Words and other things that are banned and sometimes replaced with things that make a lot less sense. I kid you not, this is pathetic.
Able-bodied: banned as offensive, replace with person who is non-disabled (SF-AW)
Able-bodied seaman, able seaman: banned as sexist, replace with crewmember (HRW1, NES)
Abnormal: banned as demeaning to people with disabilities (SF-AW, ETS2)
Actress: banned as sexist, replace with actor (MMH, HM1, HAR2, NES)
Adam and Eve: replace with Eve and Adam to demonstrate that males do not take priority over females (APhilA)
Addict: banned, replace with individual with a drug addiction (NYS2)
Afflicted/afflicted with/afflicted by/affliction: banned as a reference to persons with disabilities, replace with a person who has... (SF-AW, HAR2, ETS2, NYS2)
Afro American: banned, replace with African American (NYS2)
Aged, the: banned as demeaning to older persons (HM1, NYS2)
Airman: banned as sexist, replace with aviator (HRW)
Alcoholic: banned, replace with individual with alcoholism (NYS2)
Alumna, alumnae, alumnus: banned as sexist, replace with graduate, graduates (NYS2)
America, American: banned because it suggests geographical chauvinism unless it refers to all people in North America, South America, and Central America; refer instead to people of the United States (SF-AW, HM1, HAR2, NES, NYS2)
American policy, American economy: replace with U.S. policy, U.S. economy (NES)
Anchorman: banned as sexist, replace with anchor person, newscaster (HM1, NES, NYS2)
Anglo American: banned, replace with Western European or White as preferred generic terms for the groups of light-skinned people in the United States who are of European ancestry, if reference to an individual's race, ethnicity, or ancestry must be made (NYS2)
Arthritic patient: banned as offensive, replace with person who has arthritis (SF-AW)
Assemblyman, assemblywoman: banned as sexist, replace with member of the assembly (NYS2)
Authoress: banned as sexist, replace with author (HM1, HRW3, NES, ETS2, NCTE, NYS2)
Autistic: banned, replace with individual with autism (NYS2)
Average man: banned as sexist, replace with average person (MMH, HM1, NES)
Average working man: banned as sexist, replace with the average worker (SF-AW)
Aviatrix: banned as sexist, replace with aviator (HM1, HAR1, HRW3, NES, ETS2)
Babe: banned as sexist (HM1)
Backward: banned as ethnocentric when it refers to a cultural or ethnic group (HM1, SF-AW, AIR)
Backward country: banned as ethnocentric when referring to cultural differences (SF-AW, ACT)
Backwoodsman: banned as sexist, replace with pioneer (HRW1)
Ball and chain: banned as sexist, replace with spouse, wife, partner, mate (MMH, ETS2)
Barbarian: banned as ethnocentric when it refers to a cultural or ethnic group (HM1)
Baseman: banned as sexist, replace with infielder (HRW1)
Batsman: banned as sexist, replace with batter (HRW1)
Beast: banned as offensive when it refers to a person (HM1)
Bellman: banned as sexist, replace with bellhop (HRW1)
Best man for the job, the: banned as sexist, replace with best candidate (ETS2)
Better half, the: banned as sexist, replace with spouse, wife, partner, mate (ETS2)
Biddy: banned as ageist, demeaning to older women (SF-AW)
Birdman: banned as sexist, replace with ornithologist (HRW1)
Birth defect: banned as offensive, replace with people with congenital disabilities (SF-AW)
b***h: banned as reference to female dog (MMH)
Black/blacks: banned as a noun (HAR2, SF-AW, HRW4)
Black/blacks: banned as a predicate adjective (HRW4)
Black: banned as adjective meaning evil (CT)
Black and white, black or white: banned, replace with either-or, all good or all bad, day and night (NYS2)
Blind, the: banned as offensive, replace with people who are blind (SF-AW, HM1, HAR1, NES, ETS1, ETS2, RIV, NYS2)
Blind as a bat: banned as handicapism (NYC)
Blind leading the blind: banned as handicapism (NYC)
Blue collar: banned, replace with specific occupation or job (NYS2)
Boatman: banned as sexist, replace with boat operator (NES)
Bookworm: banned as offensive, replace with intellectual (HM1)
Border patrolman: banned as sexist, replace with border guard (NES)
Boyish figure: banned as sexist, replace with youthful figure (HM1)
Boys: use only to refer to males up to thirteen (NYS2)
Boys' night out: banned as sexist (NES)
Brave: banned as offensive when it refers to a Native American person (HRW1, HM1, HRW4)
Brotherhood: banned as sexist, replace with amity, unity, community (MMH, SF-AW, HRW3, CT, APhilA)
Brotherhood of man, the: banned as sexist, replace with the human family, solidarity, affection, collegiality, unity, congeniality (APhilA, NYS2)
