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Adara's, thoughts, stories and rambles.
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Two words. Racket. Ball
“DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR DAR!!!!!!!!!!” Shu Yin jumped on her bed excitedly. “I have something to show you that I’m really excited about!” At this point poor Adara had pissed in her bed horribly and was trying to crawl off to the bath knowing that she was going to need it horribly bad. She loved when her brother got excited, it meant such wonderful things were going to happen that day, however, getting to them was the trick in and of itself. When he realized what happened “Sorry, Dar, I, I’m just excited that’s all, hurry and get cleaned up and we’ll head out. I got your bedding.”

When she was bathing he ripped all her bedding off and the poor washer got them again. But then again, today was special, he was almost beside himself with excitement. When she finally came down weary of him, she maybe psychic but she still had an ’off’ button, in a way. She just ignored what her gifts were trying to tell her. She ate eyeing her brother who went from the older sibling to a three year old on Christmas day. When she was done he yanked her off to his car and barely got the door shut before they were on the highway, and the highway was a distance from their house.

When it was all said and done she was in tears hugging him tightly. He had not only bought her dream store but he had decorated it in her special way that she told him only once about. “How did you?” “I remembered, You told me about it and I wanted to surprise you since I could!!!” Lots of hugging, jumping, and screaming later “I need to call my girlfriend.” When she walked off “Why ruin such a great moment with her…” he looked away annoyed. He didn’t mind his sister was a lesbian, he really didn’t, he just minded that she chose the rudest, bitchiest, and meanest dike out there for a lover. Half the times he thought about getting into a fist fight with the woman just to knock amnesia into her then tall Adara she ran away with someone else. He was only going to plant it into her head that she was a docile woman that loved to get dominated by a man and smacked around. Nothing TOO bad! Just his luck she was free and coming down for a visit. Yippy Skippy.

After a few months of playing around and doing some readings, nothing too big and grand, something happened. A police officer came walking in and looked around the store. “Um ma’am?” “You Adara?” “Yeah?” “I have heard about you. How secure is this place?” “Um…” “Good I need your psychic vibe or whatever on this case” “Um…Okay” Adara touched the file but retracted her hand and sunk away from the woman. She wished her brother was there to shoo her away. “No. There is too much death on that case file, and you won’t solve it, Mr. Yang will get away and I want nothing to do with it.” All but running away. Adara was still very young, under age in fact and didn’t really know edicts.

A few years later she is the chief psychic detective for the police department. She solved hundreds of unsolvable cases with her brother at her side. He quit his job to help her along as her assistant, there were too many things she simply could not do by herself, like defend herself or lift heavy objects. That and he could keep her away from Sam, her girlfriend. They weren’t living large but they were very very comfortable in their living, nothing could go wrong, and that’s when it did. Adara got a call in the middle of the night “Adara, I’m sorry this is the Chief, get in here yesterday.” “Yes Ma’am” hanging up and getting up a pissed voice barked at her to get her tits back in bed. “Sorry Sam, I can’t I got a call from the Chief.” “I don’t give a crap, its late and I want sleep.” “Sam don’t be mean not right now, I need to go. You know that this is my job.” She started to say something but in pjs, Adara left with her brother, who flipped off Sam as he passed when he was sure Adara wasn’t looking.

When they got there “Nice attire…” “Don’t ask” “Please don’t tell. Do you remember when I came to you several years back and asked you to look at a case for me?” “Yep, won’t look at it again.” “Well you don’t have to look at that one anymore, but you must…” As they walked into a room that was crowded of cops and detectives “look at the new evidence.” She stopped which nearly launched her brother into her back. “No ma’am I won’t, I’ll even turn in my shiny psychic badge over doing that.” With some gentle coaxing from her brother she sat down and listened to the newest letter made out of letter clippings from this or that.

