Age: appears to be 22, really 37
Height/Weight: 5'7"/110lbs
Gender: Female
Appearance: Wavy golden blond hair reaching just below her shoulder blades, with bangs slightly covering her eyes and flipping outward; chocolate brown eyes; freckles covering both her cheeks and the bridge of her nose; a silver oval-shaped locket around her neck; a single diamond adorned engagement ring on her left hand
Rank: 3rd seat
Personality: Kuzeni's personality changes dramatically, depending on the situation she's in. When relaxing, she can take on a few personality types- motherly, sadistic, rebellious or not seeming to give a damn. However, all that disappears when she's in the heat of battle. She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and when she opens her eyes, has a completely emotionless stare.
History: Kuzeni was born as a human with hemophilia, living in Karakura Town. When she was just seven years old, she was in a car accident that damaged her internal organs and nearly killed her. Miraculously, she survived and lived on to fall in love. Kuzeni got engaged and pregnant. At the age of 22, Kuzeni was rushed to the hospital after falling down the stairs and cutting herself. The doctors had to do an emergency delivery of her son. The baby boy was born healthy, but the effects of the delivery drained her blood and life force, quickly killing her. She died a week before her wedding.
When Kuzeni's spirit "awoke", she was in denial of her death. She wandered the town, trying to find a purpose to go on. Then, a group of Hollows followed her and attacked her. She thought she was done for, but Kenpachi Zaraki saved her life. Kuzeni soon found a brother-like figure in him. Several years after Kenpachi performed the konso on her, Kuzeni became a Soul Reaper herself, and even achieved bankai.
Name of Zanpakuto: Hagane
Zanpakuto look unreleased: Kuzeni's zanpakuto , but with this guard: Zanpakuto guard ; a silver cord wrap around the hilt, a silver sheath & a small metal sphere hanging off the end of the hilt; silver guard
Shikai (including call phrase): "Shield, Hagane" - Kuzeni's Shikai Weapon ;charm on hilt grows into a large cylinder shape; guard grows out; middle of blade glows a silvery color; outer part of blade slightly darkens
Bankai (including call phrase): "Shield, Hagane Guujin" - charm separates from the hilt and seeps into the locket and her skin through her chest, causing a metal substance to coat over her entire body:

Proficiency in: hakuda, some kido, exceptionally skilled in zanjutsu
Kuzeni has certain attacks she uses more often than the rest:
~Hagane Hyouhi: "Steel Skin" - forms a thin protective coating of steel over various parts of her body. Can sustain a Cero before breaking off and turning to dust, leaving the user with minimal damage. Done in normal state, more productive in shikai. Add "Kyouka Denpan" to make stronger and spread faster
~Kiwadori Kaisou: "Deadly Reflection" - forms a thin platinum plate the size of her body in front of her. When the enemy attacks it, wherever they attacked their reflection is where they receive the equal damage of the attack. Done in all three states, strongest in bankai
~Metaru Kansen: "Metallic Infection" - forms a coating of iron over a part of the enemy's body that's been touched either by her hand or blade, and hardens, petrifying the body part and rendering it useless. Can be done in all three states. Add "Kyouka Denpan" to make stronger and spread faster
~Kurogane Genkotsu: "Iron Fist" - changes the type of metal on a chosen limb or the blade of the zanpaku-to to benefit for hand-to-hand combat. Can only be used in bankai
~Naibuteki Kujo: "Internal Destruction" - stabs the opponent through their stomach and breaks down the blade, reforming and allowing it to cut through many parts of the body at once. Can be done only in shikai and bankai
~Supanoba: "Supernova" - metal and spiritual power gather in the user's hand, forming a metal sphere that slowly condenses. Once small enough, the user crushes it in their hand and opens the palm out to the opponent, forming a silver Cero-like attack. Can only be done in bankai
Extra Information: Even though she's in denial of it, Kuzeni is in love with Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez. She keep this secret from everyone except her best friend, Hitori Gekidou, who happens to be in love with Espada 3 - Tia Halibel.