Bubbler: banned as regional bias, replace with water fountain
Buck: banned as objectionable when referring to Native American male (SF-AW)
Busboy: banned as sexist, replace with dining room attendant (NES)
Busybody: banned as sexist, demeaning to older women (SF-AW)
Cabin boy: banned as sexist, replace with ship's steward (HRW1)
Cameraman: banned as sexist, replace with camera operator, camera technician (HAR1, NES, NYS2)
Cancer patient: banned, replace with patient with cancer (NYS2)
Career girl: banned as sexist, replace with specific occupation (NES, ETS2)
Career woman: banned as sexist, replace with specific occupation (NES, ETS2)
Cassandra: banned as sexist, replace with pessimist (AIR)
Cattleman: banned as sexist, replace with cattle rancher (HRW1)
Caucasian: banned, replace with White or European American if reference to an individual's race, ethnicity, or ancestry must be made (NYS2)
Caveman: banned as sexist, replace with cave dweller (HM1, HRW3)
Chairman, chairwoman: banned as sexist, replace with chair or chairperson or moderator or presiding officer (MMH, SF-AW, HM1, HAR1, HRW3, NES, ETS2, APA, NYS2)
Chicana, Chicano: use only if an individual request to be identified by this term (NYS2)
Chicano: avoid unless referring specifically to the Chicano movement of the 1960s and 1970s (HRW4)
Chick: banned as sexist (HM1)
Chief: banned as a noun referring to a Native American leader (HRW1)
Chief: banned, replace with principal, primary (NYS2)
Chief Sitting Bull: banned as relic of colonialism, replace with Totanka Iotanka (NYC)
Chippewa: banned as inauthentic, replace with Ojibwa or Anishinabe (SF-AW)
City fathers: banned, replace with city leaders (NYS2)
Cleaning woman, cleaning lady: banned as sexist, replace with housekeeper, custodian, janitor (HM1, HAR1, NES, ETS2)
Clergyman, clergywoman: banned as sexist, replace with member of the clergy (HM1, HAR, NES, NYS2)
Codger, old codger: banned as demeaning to older men (SF-AW, HM1)
Coed: banned as sexist, replace with student (MMH, NES, ETS1, ETS2, NCTE, NYS2)
Colored: banned as offensive, refer to specific group (HM1)
Confined to a wheelchair: banned as offensive, replace with person who is mobility impaired (HAR1, ETS2, HRW4)
Congenital disability: banned, replace with a disability that has existed in an individual since birth (NYS2)
Congressman: banned as sexist, replace with member of congress, representative (SF-AW, HM1, HAR1, HAR2, HRW3, ETS2, NYS2)
Costume: banned as offensive when referring to the clothing of a specific group, replace with clothing (SF-AW)
Councilman: banned as sexist, replace with council member (NES, NYS2)
Countryman, countrywoman: banned, replace with citizen (NYS2)
Courageous: banned as patronizing when referring to a person with disabilities (ETS2)
Cover girl: banned as sexist, replace with model (HRW1)
Cowboy, cowgirl: banned as sexist, replace with cowhand (HRW1)
Craftsman: banned as sexist, replace with craft worker, craftperson, artist (MMH, NES, NYS2)
Crazy, crazy person: banned as offensive, replace with person with an emotional disability or a mental impairment (SF-AW, HM1, HAR1, NES)
Creature: banned when regerring to people with disabilities (SF-AW)
Credit to his/her race: banned as racist, replace with a great American or a great pesron (SF-AW)
Cripple, crippled: banned as offensive, replace with orthopedic disability, person with a mobility impairment (SF-AW, HM1, HAR2, NES, NYC, ETS2, NYS2)
Crippled children: banned as offensive, replace with children who are disabled (HAR1)
Cro-Magnon man: banned as sexist, replace with Cro-Magnon people (MMH)
Crone: banned as demeaning to older women (SF-AW)
Crotchety: banned as reference to older persons (HM1)
Cult: banned as ethnocentric when referring to a religious group (SF-AW, ETS2)
Culturally deprived: banned as ethnocentric when referring to a racial, ethnic, or cultural group (HM1, ACT)
Culturally disadvantaged: banned as ethnocentric reference to cultural differences (ACT)
Dame: banned as sexist, replace with woman (HM1)
Dark Continent: banned as racist, replace with Africa (SF-AW, AIR, RIV)
Deaf, the: banned as offensive, replace with people who are deaf or a person with loss of hearing (SF-AW, HM1, NES, ETS2, NYS2)
Deaf and dumb: banned as offensive (SF-AW, HM1, NES, NYC, HRW4)
Deaf-mute: banned as offensive, replace with person who can't hear or speak (SF-AW, HM1, HAR1, NES)
Defective: banned when referring to people with disabilities (SF-AW)
Deformed: banned as offensive, replace with person with physical disability (SF-AW)
