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Liath black dI hollow
Dragon Ryder.

Light Ryder

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K’aradhras• Elenmil
ღPuppet Masterღ
~Liath Black Di Hollow~
~ SlateBlue[/ size]

____________________________The Basics

ღBirth Certificateღ
~ K’aradhras Elenmil~

ღKnown Asღ
~The Hooker~



~The rain..i mean the light dragon~

ღHome Landღ
~ Storm Toss

___________________A Little Deeper

ღThe Mindღ
~ Kara has been called flirty, playful and teasing, however this is just the face she wears when she is working. She is used to get whatever she wants no matter what she has to in order to achieve it if her swift fingers and quick tongue won’t help her then she uses her good looks; presenting herself as a little harmless angel has helped increasing her gem collection, as well as her self confidence.

However when she is alone Kara allows herself to let the innocent girl mask to slip. After being used by her father and being denied the opportunity of a happy future with her beloved her character turned bitter and jaded. She doesn’t give a damn about the world anymore; she is just tired of it all. She has learned not to get attached to others and it’s hard for her to work with a team. Loyalty and teamwork are words that just don’t appear in her dictionary. It should be known, however, that underneath her facade and true self and despise all she has gone through Kara still conserves her innocent intact, she just has learned to hide it well in order to keep it safe and protected.

ღThe Storyღ
~ In a large harbor port just off the Storm Toss Sea there is a small tavern that sat just off the harbor frequented by drunken sailor and the under belly of society. Not much to look at from the inside and even less on the inside, it wasn’t really a place one would bring a child let alone try to raise one. But it was here that little Kara spent her years from toddling to young teen. Her mother had gotten knocked up by some no good drunk or another and the tavern owner where she work saw this as his chance to find a pretty young wife. When the sweaty fat man offer her mother accepted not know where else to turn to for help.

So young Kara spent her beginning years crawling around the straw covered floor dodging kicks from mean drunks and picking up dropped pennies and glass jewels as her fascination with shiny things began to develop. After she started walking she pretty much started working scrubbing pots and chasing down rats till she could balance a tray, then she was set to work waiting tables with her mother. Bards and gleeman stopped by the in often enough because of the low room prices and cheap beer and Kara spend every free moment with them learning a finer finger art from some of the less scrupulous ones. By the age of eight she could deftly juggle nine balls or lift a purse from a mostly drunk sailor.

Spending most of her time cleaning and working around drunks Kara was usually not very clean. Carmel colored hair was often lanky and hanging in front of her face and her blouse and skirt usually smelt like cheep beer. Yet there was something else there, maybe it was the cute angle of her nose or the turn of her ears. What ever it was even at her worst moments she was never described as anything less then adorable and china doll like. By the tender age of twelve she was fully developed and fending off pinches and ignoring leers from customers as well as her adoptive father.

At thirteen her “papa” decided she would make more up on stage then simply serving drinks so he stated paying for her to take lessons with an old exotic pole dancer that entertained some of the poorer drunks in the area. Kara spent with the pocket marked old woman and the evenings serving drinks and occasionally dancing. Her afternoons where often spent in the cellar negotiating with beer sellers and the farmers her “papa” bought brandy from. It was on one of these afternoons that she met him. Old Mcdonald had been getting old so during the summer of her fourteenth year he started sending his son Wyatt.

His wholesome innocents was a draw to her in a powerful way as she had spent her life with whores and foul mouthed sailors. While her good looks and earthly knowledge was a dip in the forbidden for him. So afternoons where spent with stolen kisses and pets and her evenings with dirty dancing and cat calls. Her only joy in dancing was the sequined that where sown onto the outfits and the glass jewels her “papa” made her wear, both were shiny enough to keep her dancing for a while longer at least. At least till “papa” found her and Wyatt in a very hot hold one chilly fall afternoon.

Catching himself just short of smacking Kara and ruining her looks for that nights entertainment he turned instead on Wyatt. Throwing the young man out after a thorough beating he forbid Kara from ever seeing him again. But young love was not so easily deterred and Kara started skipping lessons to spend time with Wyatt. But eventually they tripped up and Papa found out and decided it was time to take measures to protect his investment in Kara. He figured he would go under disguise hire a hit man and then skip out on paying for the hit to. Taking a night off from his own tavern he spent the night in a few others asking around about reliable hit men.

Eventually he was able to track down a rumor of one who was even only staying in the city for a few more days before moving on the run again. Someone called the Midnight Butterfly. After paying a small down payment and giving a false address where the rest could be picked up the cash. Wiping his hands and congratulating himself on his wisdom of saving money he made his way back to the tavern and forced Kara up to dance with threats towards her mother.

Two days later Kara was beginning to worry about Wyatt as he had missed their meetings both days. After finishing up her dance lesson she wandered slowly back to the bar. Upon entering the hairs on the back of her neck stood up and the oddly silent room raised goose bumps on her arms. A sudden thunk thunk thunk sound drew her gaze towards the bar where a slender red head a few years older then she was sitting on the bar. The thunking sound was coming from black boots being pounded against the bar.

