped and she started to fall fast. Dominic (of all people) jumped after her and immediately caught her bridal style. He pushed off on the wall of the cliff and landed safely with her still unharmed in his arms. Kasie grabbed him hugging him and then kissed him softly on his cheek, "thank you so much..." she hugged him again after he put her down but he didn't hug her too much back. In fact, he only stood there shyly, “You saved my life!"
Dominic only looked at her when she released him, “It is my job to protect you, your the princess..." He was still emotionless with his expression.
Kasie only looked at him as Julian pushed him aside, “Don’t pay attention to him, he's crazy..."
Davis went up to her pushing Julian, “Yep, he's a little weird..."
Dominic stood up, “Why did you push me!?!"
Davis looked at him, “Because I can..." He pushed him again and they got into an argument.
Dominic only stood up and brushed himself off carefully. Dominic turned around and touched his cheek where her lips were and blushed slightly. Kasie looked over to him and smiled noticing what he was doing...
Troy grabbed her hand and took he away from the arguing pair. (Julian and Davis)
"Here, now your not in the middle of all the confusion," he smiled.
Kasie smiled at him, “Thanks," she pushed her hair behind her ear and noticed the flower was gone," I lost your flower..."
Troy smiled and flipped his hand as another rose appeared, he smiled and put it in her hair where the other one was, “There’s no problem..." his smile was boyish and cute.
Kasie smiled at him then tripped falling on top of him, “Sorry, I'm rather uncoordinated..."
Troy just sat there and looked into her eyes. Julian and Davis stopped fighting and Dominic snapped back into reality all of them looking at them...Riu was still pouting about Davis.
"Are you okay?" Kasie's smile turned into a bit of worry...
"Y..yeah," he said shyly blushing a bit.
They blush at each other's actions. Finally everyone started to settle down and Julian was the first to go over as everyone followed.
Davis tread over, “What happen?"
Kasie and Troy just looked at each other and didn't speak a word, only smiled at each other.
"What are you doing to the girl?" Riu said in a stare at Troy then shifted her attention to Kasie.
Kasie quickly stood up and brushed herself off then held out her hand for Troy to help him up.
"This problem has gotten worse," Dominic touched the ground," this is no normal quake"
Julian shock his head in agreement following some of the lines into the forest to the right. Kasie just stood there wondering what was happening and how she was ever going to be able to help if they didn't tell her anything. She sighed and then found an unusual string. Kasie followed it to find a weird building. It was black and steel all the way around with no doors or windows. She ran her fingers down the side of it then around wondering what it was. Steam emerged from no where and a dark figure came from the smoke. Kasie went around to the other side for the figure hadn’t seen her yet. She peeked around the corner to find a boy that was older than she was, but not by too much. She wasn't sure what to do...

Kasie looked at him with a paradox look. His hair was kind of long and looked as if it were dyed black and not the natural color. Don't get her wrong, it fit him very nicely and she enjoyed looking at him. She wished and wanted to get a closer look but found it to be too dangerous to come out from the side of the wall in fear of her safety, so she stayed where she was behind the slick, grey building. She touched the smooth surface of the dreary building and looked at her reflection in the smooth side. She smiled to herself. ‘Wow more great looking guys, what's next?’ Well, hopefully he was as good looking as the rest of them...*smiles*
While she was day dreaming in her fantasy land she noticed something crawling up her leg. She brushed at it before looking down to find a huge spider (you know the fugly ones that are really gross looking and not the cute little ones) and let out a tiny squeak as she brushed it off freaking out a little as she did so, “Ewww" she said in a hushed whisper trying not to scream. She watched it scamper back into the wooded area around her and sighed with relief.

Kasie shivered at how big the spider was and wondered how she never felt it. She closed her eyes and then remembered the boy on the other side of the wall, so she looked around the corner to find the guy slightly turned around looking in the direction where she was trying to hide in silence. She looked through the hair that was in her face and caught a glimpse of his violet eyes. They look most enchanting and he had mesmerized her with this simple glance he had given in her direction. He believed him so astonishing she blushed at the sight of him! She had a slight crooked smile as she looked at him from afar. (doesn’t she have enough guys around her…?) Then taking a deep breath and closing her eyes she calmed her rapidly beating heart to where it was at a normal pace again.

She put her back against the wall putting her hand to her heart to fell the now steady beat. Could see escape into the forest and to the others...and how long would she have to wait? She tried to think of a plan but she was never good at thinking under pressure. There was no way she would be able a figure something devious. She couldn’t even lie to her parents without getting caught soon after. She too a deep breath and slowly peeked around the corner to see if he had gone away, then noticed that no one was there to be found...Where was he.
She leaned forward looking around again just in case someone was to pop up and creep her out. She wasn’t very good with surprises, and didn’t take them well. Her steps were light and unheard, when she was next to the wall, sneaking around trying not to make any noise but it wasn't working. When she finally hit the new side of the building, she was surprised she wasn‘t attacked. She was so clumsy, but she managed not to step on every stick...if one counts...

She stayed behind the building and searched around for any movement, then she decided it was safe to head back to the others. She was very timid with moving at first but she convinced her self after one more look around she would stick with the plan. She turned stepped back an few steps running into something which then gave out a small snicker from behind her...She was too scarred to look but had a sigh of relief when she saw the short blond hair of Dominic.

"Thank Goddess it's you!" she threw her arms around him and felt herself safe again. "I'm so glad that it’s you I was hoping it wasn’t him!"