Delivery boy, deliveryman: banned as sexist, replace with deliverer, messenger (HAR, NES, NYS2)
Deprived: banned, replace with reference to what an individual has been deprived of (NYS2)
Devil: banned (AEP)
Diabetic: banned, replace with individual with diabetes (NYS2) Dialect: banned as ethnocentric, use sparingly, replace with language (SF-AW)
Differently abled: banned as offensive, replace with person who has a disability (SF-AW)
Dirty old man: banned as sexist and ageist (NYC)
Disabled, the: banned as offensive, replace with people with a disability (SF-AW, HAR1, NYS2)
Disadvantaged: banned, replace with reference to the resources or rights that are absent in an individual's or group's life circumstances (NYS2)
Dissenter: ethnocentric, use with caution (ETS2)
Distaff side, the: banned as sexist (ETS2)
Divorcé, divorceé: banned, replace with divorced person or person who is divorced if reference to an individual's marital status is necessary at all (NYS2)
Dogma: banned as ethnocentric, replace with doctrine, belief (SF-AW) Doorman: banned as sexist, replace with door attendant (HRW1)
Down's syndrome: banned as offensive, replace with Down syndrome (ETS2)
Draftsman: banned as offensive, replace with drafter (NES, NYS2)
Drunk, drunken, drunkenness: banned as offensive when referring to Native Americans (SF-AW, HM2)
Duffer: banned as demeaning to older men (SF-AW)
Dummy: banned as offensive, replace with people who are speech impaired (SF-AW)
Dwarf: banned as offensive, replace with person of short stature (SF-AW, HAR1)
Early man: banned as sexist, replace with early human (HAR1, NES)
East, Eastern: banned as Eurocentric when used to discuss world geography; refer to specific continent or region instead (HAR2)
Economically disadvantaged: banned as ethnocentric reference to racial, ethnic, or cultural group (HM1)
Egghead: banned as offensive, replace with intellectual (HM1)
Elderly, the: banned as ageist, replace with older persons (SF-AW, APA)
Eskimo: banned as inauthentic, replace with Inupiat and Yupik or Native Arctic peoples (SF-AW, ETS1) or replace with Inuit, Inupiak, Yupik, Yuit or Native Arctic peoples (note Yupik and Yuit are not interchangeable) (HAR2)
Ethnic: avoid the use of this word as a noun (NYS2)
Exceptionalities: banned as patronizing to people with disabilities (ETS2)
Executrix: banned, replace with executor (NYS2)
Exotic: banned when referring to Asian Americans (SF-AW)
Extremist: banned as ethnocentric, replace with believer, follower, adherent (SF-AW)
Factory foreman: banned as sexist, replace with supervisor (ETS2)
Fair sex: banned as sexist, replace with woman or female (HM1, NES, AIR, ETS2)
Fairy: banned because it suggests homosexuality, replace with elf (AEP)
Family of man: banned, replace with human race, civilization (NYS2)
Fanatic: banned as ethnocentric, replace with believer, follower, adherent (SF-AW)
Fat: banned, replace with heavy, obese (AEP)
Feebleminded: banned as offensive, replace with person with mental disability (HM1, NES)
Fellow: banned, replace with scholar, award recipient, postgraduate unless referring to a specific academic award (NYS2)
Fellowship: banned as sexist, replace with friendship (HRW3)
Fellow worker: banned as sexist, replace with coworker (NES)
Feminine wiles: banned as sexist, replace with wiles (HM1)
Filly: banned as sexist, unless one means a female horse (MMH)
Fireman: banned as sexist, replace with firefighter (MMH, HM1, HAR1, HRW3, NES, AIR, ETS2, NYS2)
Fisherman: banned as sexist, replace with fisher, angler (MMH, HAR1, NES, NYS2)
Forefathers: banned as sexist, replace with ancestors, precursors (MMH, SF-AW, NES, CT, NYS2)
Foreman: banned as sexist, replace with supervisor, manager (MMH, HAR1, NES, NYS2)
Founding Fathers: banned as sexist, replace with the founders, the framers (HM1, HAR1, HRW3, APhilA, NYS2)
Four eyes: banned as offensive to the visually impaired (HM1)
Fraternity: banned as sexist, replace with community, kinship, solidarity, collegiality (APhilA)
Fraternize: banned as sexist (HRW3)
Freak: banned as demeaning to person with disability (SF-AW)
Freshman: banned as sexist, replace with first-year student (SF-AW, NES, NYS2)
Frontiersmen: banned as sexist, replace with pioneers, forebears, settlers (HAR1)
Gal: banned as sexist (SF-AW, HM1)
Gal Friday, Girl Friday: banned as sexist (HRW3, HM1, AIR)
Garbageman: banned as sexist, replace with garbage collector, trash collector (HAR1)
Gay: banned, as it suggests homosexual, replace with happy, lighthearted (AEP)
Geezer: banned as demeaning to older men (SF-AW)
Gentleman's agreement: banned, replace with informal agreement