Squeamishly moving around Adara didn’t want to be there, she knew the cops weren’t going to get the person. They were too good, it would take a psychic and she wasn’t signing up till “Here is why we called you in Adara, which I wasn’t going to do but I have no choice. ’Then to my dearest Chief. You couldn’t catch me way back when, but now I have a better opponent, your sweet little psychic girl. She is a very attractive talented young lady. I should say, I am calling you out my dearest Adara Zsofia Agate from the line of King Leonidas. Such lineage. Catch me, catch me if you can and make your ancestor proud! Signed Yang’ Now Adara I simply cannot let this person die without you knowing what’s going on. So we brought in our expert of Yang.” A cop walked in “Chief, the Mayor is on the phone.” “Crap, Wu Fei you and Duo fill him in when I’m gone.”

“OKAY AGATE COME HERE AND LISTEN UP!” Adara turned to see Wu Fei on one of his kicks again and groaned quietly while looking at her brother. Her brother still thinks the Chinese man was better then Adara’s girlfriend. Walking over Shu Yin looked at who Wu Fei was about to talk about “It was him right? He is the murderer.” Adara smacked his chest “What he looks like it with his bad hair and weird vintage glasses.” Duo leaned over “Shu Yin shut up that’s Mary our expert on Yang.” A very odd looking man stood up between the height of the siblings and a very passive, nerdy ‘I spent way too much time in the library’ look. “hi.” Holding out his hand very feminine, forcing Adara to shake his finger tips as it looked like wanted her to kiss the back of his hand. “As you can see Mary, I’m in a Lolita DRESS it maybe short but its still a dress, I’m supposed to shake hands like that.” Shu Yin lightly hit her arm “What?” “Be nice if I have to, so do you.” “I’m just saying.”

“Okay Yang is the best criminal this city has ever never seen. He is so good that he cannot be stopped. He loves killing and playing games. In 1995 he killed over three dozen people then disappeared. Subsequently over the next 15 years he shows up when there is a cop he deems is a worthy challenger, an advisory on the game. He will only kill one and so its only if the cop fails. Adara your familiar with this as you turned down the, now chief’s, plea for help and someone died.” looking down she held in the grunt of a blow that was. “any questions so far?” Shu Yin spoke up “I got a question about the Mary thing” “My father was named Mary, his father was Mary, his father was Mary, and his father was Logan.” “ah…” Adara walked away. “show me the riddle.” showing them the telegram “SHE SERVES THE GENERAL WELL TODAY WHO’S SOLDIERS WAIT TO DIE -- IN A WHITE RIVER THEY SHALL PAY FOR THEM SHE SHALL NOT CRY-- WHO IS SHE?” Adara quietly read out “Now all these riddles are personal and recent what were you guys doing in the last 24 hours?” Adara looked at Shu Yin “that waitress I flirted with at the restaurant…” “You think?” “General Mills cereal.” “Oh god white river of milk…”

They got to the restaurant only to be sent back to the police station via a riddle. On the way back “This pisser is really annoying me already Shu Boo.” “Your just too high strung. Isn’t your girlfriend giving you enough?” shooting a very uncomfortable look at Shu Yin “No cause I am not ready.” “You think after 4 and a half years you would be.” Snorting she looked out the window. He just smiled as that was the confirmation that they were going to break up soon.

When they got back “SOMEONE HAD TO SIGN FOR THIS!” “not a good sign…” they ran only to find the Chief pissed off with a package on the conference table and a cop explaining he just found it. “Not good.” They walked in “Its in your hands now Adara.” “Why is it always me, why not ‘Its in your hands now Adara and Shu Yin’ or better yet “Shu Yin, Adara, its in your hands now’ that sounds good.” Cringing from the chief as she stormed out “Nice going Dar Dar.”

It was another clue, that sent them on another clue, to another and another. Adara has never let anything get under her skin…till now. Finally they were supposed to get a cell phone and answer it for instruction. When they got there, Adara saw a hobo sleeping with a blanket over him on a hot beach day, on it a yin yang. That was after the phone rang twice, she had 7 rings to answer. When she got it she thought about it and thought about it. 5th ring. This killer was under her skin so much her receptors were on the fritz, and then it happened. Adara threw the phone in the ocean. She’d had enough turning “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!” a Panicked stricken Duo’s face dropped “You better know what your doing!” “Agate” Wu Fei threatened “If that girl dies, you’re going down as part of the murder.” Adara was about to shout back when she saw something “No way…BOO!”

