Total Value: 129,724,639 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Fallen Wish 8th Gen.
Mercury's Moon
Gin the Kitty
Chill of Artemis
Gogh Reed 7th Gen.
Pride of Hera
Black Neko Cosplay
Kuro's Induction
Babe the Welsh Corgi
Black Cat Fleece Hat
White Bunny Fleece Hat
Rainbow Neko Cosplay
Rainbow Neko Cosplay
Gogh Reed 8th Gen.
Gogh Reed 9th Gen.
SDPlus #2 Rufus Doll
Keely the Whipped Creameranian
Depth of Hades
Lyndexer's Journal 5th. Gen.
Smok the Baby Dragon
Kitten Star
Kottan Bell 6th Gen
Angelic Manner
mr. emotion
Goti the Kid
Bakeneko Whiskers
Bakeneko Eyebrow Whiskers
The Nightmare 9th Gen.
Pale Marionette
Pale Marionette
Pale Marionette
Pale Marionette
Lucky the Cat
Autumn Wings
Tippy the Tapir
Animal Cracker Buddies
Krankles the Kiwi
Carlos the Alpaca
Boa Constrictor
Squirrel Cosplay
Noel's Gift 3rd Gen.
Dédé the Husky
Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy
Puss in Kamik
Frigid Sprite
North Kitten Star
Spirit Pyre
Spirit Pyre
Spirit Pyre
Black Sweetheart Ruffled Dress
Grim Reaper