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Adara's, thoughts, stories and rambles.
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Sitting quietly with her brother Adara was sobbing outside. It was a beautiful warm day and the sun was shining brightly, there was no reason for her to be crying other then the fact they were sitting by a casket. "It's not over yet...is it?" sniffling as she tried to look at her brother who couldn't handle her eyes so he just lowered his head. "No....no it isn't...." slowly closing his eyes as he somberly just supported his sister. Placing an arm around her, squeezing her arm lightly he didn't really LIKE the guy, he was creepy even for them, but in the end they were wrong about him and wronged him.

Waking quickly she busted into tears “Mary…I remember now, everything, I won’t let your death be in vain.” getting up she paid the men and headed out with her brother, a piece of her died that day, again. “Hey Dar?” “Yeah Boo?” “What did Mary say to you right before he died?” “Nothing, he asked me something though” “What?” “He asked…” stopping, her face twisted in pain “He asked….if I thought there was….racket ball in heaven…” Slowly falling to her knees she cried as it tore her up in side “I said I know there was.” She was clutching her heart, how could she have been so mean to Mary, yes he was creepy but to someone else she was creepy, how dare she act like she did to Mary only to have him turn around and save her life. She was sobbing uncontrollably as her brother desperately tried to hold her. He knew going to the psychic was bad but she wanted to go so he was going to support her.

Wu Fei and Duo pulled up as they were called to the scene. Getting out they came over and helped her into their car, they wanted to find her a place to rest. “Can…can….can….you take me to the beach?” gently putting her hand on Wu Fei’s shoulder “Yeah.” it was such a solemn day, no one had a smile, even when they brought in one of the biggest notorious criminals other then Yang and now Yin. Adara got out and stopped her brother. “I’ll call you when I’m ready.” “But Yin” “I don’t care anymore. Yin wasn’t going to kill me. Ever.” getting out of the car she walked off taking her chunky heeled shoes off. Feeling the sand on her feet through the stockings she was having a hard time with Mary’s death. Very hard time, she knew the others felt bad but she felt responsible for it. She felt like if she had of stood up for him, or if she had of not been so horrible he wouldn’t have tried to be the hero. She appreciated what he did but he should be here with his quirks and knowledge. He was more of an asset then her, she couldn’t even tap into her abilities.

“not a good time to leave us Mary.” going to the end of the pier where the big man, who she still didn’t have the name of, she sat quietly with her feet dangling down towards the water, it was unusually quiet on the pier but she didn’t care. Pulling her legs up and against her, she just buried her face in her knees and cried. A painful and sorrowful cry that broke anyone’s heart that heard it. Just as she thought she was in the worst part some strong arms wrapped around her. “Don’t turn around.” it ordered mournfully as a male just held her, clothed from head to toe, it was Yin “I am sorry.” It was so awkward coming out of his mouth, like it was the first time he had said it in his life, but he really wanted to say it. He just sat behind her and held her tightly letting her cry as she leaned against him. She could easily just find a way to take him in, at this point if it was to make her smile again he would do it, but she didn’t, she just wanted to lean against him.
“Why did you kill Mary?” “Because he saved you.” “What?!” “Calm yourself” in a raspy aged voice “Your clothes were on fire, we tried to help you, he took your burning clothes and caught fire. He was covered with 3rd degree burns by the time I got to him, he would have either lived in pain and scars forever or would have had a extremely slow death. I took his life as quickly as I could that I figured he would be okay for a casket. It was a gift for you.” she couldn’t say anymore and just shook in his arms. She was exhausted, she expended too much energy crying and fell asleep in the killer’s arms. He just watched the sun set quietly holding her while a part of his face cover changed colors as if moisture was added to it. “I am truly sorry.” Yang talked highly of Mary so he was looking forward to their games together as well, even though the game was completely different.

Picking her shoes up then scooping her up like she was his bride, he walked off with her, no mask on as he knew she wasn’t going to wake. Heading off he found an abandoned house, it wasn’t too uncommon during the financial crisis, but this was different, they had a bed and furniture still there. They were ran out quickly. Shaking his head he laid her down when he was sure the sheets were clean. “My poor baby.” his voice going normal, he kissed her forehead and stripped her bare, he knew she liked sleeping in the nude, to feel the sheets against her skin and lips. Tucking her in he picked up her phone and texted her brother “Hey Boo too tired to come home, I’m staying at a hotel I sorry Ill call in the morn.” waited “You sure? I can pick you up” “no its okay its late and I don’t want you to get out Ill see you in the morn. Luff u” “love you too g’night” “night night” it was scary how much he knew Adara and her responses.

