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A journal for all sorts of writing...
Well, probably just for writing things to do with RPing from other forums I am in. Sometimes I might make up something if I can be bothered.
LG: Ethan's Pokémon Journey, Part 4.

The next morning, Ethan awoke to the sound of silence, as everyone around him was still asleep or quietly waiting for others to awaken. The daylight outside made his eyes wince, and his own movements began to stir Eevee, who remained on his lap the whole night. It was early, no later than about 6am. The shutters were up and the doors unlocked, but hardly anyone came into the PokéCentre at this time, or went out for that matter. However, Ethan decided to train early today, gathering some snacks and beverages in order to make use of the time. With everything he needed either in his bag or on his person, he put on his scarf, pulled on some fresh clothes, and quietly made his way to the door, closely accompanied by Eevee.

After a quick breakfast, Ethan thought that it would be best to train Weedle, as he would be relying on him to be the first line of attack at Pewter. Weedle was not very strong, so Ethan decided to train him alongside Eevee for that morning. It worked well; Eevee softened up the foe with a couple of attacks, before allowing Weedle to strike the final blow. Within the first hour, they had encountered two Rattata and defeated them without problem, and by 10am, had battled two other pokémon. Eevee had grown tired from battling after taking a hit or two, so Ethan decided to use a potion to vitalise him. As Eevee rested to gain the full effects of the potion, Ethan trained Weedle without aid.

By noon, Ethan had encountered three pokémon (a Weedle, a Rattata and a Pidgey), two of which Weedle fought and beat quite comfortably. The third, however, nearly knocked Weedle cold, if not were not for Eevee intervening Tackle finishing the match. Treating Weedle with a potion, he decided to rest the poisonous worm and let Eevee take action. After helping Weedle through his training, Eevee was excited to be back into his master’s spotlight once more, though not before the whole group sat down for lunch.

Gale seemed displeased with not being in the training session, although Ethan reassured her that she would get her time after Eevee. “Gale, I’ll train you later on today and tomorrow, but your training won’t be as rigorous.” He said, “Although, I do have the perfect place for you to do some training, and I’ll even dedicated a whole day to you.” He added, making Gale feel much better. Ethan had been taking a couple of notes throughout the morning about how he would train his pokémon, after rethinking about his remark last night. Ethan took time to track back through them, allowing his other pokémon played merrily around him.

Once Gale knows Gust, She can easily catch up in her training, Ethan pondered, but my concerns should be focussing on getting Weedle and Eevee stronger. Weedle will have Bug Bite by the time we finish training, and Eevee’s Adaptability trait will somewhat neutralise the ill-effective hits of Tackle against Rock Types. I’ll need Gale to be relatively strong to pick up where Weedle leads off, but I’ll want Eevee to finish strong…

With these thoughts and tactics running through his head, Ethan decided to resume training. Ethan called back his pokémon, apart from Eevee, who always remained outside of the pokéball through the sheer displeasure he feels within it. They wandered over to a corner of the grassland, abundant in trees and long grass. The Sun’s rays poured warmth upon their bodies, as they looked in search of their first pokémon, taking a little while to find a Weedle. Where some of the wild pokémon had their problems in hitting Eevee, this one managed to hit with a well-aimed Poison Sting that also managed to poison the little brown fox, albeit the only move it managed to land. However, Eevee successfully dodged a second attack and struck back with vengeance.

Ethan gave Eevee an antidote, knowing that his energy would seep away slowly if he did not. In conjunction, he gave Eevee a potion to heal his wounds, and once the antidote took effect, Ethan resumed training. This time, Eevee battled carefully against one and won comfortably. Eevee’s training ended shortly before Gale was due her training session, after he fought a Pidgey that liked to evade a lot. The match was time consuming, as the Pidgey stayed high for most of the battle and did not give in easily to Eevee’s taunting Tail Whip. Eventually, after instructing that Eevee show a fake opening by pretending to walk off disinterested. As it swooped in for a blow, Eevee’s keen hearing locked on to the sound the wind picking up behind him, and turned to crash his head into the bird’s lower beak.

The time finally came for Gale to train, and although she had less time than the others did, she picked up good experience. Her first battle, against a Caterpie, allowed her to dive bomb her foe continuously, whilst successfully dodging numerous String Shots. In her second battle, she fought a Rattata that was rather persistent. It landed a couple of Tackles, but Gale’s determination gave her the win, albeit taking three attacks. Her third match fell to a bout with a Weedle. Much like a previous encounter, she allowed the string shot to attach to her small talons, but corkscrewed to disorient the poor bug. After slamming it into the ground and sweeping it into the air with tackle, it landed heavily in defeat amongst the long grass.

As the night drew closer, Ethan made his way towards the Viridian Forest Entrance and stared, his pokémon beside him. “Soon, my companions, the time to enter through that door and emerge on the other side will come. Gale, Weedle and Eevee… Do you think that when we emerge on the other side, that we will be stronger? Not just in strength, but in mind?”

A chorus of cries rang through his ears as they all nodded in response. Ethan smiled.

“I am glad that you are all so positive, confident in yourselves and in me. Let’s rest at the PokéCentre tonight and work hard tomorrow.”

With that, the four of them made their way back, each resting upon a part of Ethan, and slept until they arrived at the grand healing facility in Viridian once again. After fully rejuvenating in the care of Nurse Joy and eating a bountiful feast that night, they even slept together until the next morning.


