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Liver vs Wing
You receive a message sent by a lowly arrancar likely not even a fraccion. She bows and hands it to you with her head still down. It reads...

'Your mission is to go to the human world and reinforce the hollow army fighting there your target is the captain known as Flower, he heads the 11th division so be ready for a hard fight. Your promotion is only guaranteed with her head, also you are not to kill a single human in the fight be it collateral damage or otherwise to do so is to fail. Go now and accomplish your mission.

Signed Primera Espada Segador del Alma'

The fraccion waits patiently with her head down for your answer preying not to die. Kankade stared at the girl that gave him the letter, he could seat the fear in her face. "Fine. Now get out before I paint my walls with your blood!" Once the timid Arrancar left, he quickly got up and grabbed his blade. As annoyed as he acted, deep inside he was ecstatic to be able to fight a Captain. When his blade was tied down to his side, Kankade moved fast through the Garganta being released out in New York City. "Where could that Captain be?" He looked around the city, "Well let's see if I can get him to come to me." Kankade began to increase his Spiritual Pressure. "Flower!"

Had Flower been a dog or some sort of animal, his ears would have pricked at the sound of his name. "Eh?" he said simply and looked around. Then, as if answering his question, a sudden spiritual pressure hit his senses. Smiling like a mad man, the blond flash stepped a few yards away from the arrancar. "You rang?" he questioned and rested his blade on his shoulder lightly. From the looks of the man, Flower knew he was in for a good fight, although whether it would be death, he didnt know. Or care. He kept his s**t eating grin on his face as he watched the man for any sudden movements.

Kankade looked at the Captain, he looked as if he was 18 year old collage student. But being a Captain he knew not to underestimate this person. "Hm, I've been ordered by my ups to bring your head to them." He said in a strong voice with a killer's glare. One hand gently setting on the hilt of his blade, the other grasping the small piece of paper with his orders on it in the other hand. "You read it yourself." Kankade threw the paper lightly in the air, hoping that would keep the man's attention as he drew his blade out slowly. "Be prepared, Shinigami!" Kankade's blood began to boil, his urge to kill the man grew more and more as the seconds went by. As much of a rash person as Kankade was, he was fair with his fights plust he wasn't sure of the power his opponent had.

"Is that so?" Flower questioned as he watched the paper flutter towards him. In the corner of his eye, the blond watched as his new opponent drew his blade. "Wont you introduce yourself kind sir?" he questioned and moved from foot to foot. He took the time they were just standing there to regain his breath, and make sure he wasnt going to pull anything. Wouldnt that be embarrassing, to pull a muscle and be beheaded by a massive giant? Laughing aloud, Flower continued to watch his opponent. The man was huge to say the least. It wouldnt be hard to track his movements. Or at least, that's what Flower thought to himself.

"I guess you are right." Kankade said, taking his shirt off revealing his muscular body along with the 5 on his stomach. He felt wearing no shirt was something of a good luck charm going into his fights. "I am Quinto Espada, Kankade Dragus! And I'm here to kill you Captain of the 11th Squad!" He shouted out loud with a large psycho's grin on his face, holding his blade in his left hand out to the side. "Let's go!" Kankade charged Flower, because of his size his speed lacked a bit, but what he lacked in speed he surly made up in overwhelming strength. Once Kankade was close enough, he swung his blade with incredible force from the extended reach in at the enemies side, attempting to cleave his head right off.

Giving Kankade the same psycho's smile, Flower laughed harder. "Ya know that has a ring to it!" he yelled and held his blade in his right hand, blocking the blade and pushing against it with his own force. It was no easy task, but the man wasnt going to show that. Puckering his lips childishly, he tried not to laugh. "Trying to give me a smooch already big boy?" he questioned and burst into a fit of laughter. With a burst of reiatsu that would send any lower shinigami to his knees, Flower's eyes took on a devilish look. He was going to have lots of fun with this man.

"Nah, I'll save the good stuff for later." Kankade said with the same grin on his face giving him a joking wink. The fact that this man was able to hold back Kankade's attack provided Kankade with some interest in killing the man. Before it was a mission, now it was an enjoyment. He used Flower's burst of reiatsu to fly back a little and get away from his enemy to launch another attack. When the burst was finished and went by, Kankade took another charge. This time putting some reiatsu in his attack. The same as before, he held the blade out from his left and struck inwards towards his right. "Let's have some more fun!"

Chuckling, Flower watched as Kankade charged at him again. "You're pretty alright. If we didnt have to kill each other right about now I bet you'd be my new drinking buddy!" he yelled happily and put both hands on the hilt of his zanpakutou, blocking the arrancar's attack again. Hearing his name called, Flower turned his head to the side slowly, then listened to his words. "This'll be so much fun! Show me your Resurreccion Kankade-kun!" he purred and slid back a few feet.

