Gender: Female
Height: 5' 8
Hair: Black, waist length, flowy, but not wavy
Eyes: Bright green, usually friendly, welcoming, or surprised looking.
Other ref pics: Not a big fan of this one.
Usual facial expression:x
Body: Slender, but has curves (bust and behind) Has large black angel wings.
Skin: Between very fair, and medium, depending on the light.
Clothing: Very gothic, lacy, ruffley, with lots of ribbon and bows.
About: Elena is a twenty-two year old shop keeper, who made and sell clothes in her boutique. She wear s her own clothing which tends to be very gothic, lacy, and ruffley. Her father was a poor farmer, and her mother, a seamstress. For years they longed for a child and at last they had Elena. Not long after, they realized their beautiful baby had wings! Eventually word got around and the government came calling with a large amount of money to buy the child. Her poor parents were barely getting by as it was, and the baby only added to the burden. With no other option they sold their beloved child. Elena was raised in a lab as the government performed countless tests on her for years and years. Finally (very recently) she escaped from her government prison. She lives alone with her German shepherd/husky mix named Mojo. Elena is very proud. She'll bend but she'll never break. She's always looking for a new friend. She loves animals as well as children, but children always seem to be afraid of her. This brings down her self-esteem. She is a part-time super heroine, but always leaves before anyone can figure who helped them.
CrumpledQuill · Fri Dec 18, 2009 @ 12:40am · 0 Comments |