Geriatric patient: banned as demeaning to older persons (SF-AW)
Ghetto: banned, replace with reference to socioeconomic characteristics of a particular neighborhood if necessary (NYS2)
Gimp: banned as offensive to person with mental or physical disability (SF-AW, HM1)
Girl: banned except for reference to females under sixteen (MMH, SF-AW, HM1, HRW3, NES, ETS2)
Girlish laughter: banned as sexist, replace with laughter (HM1)
Girls: use only to refer to females up to thirteen (NYS2)
Girls, the: banned as sexist (NES)
God: banned (AEP)
Golden Agers: banned as ageist, replace with older persons or persons who are older (HM1, SF-AW)
Grandfather clause: banned, replace with retroactive coverage, retroactive exemption (NYS2)
Grass: avoid as it may have a negative or dirty connotation (MI)
Gringo: banned as offensive (NES)
Groundsman: banned as sexist, replace with grounds worker (NES)
Grow to manhood: banned as sexist, replace with grow to adulthood (ETS2)
Guys: banned as sexist, replace with students, class, folks, all of you, third graders (NCTE)
Gypsy, gypsies: banned, replace with Rom or Romani or Roma or Romanies (NYS2)
Handicap, the handicapped, handicapped person: banned as offensive, replace with disability, person with a disability (HAR1, NES, ETS1, ETS2, NYS2)
Handyman: banned as sexist, replace with maintenance worker (NES)
He: banned as sexist, replace with he or she or they (AIR)
Headman: banned as sexist, replace with leader (HRW1)
Hearing-impaired: banned as offensive, replace with deaf or hard-of-hearing (ETS2, HRW4)
Heathen: banned as ethnocentric when referring to religion, replace with nonbeliever (SF-AW, NYC, ETS2)
Heathen: banned when referring to American Indians (SF-AW, HM1, HM2, NYC)
Heiress: banned as sexist, replace with heir (HM1)
Hell: banned, replace with heck, darn (AEP)
He-man: banned as sexist (CT)
Henpecked husband: banned as sexist (MMH, NES)
Heretic: use with caution when comparing religions (ETS2)
Heroine: banned as sexist, replace with hero (SF-AW, HAR2, NES, NYS2)
Hispanic American: use with caution as some groups object to the term's suggestion of a shared European cultural heritage, replace with specific nationality (NES)
Homeless: banned, replace with individuals who are homeless, persons without homes (NYS2)
Homosexual: banned, replace with person, child
Hordes: banned as reference to immigrant groups (CT)
Horseman, horsewoman: banned as sexist, replace with equestrian (HRW1)
Horsemanship: banned as sexist, replace with riding skill (NES)
Hostess: banned, replace with host (NYS2)
Hottentot: banned as a relic of colonialism, replace with Khoi-khoi
Househusband: banned, replace with homemaker, one who works at home (NYS2)
Houseman, housemaid: banned as sexist, replace with servant, housekeeper (HRW1)
Housewife: banned as sexist, replace with homemaker, head of the household (SF-AW, HAR1, HAR2, NES, ETS2, NYS2)
Hussy: banned as sexist (SF-AW)
Huts: banned as ethnocentric, replace with small houses (SF-AW)
Hypochondriac: banned, replace with individual with hypochondriasis (NYS2)
Idiot: banned as offensive to person with mental disability (SF-AW, HM1, NES)
Illegal alien: banned, replace with undocumented worker, undocumented resident (NYS2)
Illegitimate: banned, it is usually not necessary to mention the circumstances of a person's birth (NYS2)
Illiterate: banned, specify if an individual is unable to read or write, or both (NYS2)
Imbecile: banned as offensive to person with mental disability (HM1, NES)
Inconvenienced: banned as patronizing to people with disabilities (ETS2)
Indian: avoid unless referring to someone who is from India (HRW-4)
Indian giver: banned as offensive (NYC)
Insane: banned as offensive, replace with person who has an emotional disorder or psychiatric illness (SF-AW, HM1, NES)
Inscrutable: banned when referring to Asian Americans (SF-AW, MMH)
Inspirational: banned as patronizing when referring to a person with disabilities (ETS2)
Insurance man: banned as sexist, replace with insurance agent (MMH, HAR1, HRW3, NES, ETS2)
Invalid: banned when referring to a person with disabilities (ETS2)
Jewess: banned as sexist, replace with Jew (NES)
Journeyman: banned as sexist, replace with certified artisan or specify the occupation (NYS2, NES)
Jungle: banned, replace with rain forest, savannah (AEP)
Junior executive: banned, replace with executive trainee (NYS2)
Junk bonds: banned as elitist (ETS1, ETS2)
Junkman: banned as sexist, replace with junk dealer (HRW1)
Juvenile delinquent: banned, replace with juvenile offender, youthful offender (NYS2)
Kaffir: banned as a relic of colonialism, replace with African (NYC)