“Your father was an idiot and tried to short me on the job he hired me for. You look smarter then he was so maybe you got your mother’s genes, but either way I suggest you spread word around that nobody shorts a night angel, especially the Butterfly. Even if the hit turns out to be some farm boy here delivering brandy I expect full payment for a kill.” the girl jumped off the bar causing two odd iridescent colored strips of cloth to flutter out behind her. Kara remained silent, in shock as the girl left noting odd things like how there was no sound again besides her breathing, not even the sound of the door closing as the hit woman left. Moving to the bar she found her “papa” cold and dead with out a mark on him.

The next week she attended the funeral and then life went on. Her mother now ran the tavern and she still danced, but there was a look in her eyes that remained and for the first few months people would find her in a corner during a quiet moment with tears running down her face. By the time her seventeenth birthday rolled around Kara’s china doll looks had fallen away to reveal an even sharper beauty. Her dancing lessons had finished and taken on an edge that drew customers like free beer. Her quick tongue and deft fingers helped stop fights before they happened and gathered more shiny things for her ever growing collection. Life was if not ideal, at least comfortable.

Two things where no longer allowed in the tavern though as they set her into a fit that scarred even the scared thug who helped remove rowdy drunks. The first was seemingly reasonable to the regulars of the tavern, the mirrors. After all who wanted to watch themselves grow older everyday? The other though, the butterflies, no one really understood. A few weeks ago though she was walking past the only mirror in the tavern a strange reflection caught her attention….

__________Just A Little More!


~( Thanks to the bards that used to stop by the tavern she learned several tricks to entertain people and pick up their belonging without them realizing. She is very flexible and quick. Kara also has a quick mind and silver tongue which she uses to get what she wants with very little effort. As she grew older she forced herself into developing a high tolerance to alcohol and requiring very little sleep to go on.


~(Kara is afraid of getting old and ugly. She cant stand mirrors cause she is afraid of what she might see in them. Cause of her line of work she has developed a fear of falling asleep and getting raped. Theres is one other thing she is terrified of: butterflies. When ever she sees one bad memories come back and it's kinda hard to get her out of her depression.)~

~She really loves shiny stuff. ~

Light Dragon-Quetzalcoatl
Quetzalcoatl , unlike his ryder, is the representation of light. Calm, serene and wise. He has a strong sense of justice and is benevolent in his actions. To be honest he is quite upset with the ryder that was destined for him and actually enjoys pushing her buttons and driving her insane. However really deep inside he feels sorry for her and would like to help her change. Even if he says he protect her just because she is her ryder and he has too he actually cares for her and would do anything to keep her safe...specially from herself.

Ryder Ability-goodness someone please save us
Light Refracting and Weaving-You can literally weave thread of light together and use them to cloak things. The light becomes reflationary when you weave it so it reflects what is around and behind it to near perfection. the down side is if what ever is underneath moves more then a fraction of an inch it breaks the light and it takes the threads a half a second to catch up, but for that half second the object's outline can be seen. You can also weave light into a reflective surface similar to a mirror, useful for communication but it evaporates when you release the light weaves. Yes K'ara this can be abused by flashing lights in people's eyes. When in physical contact with your dragon your light weaves become pretty much solid so you could weave a barrier that looks like everything around it and people wouldn't know the difference till they walked in to it. So basically it can shield you from physical objects !not magic! Any shield/weave bigger then a 10 x 10 ft. will knock you out for good two hours. Obviously when there is less light you are less powerful, if there is no light there is nothing for you to work with.

Coatl's Dragon Breath
Showers of rainbows !!!!! Actually his breath comes in a shower of thousands tiny diamond hard crystals. (No K'ara they are not real diamonds)

Ryder Communication
Pretty much if it has a reflective surface you can use it to contact any other reflective surface. Calm ponds work fairly, but moving water breaks up the image so if someone drops a rock in your pond you are screwed. You usually can't tell who is on the other side the reflector until you are actually looking at one another unless its a ryder then you can tell before hand right down to the color of their underwear.

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ღPuppet Masterღ
~Liath Black Di Hollow~

____________________________The Basics

ღBirth Certificateღ
~Suzette Chevalier~

ღKnown Asღ
Poison weaver
call her Suzy and you are dead. ~



ღDragon/His Highness guard.ღ
~High shield~

ღHome Landღ
~Northern empire/ where ever my lord is.

___________________A Little Deeper

ღThe Mindღ
~. A long time ago Suzette was a normal sweet and loving girl but after a man played with her and then tossed her aside her whole character took a rather nasty turn. Bitter, murderous and cynical… but loyal till the dead. In her eyes, unless you are in good terms with the heir you are just not worthy of her time. Rather cruel and incapable of pitying others she expects her order to be carried away perfectly and may the gods have mercy on your soul if you fail to fulfill an order. With her there are no second chances, either you do your job or it’s game over for you. Suzette will do anything to ensure the heir’s safety. The ends DO justify the means after all. She might play dirty and be quite treacherous if she has too but under watch, disloyalty or betrayal to the empire is punished by death.