She took off running as hard as she could, surprised the hell out of Duo and Wu Fei that she was faster then slow. Her brother had a hard time keeping up but she also had a head start. Ripping into her psychic store she ripped through it, along with her brother “he was here Shu boo he was! I saw the flash of light!” “DON’T TOUCH ANYTHING AGATE, WE’LL CALL IN CSI TO DUST FOR PRINTS!” with almost a dreamy sigh “go ahead” Mary leaned against the door as if he was in love. Resting his head against the frame “Yang probably touched everything, but you’ll never get a print, he’s too good for that.” “what the HELL is up with your sick obsession and the Yang killer, you almost seem in love with him!” Wu Fei was considering shooting him in the head. Adara and Shu Yin wouldn’t stop him if he tried. “About how good he is?” another dreamy sigh “This puppy is just warming up….” “And your crazy” Shu Yin herded his baby sister away from weirdo. He’s also notice no matter what Mary is doing, just like his handshake his stance was strange too. He didn’t like him. He would stand there with his arm bent and his hand down like he’s trying to shake hands with something. There was something off with this guy, something wrong with him.

They found the binoculars and a picture of the waitress. Mary kinda scared and impressed them. The usually sloth of a man quickly walked over and broke out the picture and ripped it out. He was almost too good on knowing what he was doing. Holding out the picture “Adara has been a naughty naughty girl, I should SPANK her and make her obey. Naughty naught girl!” “Yeah well I’m not playing anymore.” Duo looked at her “Come on Dar” “NO YOU COME ON HE’S GOTTEN INTO MY HEAD AND RUIN MY RECEPTORS I’M JUST AS DUMB AS YOU AND DETECTIVE DIPSTICK OVER THERE!” loosing it “YOU AND DIPSTICK AND MURDERER WANNABE GET OUT NOW!” turning away, Duo snapped back “YOU NEVER GIVE UP” Turning and walking up to him for once putting her finger in his face “The next time a serial murdering freak calls you out personally you go right ahead with your damned pom poms and go ‘Wooo never die never give up!’ and rally the troops. I’m out. Now again for the last time you three out.” turning her back they slowly left dumbly.

“Adara I know your upset, but…” “no I’m not giving up. I took a risk out there cause I know he’s not going to kill her, he likes the game too much. He’s going to regroup but we just fell off his radar, we did we are going to however find the girl and solve this, yes my receptors are messed up but with your eye for detail and my frazzled but still working receptors we’re going to nail him. We just bought some time. We‘re going to start at the very beginning and follow Yang to get in front of him” She rambled on, her voice quivering a bit still as her nerves were getting shot. This was different then anything she took on. She knew there was a reason she shut the chief down those many years ago.

Meanwhile, at the station they got a fax “I AM NO DOUBTING THOMAS, I PUCKER UP TO FIGHT, FOR YOU TO SHAKE MY HAND YOU WOULD HAVE TO USE YOUR RIGHT, WHO AM I?” Mary, who had been unusually busy texting on his phone looked up and listened. “If Yang was watching he could know Adara left our group, it could be directed at any one of us…probably not me…I’m allergic to anything that makes me pucker….” holding up a can “Sardine?” Duo looked at one of the officers “Who eats Sardines?” “Someone with no taste buds or no sense of smell? Or no dignity? Or-” Duo interrupted “I get it.” “Its directed at me” Wu Fei perked up “I’m the Civil war buff. 1863 Confederate General Thomas ‘Stonewall’ Jackson was shot and killed by his own troops at the battle of Chancellorsville. Now, he was notorious for sucking on lemons, even when fighting and while his body was buried in Lexington Virginia, his LEFT arm is buried separately near the battle field!!!” “Oh my god! Wu Fei, the Stonewall hotel and suits! Probably room 1863 and you can bet your a** that I’m going to be in your reenactment next year!” “YES!” after a high five they headed out.

