This took me days to finish, no wonder as I made a new personal record: 14 people in one picture^^ (one of them lost half of themselves in the photoshopping, oops sweatdrop ) Adding Squall and Seifer (FFVIII) in there was a pure accident, I didn't realise what I was doing until I went off for a while to get more tea. "Hang on... It's Seifer! What is he doing there!?" and I ended up adding Squall in there foor good measure^^ One of the biggest issues I had was making the people all slightly different but similar at the same time... Just to bring out the oddness of the main character even more and giving one more reason for the whispering and the hate...
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Sketch book
As the title says, my sketching. And yes, it takes a person to make these some ten minutes, explains the roughness, doesn't it? My scanner sometimes thinks I can't have the pic scanned how I like it, so blame the scanner, ok? Comments, please!
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