King Philip: banned as reference to a Native American leader, replace with Metacome (NYC)
Kinsman: banned as sexist, replace with relative (HRW1, NYS2)
Ladies, the: banned as sexist (NES)
Lady: banned as sexist (MMH, SF-AW, HM1, NYS2)
Lady doctor: banned as sexist (MMH)
Lady lawyer: banned as sexist (HRW3, NES, ETS1, ETS2, NCTE)
Ladylike: banned as sexist, replace with feminine (HRW3)
Lame: banned as offensive, replace with walks with a cane (SF-AW)
Landlord, landlady: banned as sexist, replace with owner (NES, NYS2)
Latin American: use with caution, as some groups resent the term's insensitivity to national differences, and some find it inaccurate, since not all such people speak a Latin-based language. Replace with specific nationality. (NES)
Laundress, laundryman: banned as sexist, replace with laundry worker (HRW1)
Layman: banned as sexist, replace with layperson, nonexpert, nonspecialist (NES, NYS2)
Lazy: banned as adjective when referring to American Indians (SF-AW)
Letterman: banned as sexist, replace with student who has won a letter (HRW1)
Limping along: banned as handicapism (NYC)
Lineman: banned as sexist, replace with line installer (MMH, NES)
Linesman: banned as sexist, replace with sports official (HRW)
Little person: banned as offensive, replace with person of small stature (SF-AW, HAR1)
Little woman, the: banned as sexist, replace with wife, spouse, partner, mate (HM1, HRW3, ETS1, ETS2)
Longshoreman: banned as sexist, replace with dock worker (NES)
Lumberman, lumberjack: banned as sexist, replace with woodcutter (NES)
Lunatic: banned as offensive, replace with person with a psychiatric illness (SF-AW)
Maid: banned as sexist, replace with house cleaner (ETS2)
Maiden name: banned, replace with birth name (NYS2)
Mailman: banned as sexist, replace with mail carrier (MMH, HRW1, HM1, HAR1, HRW3, NES, ETS2, NYS2)
Maintenance man: banned, replace with maintenance worker, maintenance engineer (NYS2)
Majorette: banned, replace with major
Majority group: banned as offensive reference to cultural differences (ACT)
Male nurse: banned as sexist, replace with nurse (MMH, SF-AW, HM1, NES, ETS, NCTE)
Male secretary: banned as sexist, replace with secretary (HM1)
Man: banned as a sexist verb, as in man the sailboats or man the trucks (MMH, NES, NYS2)
Man, mankind, men: banned as sexist, replace with humankind, the human race, humanity, persons, people, figures, personalities, women and men, men and women (MMH, HM1, HAR1, HAR2, NES, AIR, MA, NYC, ETS2)
Man's achievement: refer instead to human achievement (MMH, NES, ETS2)
Man and wife: banned as sexist, replace with husband and wife (MMH, SF-AW, HAR1, ETS2)
Manhood: banned as sexist, replace with adulthood, maturity (HM1, NES)
Man-hour: banned as sexist, replace with work hour, total hours (HAR1, NES, NYS2)
Manhunt: banned as sexist, replace with hunt for a person (HRW1)
Maniac: banned as offensive to persons with a psychiatric disability (HM1, NES)
Mankind: banned as sexist, replace with humankind, humanity, human beings, people (NES, NYC, ETS2, RIV, NYS2)
Manly: banned as sexist (MMH)
Man-made: banned as sexist, replace with artificial, synthetic, manufactured (MMH, HM1, HAR1, HRW3, NES, AIR, NYC, ETS2, CT, NYS2)
Manned space flight: banned, replace with piloted, with crew, with staff (NYS2)
Mannish: banned as sexist (HRW3)
Man-of-war: banned as sexist, replace with warship (HRW1)
Man on the street: banned as sexist, replace with the average person (MMH, HM1, RIV, NES)
Manpower: banned as sexist, replace with human power, workers, personal strength, workforce, human energy (MMH, SF-AW, HM1, HAR1, NES, AIR, NYC, ETS2, NYS2)
Man-size job: banned as sexist, replace with big, enormous (HRW3, ACT, ETS2, NCTE, NYS2)
Masculine drive: banned as sexist (HM1)
Massacre: banned as offensive when referring to Native Americans (HM2)
Master, owner: banned when referring to slavery, replace with holder or slave-holder (HRW4)
Master copy: banned, replace with primary copy (NYS2)
Master plan: banned, replace with comprehensive plan, overall plan (NYS2)
Masterpiece: banned, replace with work of art, work of genius, greatest work NYS2)
Mastery: banned, replace with proficiency, skill, expertise (NYS2)
Maven: banned as regional or ethnic bias (ETS1)
Mental deficiency: banned as insensitive (ETS2)
Mentally ill, the: banned as offensive, replace with person with a mental or emotional disability (HM1, HAR1, NES, ETS2, APA)
Mentally retarded: banned as offensive, replace with person with mental retardation (SF-AW)