When Adara and Shu Yin went back to the restaurant they were looking in the parking lot. “Shu remember how she got all giddy when I called her car?” “Yeah that was a bit strange” “Where’s her car?” “n..” Calling Wu Fei he handed the phone over “Find her black jeep and you will find her.” Hanging up “We got a problem, Stonewall Hotel and Suits…” “Okay well I forgot something back at the office, I’ll see you there?” “Yeah sure.” Getting on her scooter she headed off so cutely. Here was this gothic Lolita death doll vooming around on a purple scooter with orange hibiscuses on it. When she got there she ran in and saw the girl unconscious with a paper in her mouth. Wu Fei pulled it and opened it up. “Adara no longer wants to play, stakes too low to make you stay?” Adara’s heart sank, what could that mean. She was so mad that her receptors were messed up that it made it worse. Storming off she sat down on a chair only to get up quickly after sitting on something. How she could feel anything through the ruffles was beyond anyone.

There was one of Shu Yin’s favorite Vincent Valentine action figure. “Shu Yin! Pick up….” then she just sunk in the chair her hands were shaking terribly as she went from gorgeous islander tanned to ghost white. “No….no no no no no no!!!” her eyes were draining tears fast. Looking over and seeing Wu Fei and Duo “he has my brother!” her chin quivering and crying as she shook “Duo! Wu Fei he has my brother!!” Falling to her knees she bent over and her head hit the floor with a dangerously loud crack as she was crying almost hysterically. They allowed her a moment, but only a moment to cry. Wu Fei walked off and found the clue “Duo, Adara you want to see this.” Not his usual demanding way, he found compassion for the young psychic. Duo help her into the bathroom, the Yin Yang made out of items that was from Shu Yin’s desk from the office.

“You should be moving as most people do but instead you sit and enjoy the VU. P.S. Boo says Hi and Bye Just in case!” in red lipstick. Duo looked “Why is it spelled like that, VU?” Wu Fei remembered an old case “Brendon Vu from your spelling bee?” “Oh god, good guess but I know who and where he wants me to go.” Running out they headed for the Cinema Vu, the drive in. Looking for her brother’s car she ignored what they were saying and ran on ahead knowing what to look for. Jumping on cars, hearing shouts to get off she ignored them, until she saw the old 67 Shelby Cobra muscle car that she helped her brother build. Gun metal racing stripes on black with what looked like blood dripping from the grill, their personal touch and JUST a touch of fire around the back bumper that was realistic looking to show his love of speed and freedom.

“Oh god Boo.” Quietly as she ran up and read the sign “Bubby says pretty please don‘t squeeze!” seeing his mouth taped she looked behind him and there were lights on his hair. Looking at the projector then at him psychic was out the window as she was fried. “okay bubby, I’m going to take the tape off.” Gently taking the brown paper tape, it was not hardly sticky at all, it was like Yang wanted it off. When she peeled it off “it’s a decoy, its not real” then looked in the popcorn “Oh god, I‘m so sorry I didn‘t see any of this…” gathering herself and nodding “okay then Bubby” “Where is he?” looking to his left, since he was in the passenger seat it made it easy for Adara as she just stood up and saw a big black truck. It wasn’t a monster, but it definitely could accommodate a HUGE male.

When she was nodded over by the shadow she went “Stay steady Boo. I’ll get you out of this.” Walking off she heard the doors unlock and opened it. Inside was definitely one of the biggest if not biggest guys she’s seen. Sliding in he smiled, his azurite eyes sparkling in delight. “I won, I beat you, let my Boo go.” “Your just simply amazing, Adara, he said you would come, I knew you would come! You’re my best advisory ever! I knew you would be, that’s why I chose you.” “I’m your Yin, I got it, now let Boo go.” Yang just sat there quietly for a moment “I played your game, I won, I want my prize.” “You also changed the rules, but that’s why I gave you a second chance, I KNEW you could do it!” “as great as this all is one thing you don’t realize, is your completely surrounded and you aren’t getting out of this theatre.”