In the morning she woke, her clothes were folded nicely on a chair, there was a hot breakfast waiting for her, and a nice smelling bath drawn up in an unusual house. “Boo?” getting up she ripped the sheets off and walked around realizing no one was there, so Yin had to be around. Her brother was down town again as he was still trying to defend the fact that his middle name was Yin and that he wasn’t ‘The Yin’ they were looking for. Going up she ate then took a bath tensely. She didn’t know what was going on. Getting out she got ready and left quickly, there was her scooter. Jumping on it she raced home and made it just as her brother got home. “Hey when did you get your scooter?” looking at her “Dara what happened?” “Inside now!” going in she told him everything “Dara this cannot keep happening. I think we need to leave the city.” “What if Yin gets pissed?” “Not our problem anymore.” “Fine.” they quickly packed clothes and left the city.

Within a few days they were getting called by Wu Fei begging them to come back. Shu furrowed his brows “We know it isn’t you anymore please just get Adara back here as fast as you can!” “Why?” “Because the minute you guys left, Yin went crazy and every hour on the hour someone dies. Its like he’s not sleeping anymore. By the time we find the body and what he’s done, we think another is dead.” “Why do we have to come?” “Because in everyone he carves ‘where is my Adara?!’ and then he paints the same phrase a few times where ever the body is, with blood. Please come back.” “I’ll talk to Adara.” hanging up he just sat down defeated this guy was going to kill everyone if one person didn’t go back, but if she went back he will be delivering her back to Satan. “Someone give me strength.”
“What’s wrong?” walking in Adara was mortified of what Shu Yin told her. “Lets go back there and put Yin away for good.” “yeah.” she was gone before he could say anything else “I failed you mom…hopefully I don’t fail you completely.” getting up they packed and headed home. When they crossed the boarder into the city, the murders immediately stopped. It was like he knew. Going placid again the city breathed easy but nervously wondering what was going to happen next.

For the next few years they just floated through life solving cases and always looking over their shoulder wondering where Yin was. Adara did become pregnant a few times, but just as fast as she became pregnant she lost the babies. He would wait till her body would stretch out a bit, enjoy it but found the spot to massage to make her loose the baby before she got attached. He found it appealing that she didn’t mind loosing the baby, so he did this to her numerous times enjoying her body grow then shrink. Her brother had more of a problem then he did with it as he was afraid it was going to hurt her body to do this repeatedly.

One day when she was particularly round, he wanted to see her slightly more pregnant as he was enjoying seeing what he did to her body, he loved how it changed, she ran into the behemoth. “oh hi.” He looked at her oddly “I thought you were a lesbian.” “Um, I don’t know anymore.” “How do you not know, you are or you are not.” “Well…” rubbing the loose cloth on her stretching body “You know the murders that happened not to long ago?” “Grisly” “Yeah well the one that is doing that is doing this…anymore I cannot look at women the same.” he didn’t really understand but he put his large hand under her shirt and on her taunt stomach. “Your beautiful pregnant, you know that? So what are you going to name it?” “Oh nothing.” “What?” “I never can keep them, some how I have miscarriages and the cycle repeats, its like he is taking them away or something. Kinda good thing, I have no maternal instincts.” the guy laughed “Nice. I have no paternal instincts either so it seems that we are in the same boat.” Smiling “Yeah but I guess he wanted to see what his seed did more as this is the biggest I’ve ever been.” nodding.

She talked with him for a long time, not really realizing, again, that she hadn’t gotten his name, and that his hand was on her stomach the whole time. “Do you need to sit down? How horrible am I?” helping her to a chair they sat and actually had lunch together, a mini-date. The guy LOVED it absolutely LOVED it. He saw that she was into him, she wanted to be around him. She dug him. So he was putting the charms on her and found by the end her number in his hand and a great goodbye kiss.

Adara went home and told her brother everything. He just smiled but was crushed as his chances were gone. But! She was happy and that’s all he cared about was his sister’s happiness and well being. He had his time with her and was too chicken s**t to really come out and asked her to be his so he manned up and was happy for her. Yeah in the start it will hurt but he’ll work through it. However that night there was a note for her, with a Yin Yang on it. Going to her room she opened it her face dropped as her skin went white “Thanks for the date, I’ll call you some time Hashanah! Yin! P.S. I won.” she looked down at her stomach and realized the big man was lovingly holding her stomach as he was admiring his handy work. “Shu Yin!!!!” he came running and she held up the note. “BOO ITS HIM IT’S THE BIG GUY IT’S HIM!” “We gotta tell Wu Fei.” Running out “YOU STAY HERE AND KEEP THE GUN BY YOU!” “WE DON’T HAVE A GUN!” “THEN KEEP THE BAT BY YOU!” “Okay!” grabbing the metal bat she walked off to her room.