Middle East: banned as reflecting a Eurocentric worldview, replace with Southwest Asia; may be acceptable, however, as a historical reference (HAR2)
Midget: banned as offensive, replace with person of short stature (SF-AW, HAR1)
Milkman: banned as sexist, replace with delivery person (HRW1)
Minority: banned, replace with historically underrepresented group or member of such group (NYS2)
Minority group: banned as offensive reference to cultural differences (ACT)
Mister, the: banned as synonym for husband (HM1)
Mongoloid: banned as offensive, replace with person with Down syndrome (SF-AW, HM1, NES, NYC)
Mother Russia: banned as sexist, replace with Russia, vast land of rich harvests (HM1)
Mothering banned as sexist, replace with nurturing, parenting (APA)
Motherland, fatherland: banned as sexist, replace with native land (HRW1)
Mrs., the: banned as synonym for wife (HM1)
Mulatto: banned as racist (NES)
Mute: banned as handicapism when used as a noun (NYC)
Mysterious: banned when referring to Asian Americans (SF-AW)
Myth: banned when referring to traditional beliefs of American Indians, replace with story or narrative (SF-AW)
Native: banned when referring to a Native American person, banned also when used as a noun (HM1, NYC)
Navajo: banned as inauthentic, replace with Diné (SF-AW)
Needy: banned, replace with individual in need (NYS2)
New World: banned in nonfiction (HSV)
Newsboy: banned as sexist, replace with newspaper carrier (NES, NYS2)
Newsman, newswoman: banned as sexist, replace with newsperson, reporter (HRW1, NES, NYS2)
Newspaperman: banned as sexist, replace with reporter (HRW1)
Niggardly: banned, replace with frugal, cheap (AEP)
Night watchman: banned as sexist, replace with night guard
Nobleman: banned as sexist, replace with member of the nobility or noble (HRW1)
Non-Western: banned, replace with reference to specific nation, region, culture (NYS2)
Nonwhite: banned, replace with people of color or specific race (NYS2)
Normal: banned as offensive, replace with a person without disabilities (SF-AW, ETS2, NYS2)
Office boy: banned as sexist, replace with messenger, office helper (NES)
Old: banned as an adjective that implies helplessness, dependency, or other negative conceptions (NYC)
Old folks: banned as ageist, replace with persons who are older (HM1)
Old hag: banned as offensive (NYC)
Old lady: banned as demeaning to older women (SF-AW)
Old lady, the: banned as sexist when referring to one's wife (HRW3)
Old maid: banned as both sexist and ageist (SF-AW, HM1, NCTE)
Old maidish: banned as sexist (HRW3)
Old man: banned as demeaning to older men (SF-AW, HRW3)
Old man, the: banned as synonym for husband (HM1, HRW3)
Old witch: banned as offensive (NYC)
Old wives' tales: banned as sexist, replace with folk wisdom
Ombudsman: banned as sexist, replace with ombuds (NYS2, NES)
One-man band: banned as sexist, replace with one-person performance (MMH)
One-man show: banned as sexist, replace with solo performance (MMH)
Orient, Oriental: banned as offensive, replace with Asian, Japanese, etc. (SF-AW, MMH, HAR2, NES, NYS2)
Overcoming a disability: banned as offensive when referring to a person with a disability (ETS2)
Pagan: banned as ethnocentric when referring to religion, replace with nonbeliever (SF-AW, HM1, ETS2)
Paper boy: banned as sexist, replace with paper deliverer
Papoose: banned as demeaning to Native Americans (MMH, SF-AW, HM1, HM2)
Paralytic: banned as offensive, replace with person who uses crutches (SF-AW)
Paraplegic: banned as offensive, replace with people with paraplegia (SF-AW, NYS2)
Past one's prime: banned as demeaning to older persons (SF-AW)
Peculiar: banned when it refers to religious practices or beliefs (SF-AW)
Penmanship: banned as sexist, replace with handwriting, script, writing (NYS2)
Physically challenged: banned as patronizing to persons who have a physical disability (SF-AW, ETS2)
Pink collar: banned, replace with specific occupation or job (NYS2)
Plainsman: banned as sexist, replace with plains dweller (HRW1)
Poetess: banned as sexist, replace with poet (SF-AW, HM1, HAR1, HRW3, NES, ETS2, NCTE, NYS2)
Policeman, policewoman: banned as sexist, replace with police officer (MMH, HM1, HAR1, HRW3, NES, AIR, NYS2)
Politically correct: use with caution, generally used to dismiss or discount an issue involving fairness or equity (NYS2)
Pollyanna: banned as sexist, replace with optimist
Polo: banned as elitist (ETS1, ETS2)
Poor: banned, replace with living in poverty, living below the poverty line or cite the individual's specific income (NYS2)
Pop: banned as regional bias when referring to soft drink, replace with Coke, Pepsi, however note that brand names by California social content review guidelines (AIR)