Dominic tried to get her to stay quiet because she was unable to do it herself. He kept trying to speak in a quiet tone just to be interrupted. Failing miserably at his attempts, he looked at her straight in the face turning a flush color of pink and planted a kiss on her lips to hush her. His mind started racing and he smiled as he released her from the tender embrace.

Kasie looked at him and blushed horribly looking down.


Kasie looked at him with a paradox look. His hair was kind of long and looked as if it were dyed black and not the natural color. Don't get her wrong, it fit him very nicely and she enjoyed looking at him. She wished and wanted to get a closer look but found it to be too dangerous to come out from the side of the wall in fear of her safety, so she stayed where she was behind the slick, grey building. She touched the smooth surface of the dreary building and looked at her reflection in the smooth side. She smiled to herself. ‘Wow more great looking guys, what's next?’ Well, hopefully he was as good looking as the rest of them...*smiles*
While she was day dreaming in her fantasy land she noticed something crawling up her leg. She brushed at it before looking down to find a huge spider (you know the fugly ones that are really gross looking and not the cute little ones) and let out a tiny squeak as she brushed it off freaking out a little as she did so, “Ewww" she said in a hushed whisper trying not to scream. She watched it scamper back into the wooded area around her and sighed with relief.

Kasie shivered at how big the spider was and wondered how she never felt it. She closed her eyes and then remembered the boy on the other side of the wall, so she looked around the corner to find the guy slightly turned around looking in the direction where she was trying to hide in silence. She looked through the hair that was in her face and caught a glimpse of his violet eyes. They look most enchanting and he had mesmerized her with this simple glance he had given in her direction. He believed him so astonishing she blushed at the sight of him! She had a slight crooked smile as she looked at him from afar. (doesn’t she have enough guys around her…?) Then taking a deep breath and closing her eyes she calmed her rapidly beating heart to where it was at a normal pace again.

She put her back against the wall putting her hand to her heart to fell the now steady beat. Could see escape into the forest and to the others...and how long would she have to wait? She tried to think of a plan but she was never good at thinking under pressure. There was no way she would be able a figure something devious. She couldn’t even lie to her parents without getting caught soon after. She too a deep breath and slowly peeked around the corner to see if he had gone away, then noticed that no one was there to be found...Where was he.
She leaned forward looking around again just in case someone was to pop up and creep her out. She wasn’t very good with surprises, and didn’t take them well. Her steps were light and unheard, when she was next to the wall, sneaking around trying not to make any noise but it wasn't working. When she finally hit the new side of the building, she was surprised she wasn‘t attacked. She was so clumsy, but she managed not to step on every stick...if one counts...

She stayed behind the building and searched around for any movement, then she decided it was safe to head back to the others. She was very timid with moving at first but she convinced her self after one more look around she would stick with the plan. She turned stepped back an few steps running into something which then gave out a small snicker from behind her...She was too scarred to look but had a sigh of relief when she saw the short blond hair of Dominic.

"Thank Goddess it's you!" she threw her arms around him and felt herself safe again. "I'm so glad that it’s you I was hoping it wasn’t him!"

Dominic tried to get her to stay quiet because she was unable to do it herself. He kept trying to speak in a quiet tone just to be interrupted. Failing miserably at his attempts, he looked at her straight in the face turning a flush color of pink and planted a kiss on her lips to hush her. His mind started racing and he smiled as he released her from the tender embrace.

Kasie looked at him and blushed horribly looking down.


“We need to get back,” he looked down and didn’t look at her straight in the face. He grabbed her still trembling hand and led her quietly back to the commotion that was going down between Julian and Davis on who was suppose to be watching her as she was indeed gone from their sight.
She giggled at the anxious Troy that was playing in the flowers close by and tying them together, she could tell because he was fidgeting with the knots even if he knew they were tied together correctly.

“KASIE!” Troy smiled and ran over to her silencing the two dueling over who was suppose to be watching her. “I made this for you” His smile was like a innocent child and he handed it to her. “It’s a necklace of wild flowers.”

She smiled at the gift and put it over her head, “thank you” she looked up and saw Julian.

“Are you ok milady?” He grabbed her hand and smiled his angelic aura showing his wings to her. He really was enchanting. “I would hope so since you were not in my site princess.”

“Ye…Yes I am” She smiled back entranced in his yellow eyes.

“Kasie, are you sure your ok?” Davis looked at her hoping she wouldn’t lie to them.

“I said yes…” she giggled. She wasn’t used to all the attention that was being put on her. It was odd yet some what refreshing when it came to this and how different it was being around them.

Julian looked to the forest where her and Dominic came from. It was odd seeing him there for no one saw them emerge from the site. He glared before closing his eyes. He sensed something wasn’t really correct.

Kasie looked in Dominic’s direction only to be washed over with the feeling of his lips on hers again. He was truly the most enchanting of them all. If you really looked past his shy and isolated shell, he was a breath taking view. He was such a mystery to her, yet she wish she could have the courage to grab his hand again, maybe even brush her lips close to his. She blushed horribly then turned her face away to occupy her mind with the flowers that were around her neck. They smelled heavenly.

“So where did you go?” Davis finally noticed where Kasie had been starting for the past few moments finally having her gaze escape.

Dominic only looked at him shrugging his shoulders lightly before answering, “I followed her.” He turned his gaze from Julian to Kasie.

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