~Basic Information~
Name: Christian
Age: unknown
Gender: male
Race: evil emo bunny boy!
Weapon: scythe
He can change his body to any age but prefers to be a young teen or 17-18 years of age
Hair: black
Skin: pale white
Eyes: black
Body Type: slim and cute (young teen) slim but muscular(older teen)

~Personality~ he rarely shows his emotions but when he does get angry, all hell breaks loose with multiple deaths and terrible disasters.
After losing his Parents, older sister, twin brother, and best friend to a band of rouges, Christian sold his soul to a powerful demon to obtain the power needed to get revenge for his family. In the process he has trouble showing emotions and became . . .part bunny. Now that he has satisfied his thirst for revenge, he wanders alone until his master sends him to do a "job". Slowly his heart is becoming more and more evil, and he's losing his true self. Part of him hopes to find someone to break his contract with his demon master while the other part of him thirsts for more death and power.