While Shu Yin was gone Adara was raped screaming and hollering as she looked deep into the malachite eyes. Cuming hard in her “Such a good girl, I told Yang you were such a good girl, I knew I would get you addicted to my body.” smiling. While he kept thrusting he pulled up her leg. “I don’t want you to feel the pain so…” he got her screaming again in pleasure and when she climaxed he rubbed a certain spot killing the parasite within her belly. But how he loved seeing her body stretched out by what he was doing to her. Eventually he let her leg fall “Such a good girl.” Kissing her lips finding that she was returning it. “Such a good good girl.” she was completely under his spell. Shu Yin came dashing in

“What the hell is going on here.” “Bro!” weakly. Pointing to the massive man “Yin!” Shu Yin looked at her then at the guy between her legs. “couldn’t you have shut the window?!” The guy looked over “Oops.” “Yeah it wasn’t easy sending the damned cops off the trail.” Shaking his head and smacking the back of the guy’s head “Think Trowa think for once. And not with that!” pointing to the thick meat going into the girl. “Boo?” “Hm?” “your okay with this?” “Why wouldn’t I be?” “Uh….” smiling “My name isn’t Shu Yin. I was born ‘Shu Shen Zhouh’ I am half Chinese on my father’s side, but luckily my mother’s side took over so I look SOMEWHAT like you. And yes my father did die do my mother married your father, but my father died cause I killed him. By the way Trowa, I am jealous of you killing during the day, that was awesome. Did I do okay with the night murders?” “Great. Do you want me out of your half sister?” “Naw you can stay there if your comfortable,” “Thanks.” “No problem.” settling in Trowa wasn’t going to move., he was perfectly happy where he rested.

Then in walked Yang. “Such a good good girl.” Smiling I had a lot of fun jamming your receptors, I didn’t think I could there for a second till Shu Shen” “You can call me Shu Yin.” “Shu Yin, I do apologize” “Not a problem” “Suggested that we make it look like he was in mortal danger. We actually have been planning this from a young age, we took insperation off of zodiac killer.” Nodding “Oh and Adara…? I am sorry for killing Mary, I know you really did care about him, but it was the best thing I could do for him.” “I thought you-” “-were in the loony bin? Yeah I was but when you have someone to pull the strings then you can walk in and out how you like.” “Who?” “Hey there…” Wu Fei and Duo walked in “WHO ISN’T IN ON THIS CRAP!” “Shhhhh shhhhhh” Trowa leaned over and smoothed her hair down a bit and through gentle coaxing he got her calmed down. “there you go sweety…there you go, relax. Good girl…that’s my girl….” she instantly went into kitten mode when he said ‘that’s my girl’, it just further made him in charge of her. “See Adara we all grew up on the streets for the most part. Shu Yin was the only one to have a mother that loved him.” Wu Fei started talking “and so we all hatched a plan till you came along and snagged it up. But it was okay when we got older it seemed like the fates were working in our favor.” smiling

Duo piped up “yep, and it was all because we were going to make the ones that kicked dirt in our eyes pay. They did pay and now we have you, our little psychic, on our side. Oh…and to answer your earlier question. This is it, we are all it-

Yin is Shu Yin to
Yang Heero
Yin is Duo to
Yang Wu Fei
Yin is now you Adara to
Yang Trowa.”

Adara looked at Shu Yin “I never figured you for weak.” “No no not weak but we are seen as weak as, one we are physically weaker then our Yangs, and two we don’t have rules so we seem weaker cause we cannot follow them as well. Its all in perspective my dearest little sister. Oh and Trowa, don’t worry I have my Yang so I’m going to stop conditioning her body for you now okay?” “Thanks, she’s my girl now so as much as I really appreciate you keeping her from going full lesbian, your work is done.” “Where’s Sam?” “Sam?” Shu Yin smiled as he remembered tying her up to a pillar under the pier when Heero was comforting her after remembering everything. He enjoyed standing under the pier and watched her die slowly by shark attack, since she got a magical cut on her from the ropes. They all did feel really bad that Mary died and that she mourns him dearly but they were all happy that in the end everything was okay. “Welcome to your new life of crime my dearest sister. But don’t worry your not going to kill anyone. We’re going to get your gifts back then condition you to be the perfect little Yin look out girl, letting us know when we can do what we want.” “And if I refuse?” “You won’t by the end" and they all but Trowa laughed as he started conditioning her then and there in front of the group of men to be his little obedient pet.

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