Shift: Rabbit
Age: 21
Unique characteristics: Excellent sense of hearing and smell. Senses other's emotions. Master in hand-to-hand, no weapons.
Born to a poor family, his father abandoned him and his mother soon after his birth. After growing old enough to understand it, however, Kaci never held a grudge against his father. It simply was what it was, and there was no point in holding it against him.
Kaci had never looked any different from any other child. He felt different, but he always pushed it to the back of his mind. The first time he shifted was on his 13th birthday, when his mother had told him that she was pregnant with a girl. At first he had been a bit upset, storming to his room. He already worked a part-time job to put himself through school, due to the fact that his mother didn't work. True to form, she was only sober half the time and had no idea who the father was.
However, after a few hours, Kaci realized that he wasn't mad. It had surprised the hell out of him, for sure, but his more calm, peaceful nature won out. He'd have to drop out of school and get a full-time job to support the three of them, but he loved his mother nonetheless, and it definately wasn't an unborn child's fault.
After a bit, his shock turned to genuine excitement and 'poof', he was a rabbit. That shocked him more than the baby. After a few days, though, he got the hang of changing back and forth, realizing he wasn't crazy. He never told anyone except his mother, but she had been drunk and didn't remember it. So be it. It was his little secret.
He quit school a few weeks later so he could help with his sister. More often than not, he took her to a child-care center, his mother being in no condition to care for an infant. She could barely take care've herself. That required even more money, however, and soon Kaci was using his 'other' form to help him in thievery. He only used his money on his mother and sister, however, with the exception of hiring a master to teach him to use his body as a weapon. Sooner than expected, he mastered kickboxing, as well as several other forms of fighting.
Life was tough in this City, and with him being his mother and sister's only support, he had to be able to protect them and defend himself.
Adapting to the simple hardships, Kaci has a rough, apathetic exterior to keep others away, but he can't resist helping people who truly need it. He's good-natured at heart, but willing to fight to protect what he beleives in. He loves his sister and mother, even if they don't leave him time for a life of his own. He holds no grudges, despite the fact that he tried to keep others away from him.
Totally oblivious to the idea of other Shifters, he floats through life, taking care of those close to him and living what looks like a normal life from the outside. After shifting for his first time, animals tend to randomly follow him around.