All of this, however will only be noticeable if spend enough time around her of if you hear it from those under her lead. In public she puts on her poker face and appears to be nothing more than a simple bodyguard, but still there will be a fierceness in her stand watching the emperor’s son like a lioness guarding her cub.

ღThe Storyღ
The Chevalier family was part of the empires aristocracy and one of the few who enjoyed the favor of the emperor. In exchange for his grace the family had served loyally to the emperor for generations. The privileges they enjoyed had always caused envy amongst the rest of the high positioned families; however they knew better than to mess up with those who had the favor f the emperor himself.

Relationships continued to be, if not friendly, at least polite between the well known families. This was at least until the young leader of one of the oldest clans decided it was time to do what they all had been wanting to do. Cloaked and hidden by the shadows he hired a group of mercenaries to finish the whole family at a time when they would be distracted and unprepared to defend themselves: while celebrating the birth of the one who would be the future heiress of the family.

It had been a moonless night when the little girl had decided to come to this world. The family was still celebrating the joyous event when the group of mercenaries attacked and it was all over before they could even realize what was happening. The newborn girl was the last one to be found by the group; it was the oldest man from the group whom took the girl in arms and it was only a second before he ended her life that she opened her acid green eyes, only true Chevaliers had that eye shade, and stared down deep into his.

To their surprise the girl did not cried but actually managed to pull what they thought it was the baby’s first smile. This was enough to stop her hand and rethink about what he was going to do. His job was to get rid of the family and they had done that, this little girl however, it felt to him that she could be of use to them so without consulting it with the rest of the group he took the girl with them. She would be raises as a mercenary; after all, there was a rumor about some ancient magic running through the Chevaliers veins and such a promising girl coudl be of use to them

Her childhood was spent in a rather small and close community of mercenary, bounty hunters and others of the sort. She had a fairly happy childhood. The rest of the community seemed to have become rather attached to the child’s charm and her overactive imagination. By day she would train hard until she couldn’t take it anymore and by night she would listen to the old Wiseman stories about magical fairies, enchanted princesses and fearsome dragons. It wasn’t until her 16th birthday that she was taken along in one important mission they had been hired for. A rather envious member of the court had designed a plan for taking over the empire.

Their mission was to kill the emperor, but make it seem like he had died of natural causes. The leaders of their group decided Suzette was their best bet; the girl has become rather fond and dexterous in the concoction and use of poisons. When given the order assignment she prepared a venom that would put the emperor to sleep and then stop his heart.

After waiting patiently for the perfect time to strike, Suzette made her way into a party that took place in the palace, hidden in the shadows of the emperor’s chambers she remained silent, waiting. Unfortunately for her, she attracted a young man’s attention when she entered the party, the emperors young son, a boy who looked more or less around her age had followed her around and when he saw her hiding in his father’s dorm he realized what her intentions should be. He immediately called for the guards who quickly arrested her and took her to the emperor.

He sentenced Suzette to death before even laying eyes on her, however as soon as she looked up at him with her vibrant green eyes he recognized her as the lost last member of the family that had once served him so loyally and agreed to spare her life in exchange of her services; without thinking it twice Suzette took the offer. Over the next few months she was instructed in her family’s history and her new duties as guard of the emperor and his son. Finally doing what she had been born to do she felt quite at ease and developed a strong bond with the emperor’s son and vowed to him to protect him till her last breath.

__________Just A Little More!

~Hobbies and talents?~
~(Her life pretty much revolves around the young heir but on her very rare free moments she enjoys playing the ocarina.
She is also very good and knowledgeable about poisons. I mean...she didn’t won the title of Poison Weaver for nothing. It is said that hidden in the hilt of her sword there is a venom so powerful that just touching it will kill you in matter of seconds. It’s not known if this rumor is true or false because, well, she usually never leaves witnesses and those who spread the rumors are people from the emperor’s court. )~

~Fear makes you weak. Fear is for cowards who should do better into staying out of her way. No matter how much she tries to convince herself into believing there is nothing in this world that she is afraid of, there is such a thing. .. though you will never see her admitting it: She is afraid of falling in love. She fell once and when trowed aside she almost loose her mind. She won't be able handle it if it happens a second time so she forbids her self from getting attached to anyone because deep down, hidden under years of hate and bitterness, there's still a small fragment of her old self and if she allows it to resurface she will become weak and unable to protect her master. ~

~She knows a thousand and one stories and fairytales. Even if she has become coldhearted there was once a time she was a normal girl who loved being told stories. She has memorized every single story she has heard.
She also has a pet raven which is the only creature, besides the prince, to whom she is gentle and caring. ~

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