it was night fall and after a hard day of work i was exhausted.. My plan is to leave tommorrow. I know for certain i will be tracked down. I got into my pajamas but befor i knew it Samuel walked in. I hurried up and hid under the covers "Yes", i asked. "i caught you at a bad time havnt i?", he asked. I said "no i am just in my bed clothes". I looked at his now bright red face and he was smilin at me. "how did you know i didnt have any money or a place to stay", i asked. "Things you dont understand, but what happened to to your eyes", he stuttered as if worried he had offended me. My window blew open and the covers snatched away from my body and i looked at samuel another time and he was shocked. "Your the princess.. Princess Alana," He said in almost a high voice. I quickly covered his mouth and he was blushing again. "Be quiet", i hissed. "why arent you at your castle and how did you get here when your castle is another four villages away", he worried i can tell by his expression and his tone he wanted to ask more. "my father has gone evil an used his blade on my used to be eyes and how do you know i am the princess and the first question again how did you know i had no place to stay"? i asked. "Well... I know your the princess because of the birth mark on your stomache and i can feel peoples emotions and when you came in i felt you being worried and frightened so i assumed you had no place to stay and i am sorta sidekick." he said real fast like a chipmunk. "Oh..." samuel looked at me depressed i guess he felt it too. He came close to me and i was worried but then he said "dont worry everythings going to be all right." Ten i could feel the warmness in his heart and he gave me a big hug. "Samuel i have to leave tomorrow",i said. his face looked horrible not as in horrible as in ugly but horrible like he couldnt believe what he heard. I sat down knees first and he still stood but came in front of me.
"i am coming with you", he commanded. I sat frozen "Its to dangerouse", i smirked. he looked as if he was offended. "i dont really care i will do anything to protect you i swear on it", he said. he looked so seriouse i couldnt resist but to blush. he was a fox/human also. "ok.. But you have to try and not get yourself killed", i said. "you should talk you dont even have a weapon", he teased. "Oh yea" i pushed him on to the bed and smiled but suprise attack he got up and he got on top he smiled and leaned down to my lips and we kissed..