Postman: banned as sexist, replace with mail carrier (MMH, HRW1)
Postmaster, postmistress: banned as sexist, replace with post office director (HRW1)
Pressman: banned as sexist, replace with press operator (NES)
Primitive: banned as ethnocentric when referring to racial, ethnic, religious, or cultural groups (SF-AW, HM1, NES, NYC, AIR, ACT, ETS2, NYS2)
Primitive man: banned as sexist, replace with primitive peoples (HAR1, HAR2, NES)
Profoundly deaf: banned as offensive, replace with person with loss of hearing (HAR1)
Provider, the: banned as synonym for husband (HM1)
Public-relations man: banned as sexist, replace with public-relations specialist (NES)
Quota: use with caution, as it is often used to dismiss or discount individuals, issues, or programs concerned with inclusion, fairness, and equity (NYS2)
Quadriplegic: banned, replace with individual with quadriplegia (NYS2)
Red man: banned when referring to a Native American man (HM1, AIR, RIV)
Redskin: banned when referring to American Indian (SF-AW, HM1)
Regatta: banned as elitist (ETS1)
Repairman: banned as sexist, replace with repair person, maintenance person, plumber, carpenter, etc. (HRW1, HAR1, HAR2, NES, NYS2)
Retard: banned as objectionable to people with disabilities (SF-AW, HM1, NES)
Retardate: banned as offensive (NES)
Retarded, the: banned as offensive, replace with peson who is developmentally disabled (HM1, HAR1, ETS2)
Right-hand man: banned as sexist, replace with closest associate or assistant (HM1, HRW3, NES)
Roaming the land: banned as reference to Native Americans (CT)
Rocking-chair brigade: banned as ageist (HM1)
Roving the land: banned as reference to Native Americans (CT)
Salesman, saleswoman: banned as sexist, replace with sales representative (MMH, SF-AW, HRW1, HM1, HAR1, HRW3, NES, ETS2, NYS2)
Satan: banned (AEP)
Savages: banned when referring to Native Americans (CT)
Schoolgirl, schoolboy: banned as sexist, replace with schoolchild (HRW1)
Sculptress: banned as sexist, replace with sculptor (MMH, HM1)
Seaman: banned as sexist, replace with sailor (HRW1)
Seamstress: banned as sexist, replace with sewing machine operator, sewer, garment attendant (NES, NYS2)
Sect: banned as ethnocentric when referring to a religious group, unless it separated from an established religion (SF-AW, ETS2)
Senile: banned as demeaning to older persons (SF-AW, HM1, NYS2)
Senility: banned as demeaning, replace with dementia (APA)
Senior citizen: banned as demeaning to older persons (SF-AW)
Serviceman: banned as sexist, replace with member of the armed services, gas station attendant (HRW1)
Showman: banned as sexist, replace with showperson, entertainer, producer (MMH, HRW1)
Sickly: banned as demeaning reference to person with disabilities (ETS2)
Sightless: banned as offensive, replace with people who are blind (SF-AW)
Sioux: banned as inauthentic, replace with Lakota, Dakota, or Nakota (SF-AW)
Sissy: banned as demeaning (MMH, SF-AW, NES, CT)
Sissified: banned as demeaning (HRW3)
Slave: replace whenever possible with enslaved person, enslaved African, worker, or laborer (AEP, HRW4)
Sneaky: banned when referring to Asian Americans (SF-AW)
Snow ball: banned for regional bias, replace with flavored ice (AIR)
Snow cone: banned for regional bias, replace with flavored ice (AIR)
Snowman: banned, replace with snowperson (AEP)
Sob sister: banned as sexist, replace with exploitative journalist (NES, AIR)
Soda: banned for regional bias, replace with Coke, Pepsi, however note that brand names are banned by California social content review guidelines (AIR)
Songstress: banned as sexist, replace with singer
Sophisticated: banned when it refers to religious practices or beliefs (SF-AW)
Soul food: banned as regional or ethnic bias (ETS1)
Spastic: banned as offensive description; muscles are spastic, not people (ETS2)
Special: banned as patronizing when referring to a person with a disability (SF-AW, AIR, ETS2)
Spinster: banned as demeaning to older single women (SF-AW, NCTE)
Spinsterish: banned as sexist (HRW3)
Spokesman, spokeswoman: banned as sexist, replace with spokesperson (MMH, HAR1, NYS2)
Sportsman, sportswoman: banned as sexist, replace with athlete, outdoor enthusiast (HRW, HYS2)
Sportsmanship: banned as sexist, replace with sporting conduct (NES)
Squaw: banned as disparaging to Native American women (MMH, SF-AW, HM1, HM2, HRW4)
Statesman, stateswoman: banned as sexist, replace with diplomat, legislator, leader, public servant (HRW1, HAR1, HAR2, NES, NYS2)
Stewardess, steward: banned as sexist, replace with flight attendant (HM1, HAR1, NES, NCTE, NYS2)
