Gaia name: Pyra Demonia
Character name: Mei
How old are you?: 17
Personality: Mei is a generally bubbly girl, a heavy sleeper, and a lover of the outdoor. Lately, she's been more comfortable with being open with things, and comfortable with most, if not all, situations--excluding tragics, of course.
Likes: the outdoors, photography, dressing up, animals, most weathers, modeling
Dislikes: thunderstorms, murky waters, sleeping for too long, itchy clothing, pointless arguments
Sexual Preference: straight
Song that best fits your character's personality:
What are you?: girl

Gaia name: Pyra Demonia
Character name: Mercer
How old are you?: 19
Personality: mostly a bit of a flirt and a lover of all things black and silk, he's often laid back. He's highly interested in the female body, but had no interest in actual dating, and as such, sketching and sculpting forms was the thing he chose to do.
Likes: women, sculptures, reading of greek and roman gods, panthers, silk sheets.
Dislikes: chubby girls, drinking too much, hangovers (yes, he drinks underaged....right?), messing up on sculptures, all things mushroom
Sexual Preference: girls
Song that best fits your character's personality:
What are you?: guy