The following morning, Ethan headed off to the PokéMart to buy medicine. He bought two potions and an antidote, seeing as though his pokémon would not be as much of a need for them as yesterday. He got back just before they all awoke, and soon after, they all went out for more training. As training got underway, Eevee started first. Unfortunately, this particular morning did not harvest as much experience, and though managing to defeat two Rattatas as a consolation, they spent most of the morning just searching. As the Sun rose to its peak, the young adventurer and his pokémon decided to relax in the shade of a tree. However, as they sat in the cool shade, they did not notice the horde of pokémon spying at them from atop the tree…

Just before the group could finish up, one of the Weedle’s dropped down with its needles aimed directly at Ethan. Luckily, Ethan managed to avoid being stung, leaving the wild worm writhing whilst wedged in the ground. Backing away from the tree, he noticed that many them, ten at least, were ready to attack. “Tch, this isn’t good.” Ethan growled, not sure of what do to in this situation. He then tried to suggest reasons for this group attack.

If they are attacking in a group, they might all be weak. Eevee and Pidgey could probably defeat most of them in one hit, although jumping to conclusions is silly of me. I must test this out first, but they’re moving in quickly. Argh, why does this have to happen today?

“Fine… Weedle, use String Shot in a wide area to slow their advance.” Ethan instructed, deducing team effort and quick strategic battling were essential. “Eevee, move swiftly through the masses and take them out with Tackle.” He said, before looking to Gale. “Okay Gale, be Eevee’s air support. Swoop down and attack foes that are behind Eevee by also using a Tackle.”

Ethan’s commands were reminiscent to that of a General ordering his officers. With impressive speed, he had managed to think of a solid plan of attack, a way to protect the rear flank via a second wave of attack, and a way to hinder the enemy advance. It reminded Ethan of a book he once read about the Three Kingdoms era, concluding that maybe he had subconsciously relayed a strategy employed during that era.

Back to the encounter, Weedle’s String Shot slowed the opposing group’s effort to attack, while Eevee charged through them at speed. His attacks proved Ethan’s initial theory to this sudden group attack, because Eevee’s drive knocked out a number of Weedles instantly, while Gale’s assault finished off the ones that had managed to avoid the little fox’s Tackle. However, this did not relieve both Eevee and Gale from harm, a flurry of Poison Stings doing a little damage to each of them, and inflicting poison upon Gale. Ethan quickly returned his flying pokémon before she took a terrible fall into the remaining crowd, and summoned Eevee back to his side.

There were only a few Weedles left from the fifteen or so that initially started, many of them had limped off in defeat. With so few remaining, Ethan sighed in relief, knowing that these could only withstand another two hits at most. With that in mind, Ethan decided to call out Pidgey and treat her affliction with an antidote. As it took effect, Ethan turned to give instructions to Eevee and Weedle.

“Weedle, use Poison Sting to soften them up. Eevee, use Tackle to bat them away.” He said calmly.

The two pokémon immediately sprung into action, Weedle dealing a small amount of damage to the group from long range, while Eevee charged once again. Within a minute, the rest of the horde fled in defeat. With a triumphant cheer, Ethan rose his fists high, elated with how well the group had worked. Even Gale was now cheering, the effects of the toxins neutralised by the antidote were almost non-existent.

Seeing that his pokémon were a weary from battling so intensely and taking hits, Ethan decided that maybe he should finish the day early. However, seeing as though Weedle had suffered the least harm due to its particular role in the brief chaos, he decided that he would train the little bug pokémon some more. In doing so, he could gauge whether or not Eevee and Gale, who took most of the damage, would be well enough to commence training later.

Weedle’s first encounter was a Rattata, and knowing how fierce they could be, Ethan planned to utilise Weedle’s String Shot for more than just slowing movement. After a few missed efforts, Weedle managed to successfully pull Rattata into his forehead stinger using the sticky thread, making it a little easier to poison and do damage. Although much tougher, Weedle landed a String Shot on a wild Pidgey an hour later, slamming the bird into the ground before jabbing it with Poison Sting. However, from these two tough battles it was clear that Weedle had battled enough for today.

Soon after, Ethan decided to end the second day of surprisingly intensive training, deeming it unwise to allow Eevee or Gale to battle in their current state. The group returned to the PokéCentre to rejuvenate, as well as reflect on their training thus far.

At the PokéCentre, Ethan noted down the progress his pokémon had made, both individually and as a group, over a nice hot cup of tea. It seemed as though, despite his idea of training Both Eevee and Weedle more than Gale, that everyone had grown considerably stronger and at an equal pace. As much as this delighted Ethan, he knew that he promised Gale a day of training all to herself. “Maybe this is not such a bad idea.” He said to Eevee, who rested upon his lap. “It will be tough to battle in Viridian Forest tomorrow, the pokémon will probably be stronger there, and there may also be other trainers…”

Ethan sighed deeply, “Gale will have to wait a day longer for her own training, and my focus will be on you and Weedle.” He decided, patting Eevee’s head. He looked outside, towards the PokéMart and then down into his bag. With insufficient funds, he would have to travel carefully and savour his potions. Antidotes on the other hand, would need instant usage, as he did not want any of his pokémon fainting before they reach Pewter. “A big couple of days ahead of us, Eevee, so let us rest well tonight.” Ethan whispered, clasping his fingers on Eevee’s ear gently and softly moving them up to the tip, finishing with a cute pat on the forehead. Eevee nodded his head once with a yawn, shuffling his body into a spot on the sofa as Ethan lay in his sleeping bag on the floor.

My first night away from a city is tomorrow, and although I find it an exciting prospect, I cannot help but think that it is going to be a struggle. I will meet plenty of trainers in Viridian Forest, which means I will have to battle with my team with more skill. Granted, I think I can win, but if I am to reach Pewter City safely, I have to make sure I choose my battles wisely. Not only that, but… Zzzz

Before Ethan could finish his thoughts, his head turned left lazily as he drifted into sleep.

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