With a smirk he turned “You know what I like about these old pictures? The great resolution. Its clear, and precise. You call me a murderer, I’m not though, I just complete things. And that is what people really want, is to feel complete. What is the ultimate completion? Death, its going to happen some day and when it does? It does. How comforting is that?” Adara’s heart sank, for once she felt like she couldn’t save her brother but she stayed her defiant self. “GIVE ME BOO!” he just sat there with a smile “Oh come on Adara, I could have killed your brother anytime I wanted.” holding up a small hand held remote detonator with a green light on and a button, it’s painfully obvious what it was. “See I got to be careful with this because it is so sensitive, like a baby when you gently pinch it’s cheeks. One slip and….BOOM!” with the small jerk it made her scream. “Then he would blow up. Such fun, HOW FUN WOULD THAT BE TO SEE?“ realizing she was panting “So cute, so very cute, he said you were, and he was right.” “Yeah my brother has a sick sense about him right?”

Another just smile grew on the azurite eyed face. “but I couldn’t do that, you wouldn’t like me, Adara. And I want you to like me” tsking “I need you to like me. Because we’re going to be working together again.” “No, no we are not your going to rot be behind four padded walls for the rest of your life.” “no…No see I’m going to write a book, on our story, and your going to right the forward.” “pass.” “Okay.” too calmly “You just think about it tonight.” Holding out the detonator in his hand as if he was giving her a gift. Not looking a gift horse in the mouth she snatched it away as fast but as careful as she could and got out “CLEAR” as she ran to her brother who the bomb in the popcorn was taken away. Tossing the detonator after turning it off she jumped in her brother’s arms and they wept in relief.

When she got down Mary walked up “Congratulations Adara.” flatly. “Don’t be too excited Mary, its not like we just took down the most notorious serial killer of the whole city or nothing.” Yep her Boo was back. “Your right Shu Yin, I’m sorry to fly off the handle. My apologies, I have been following the Yang killer for 13 years now and I need a new hobby.” Adara looked up “two words. Racket ball” “I can do that” with a bit of a smile “Shu Yin do you play racket ball?” “Good bye Mary.”

A year later they sat down in a Hitchcock film festival enjoying Psycho playing on the silver screen “Its good to be free and back.” “I’m happy you’re here.” they snuggled down enjoying the movie. Afterwards they were invited to Adara’s favorite diner for pie. “Hi Mary.” Adara didn’t know if she should be pleased or pissed that he was in her favorite dinning establishment. She just now got Shu Yin trained to eating there, she didn’t need Mary ruining it. “Your milk sugar pie.” Smiling the waitress handed Adara her old 50’s style glass of milk “Thank you darlin’”. Turning back “I was nine years old when my mother game me my first hair cut.” “Mary you look more disturbed then usual, I hate to say this but Mary why don’t you tell us what is really on your mind.” “Did you read this?” Holding up the book Yang said he would write “Yep sorta, the back cover what did it say about me?” Adara was curious “That you were a cute child that he would love to put on a pillow and play with all day.” “Disturbing” “And me?” Almost disgusted “Laughing on the outside crying on the inside a wrinkle in the brow of the tandem siblings.” “He also said that you had skin of milky velvety smoothness.” “Yeah and that he would make a doll out of my skin.” Mary piped up a little too excitedly “I would buy that doll.” They both just looked at him oddly “Besides Adara I thought you didn’t read it.” “I didn’t, fully but I saw your name and got curious.”

“The point is, Adara, You know Yang almost as much as I do and you would know that this book is not possible.” “uh…” Slamming his fist down, Mary made the siblings jump and milk go everywhere. “We got there with lots of time, how would Yang have knocked out the projectionist, gotten the laser pen on your brother’s head, strapped him with incinerating explosives and in the other car by the time we got there THINK!” Shu Yin was ruined on the place putting his fork down he was done. “Listen Mary” Adara started “I know that Yang was a big part of your life, but he is behind electronic gates, he can’t hurt you anymore.” “Yang wasn’t working alone.”

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