My name is Michael Torantana Kitarei, I also go by the name Michael Torantana Kitarei-Cale. I am one of about fourteen to fifteen people that Michael Keith Ivey holds within his mind, along with me is my twin sister Annebelle Gaianatia Kitarei and my wife and daughter Seron Shewild and Serith Shewild-Kitarei. as well as several of my fellow fighters and friends, here's a small introduction to everyone:

Zandrith Liza Mantoya: one of the most amazing fighters I have ever met besides Kathleen and My sister Annebelle, She first was thought up when Mister Ivey used her in Code Lyoko.

Serith Torantana Shewild-Kitarei: My daughter, and a very beautiful one at that, she is my only one so far and I take great pride that she takes after her mother. She holds her mothers power, being able to shift into her Wolfain form. She also uses my Elementalment ability. She came into play in Distroying the Barriers

Eliza Monrea: Someone I don't really know to well, All I know is she's one of the future characters that will come into play later.

Annebelle Gaianatia Kitarei: My dear sister, we found out in Destroying the Barriers that she took the Artemis Oath, meaning she won't take a husband or have any sister. Quite skillful with the sword and bow she seconds me. I love her like any Brother would his sister and nothing would change that.

Breanna Mea and Amy Heri Conway: Twins like me and Annebelle, Breanna is a dragonic warrior and a friend to Tiki, her dragon. Amy is somewhat of a hard a** fighter, but her only soft side is her sister.

Jasin Sermon Geion: Okay I never had a like for this guy, and yet I have to give him credit he has given Tera the best treatment any guy can give a girl. But nothing can correct what he did, and what he did for my enemy: he gave Justin Quartz the exact location of our parents, and with Justin by his side HE KILLED THEM! Sorry I'm getting over myself.

Tera Jin VanHessa: Jasin's lover and my dearest friend, I grew up with her and Annebelle when we were on the the run from Justin and his family. All in all Tera is something to be hold in combat.

Daraion Smithin Marin: A kid that always confuses me, he holds no past of his own but can make one up right on the spot, maybe that's how he is able to get away from anyone if he really wants to. I have a deep respect for him.

Hervin Bea Morun: Okay once again I don't like this gal she can give you a sword then slice your thoart without giving you a chance to fight back. But you have to give her a prompt she did come in handy when we were stuck alone with Jasin..... (lets not go there)

Meranda Lockemy: One of the most accurte seers if I have ever known one, the quite, simple type of girl, not really willing to put up a fight. But she can show you, your past, present, and future, and then Darken it if you cause her grief.

Allomorea Orix Direx: This girl is the EXACT OPPSITE of Meranda, more like her equal if you ask me. Allomorea is energtic and quite skillful with the sword. But then again her sight is so remarkable it's like she knows you before you walk into her life.

Seron Emila Shewild: My wife and the most beautiful girl in this whole ******** world, she is the mother to my wonderful child, the lover to my soulless Heart. When I see her everything beats faster. I can tell you that Seron will forever be in my heart. Forever and always.