"Show me your Ban-Kai and I'd be happy to show you my Resurreccion." Kankade said in a forceful tone as he pressed harder against Flower's blade. The two having a stand off. "Cmon, you say the words, 'Ban-Kai' and release and I'll say what I have to say to show you my true form." Kankade's grin changed from an evil look to more of an excited look as he didn't want anything more than to see this man's Ban-Kai.

"Aww but then I'd really be forced to smoosh you! I dont wanna smoosh my new friend!" he whined suddenly and pushed back, just as hard as the bigger man. Blinking away hair that was in his eyes, he smiled wide. When he saw the sudden kido, he jumped back quickly, his eyes wide. "OI! What the hell! What gives you the right to roast my new friend?!" he yelled and glared daggers at Shin. "If this is Satoshi's doing I'm gonna kill him!" holding his zanpakutou in his right hand, Flower continued to glare at the other captain, annoyed beyond compare that his fight was interrupted.

"Seriously? Who wants to interfer in my fight!" Kankade said in a very pissed tone, walking out of the smoke. His right arm had some blood going down his arm and some smoldered flesh where the attack hit. "I didn't think the Goti had to be weaklings with sneak attacks. Bastards." Kankade had many thoughts going through his mind, he wasn't one to hold back if such an attack happened. He could release his blade and go all out on the one who blasted him but his orders were clear. His fight was to be with Flower. Then again who knew if the other man would attack again. "So, Flower. Need other people to do your fighting for you?" He said glaring at Flower.

Turning and looking at the now bloodied Kankade, he directed the death glare to the man. "I'll have you know that no one fights my battles other than ME!" he yelled angrily and gripped the hilt of his blade tighter. Looking back at Shin, he hoped he got the message to back off. He went over his options in his head slowly, counting out attacking Shin almost immediately. He'd find another way to get back at the man. Flash stepping in front of the espada, he smiled. The smile was full of malicious intent, nothing nice or teasing about it. "If you want my head you'll have to come get it big boy." he said in a dark tone. As he finished speaking, large bursts of crippling reiatsu began emanating out of his body in short bursts.

[******** it! I was going to savior this battle, but since your little friend damaged my arm!" Kankade jumped back away from Flower, he kept the same pissed look. He figured to get this over with as quick as possible, so he didn't have to deal with the other Shinigami. Kankade took his blade and stabbed it into the hole in his neck. His face changed from a pissed look of a killer not getting his way, to a pleased killer that finally got that kill. "Let's make this really fun. Soar and Burn the Skies Above, Draco!" The blade began to get engulfed in lightning. Lightning then began to spew out of Kankade's mouth, eyes, ears and every part of his body. When the lightning went away he was in his Resurrecction form. "This will only take a second now."

Flower watched as Kankade went into his Resurreccion. "Dont underestimate me Espada." Flower said in a flat tone. Growling under his breath about people not respecting him, he held his blade straight out in his left hand. Glaring at the much bigger man, he began going into his bankai. He didnt think he would need it to beat the man, but he'd rather be overprotected than under. "Bankai! Den smækkende fugl!" as soon as he finished his sentence, a giant burst of golden red reiatsu surrounded him, pushing everything and anything near him away, even cracking and shattering windows and buildings. When the reiatsu disappeared from view, Flower stood, the top most of his clothing ripped off revealing a chest of muscle and tattoo. His blade had now transformed into that of a over sized kopesh, being the height of himself. Smiling wide, he hefted the giant killing device onto his shoulder and watched Kankade. "Come at me with all you have!" he yelled happily, his previous bad mood out the window.

"Nice power you have there. I change my mind, this won't be quick. I'll get to enjoy myself." Kankade took one of his wrist blades and held it out in front of him. "Interesting, very interesting. You look like an Egyptian God." Kankade collected some of the particles in the air to put an electric charge on his blade. "But we all know Gods are nothing more than a fantasy." Kankade charged at Flower, his speed had increased dramatically he was almost like a bolt of lightning flying towards Flower. Holding his giant wrist blade out like a spear.

Hearing Shin's words and watching Kankade stop his attack, Flower looked up at the Prima Espada. Focusing on maintaining his bankai form, the blond ignored the other captains words. "So we're gonna run like little cowards?! I'm not leaving!" he yelled angrily and glared at retreating bodies. The thought of retreating made him want to kill them all, even if they were his comrades. Somewhere in his sane mind though, he knew he was just pissed beyond compare because his fight had gotten interrupted.

Green is Liver-kun, red is FalseWing. :3

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