Stickball: banned as regional or ethnic bias (ETS1)
Stone deaf: banned as handicapism (NYC)
Strange: banned when it refers to religious practices or beliefs (SF-AW)
Straw man: banned as sexist, replace with unreal issue, misrepresentation (NES)
Subgroup: banned as offensive reference to cultural differences (ACT)
Substandard English: banned as ethnocentric, replace with slang or home language (SF-AW)
Sufferer of cerebral palsy: banned as offensive, replace with person who has lost muscle control (HAR1)
Suffragette: banned as sexist, replace with suffragist (MMH, SF-AW, HAR1, HAR2, NES, ETS2, NYS2)
Swarms: banned as reference to immigrant groups (CT)
Swarthy: banned as racist, replace with dark, black, brown (SF-AW)
Sweet young thing: banned as sexist, replace with young woman (ETS2)
Teenager: banned, replace with adolescent
Third World: banned as ethnocentric (NES, NYS2)
Token: use with caution, as it is often used to dismiss or discount individuals or issues of fairness and equity (NYS2)
Tomboy: banned as sexist (SF-AW, NES, AIR)
Tote: banned as regional bias, replace with brown paper bag (RIV)
Townsman, townswoman: banned, replace with citizen, townspeople (NYS2)
Tribal warfare: banned as ethnocentric, replace with conflict among diverse peoples (HRW4)
Tribe: banned as ethnocentric, replace with ethnic group or nation or people (SF-AW, NYC, HRW4); however, HAR2 says that tribe is acceptable
Tribesman: banned as ethnocentric and sexist (HM1, HRW4)
Turning a deaf ear: banned as handicapism (NYC)
Typical: use with caution, its appearance is generally a warning that labeling and stereotyping will follow (NYS2)
Un-American: banned, no replacement (NYS2)
Uncivilized: banned, no replacement (NYS2)
Underclassman: banned, replace with undergraduate (NYS2)
Underdeveloped: banned as ethnocentric when referring to another country (HM1, SF-AW)
Underprivileged: banned, no replacement (NYS2)
Unfortunate: banned as negative judgment on person with disability (ETS2)
Unmanned: banned, replace with unstaffed, without workers (NYS2)
Unmarried: banned, replace with single if reference to marital status must be made (NYS2)
Usherette: banned as sexist, replace with usher (HM1, HRW3, ETS2)
Victim: banned as demeaning reference to person with a disability (ETS2, RIV)
Victim of blindness: banned as offensive, replace with persons who have lost their sight (HAR1)
Waitress: banned as sexist, replace with server, waitron (MMH, HAR1, NES)
Wandering the land: banned as reference to Native Americans (CT)
Warlike: banned when referring to American Indians (SF-AW)
Warrior: banned as offensive when referring to a Native American person (HRW1)
Weak sister: banned as sexist (HRW3)
Weaker sex: banned, replace with women, females (HM1, NES, ETS2)
Weatherman, weathergirl: banned as sexist, replace with weather reporter, meteorologist (NES, NYS2)
West, Western: banned as Eurocentric when discussing world geography, replace with reference to specific continent or region (HAR2)
Wheelchair bound: banned as offensive, replace with a person who is mobility impaired or wheelchair user (SF-AW, HAR1, ETS2, RIV, HRW4)
Wheelchair user: banned, replace with an individual who uses a wheelchair (NYS2)
White/whites: banned as a noun (HAR2, SF-AW)
White: banned as an adjective meaning pure (CT)
Whole: banned as offensive when referring to a person's capability, replace with person without disabilities or person who is nondisabled (SF-AW)
Widow, widower: banned, replace with widowed if reference to an individual's marital status must be made (NYS2)
Wife, the: banned as synonym for wife (HM1, HRW3)
Wild: banned when referring to American Indians (SF-AW)
Woman doctor: banned as sexist, replace with doctor (SF-AW, HM1, ETS2)
Woman driver: banned as sexist (HRW3)
Womanish: banned as sexist (HRW3, ETS2)
Woman's intuition: banned, replace with intuition, hunch (NYS2)
Woman's work: banned as sexist (HRW3)
Women's libber: banned as offensive, replace with feminist or suporter of the women's movement (HM1)
Workingman: banned as sexist, replace with worker (MMH)
Workman: banned as sexist, replace with worker, laborer, employee, staff member (HM1, HAR1, HRW3, NES, NYS2)
Workmanlike: banned as sexist, replace with competent (HM1, HRW3)
Workman's compensation: banned, replace with workers' compensation (NYS2)
Workmanship: banned as sexist, no replacement (NES, NYS2)
Yacht: banned as elitist (ETS2)
Yes-man: banned as sexist (AIR, NYS2)
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Third King of Shadaloo
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