Ratt Scabies - 40
general_amlex - 39
Autio Ainoa - 32
Theme: 17/20
Flow: 8/10
Appeal: 8/10
Creativity: 7/10
Comments: I like this recreation, it's nice, even if it is a bit safe. My only real problem is the lack of armor. The original looks a bit more ready for battle.
Theme: 13/20
Flow: 7/10
Appeal: 7/10
Creativity: 5/10
Comments: This entry is incredibly close to the original. I didn't limit this contest (in fact there are no rules as to what you could and couldn't change) so I could get some creativity, but this avatar is so similar, I don't really see much of anything drastically changed.
![User Image](https://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t144/general_amlex/boss.png)
Theme: 15/20
Flow: 7/10
Appeal: 8/10
Creativity: 9/10
Comments: I like that you out there for a drastic change, but you're losing some of the original's character. The original was much more stoic and thoughtful while this is angry and ready to battle. Most of the items seem a bit random for me as well (the make-up, the bracelet and the loincloth).
Theme: 19/20
Flow: 8/10
Appeal: 9/10
Creativity: 9/10
Comments: I really like this take on Kirra. I think her outfit is still similar without feeling like it's the same. The eyes are nice, but I'm not sure if I like them for Kirra. Especially when the original is a bit less intense.