Okay so this is just me taking notes for buffs and stuff as i'm building a giant compendium for the actual Game itself:
Buffs Needed - All of Them
R4 order - 1st - Divinity, Ghost, Rock Armour, Improbability Sphere, Pot Lid, Teflon Spray
2nd - Healing Halo, Coyote Spirit(thanks to the Gold Increase from luck), My Density, Keen Aye, Iron Will, Fleet Feet
Optional Buffs/Rings to Take
Sweetheart Ring, Fortunes Favor, Fitness
Recommended Power-Ups
Ghi Amp, Double Orbs, Supercharger
Average For 99% Of Target Users
Gold: 15K - 25K (The chests and crews create too much of a variable to be exactly precise)
Reason:I say in this order because of obvious reasons, you need the armours to survive and to be able to get all the way through, quickly, safely and without incident
The theory behind speed mobbing is to get in and out as quick as possible while gaining the most gold possible, although many other forms do this there's a specific way to speed mob and do it well without incident, people will tell you that it cant be speed mob as it isn't fast enough even though most amateur speeders get a 10-13 minutes run, some have been shown to do this in less than 10 minutes stretching as little as 8 minutes, but this is still using power-ups, speed mobbers rarely leave behind their fellows as its a team run and everyone must rely on the other members for support, killing all enemies in SS with the occasional exception of the tunnel clams, clams out of the way just after the queen and the clams within the 'clam pit' these are normally optional and are up to the leader but to properly speed mob doing these are a must.
Buffs Needed - All of Them
R4 order - 1st - Divinity, Ghost, Rock Armour, Improbability Sphere, Pot Lid, Teflon Spray
2nd - Healing Halo, Coyote Spirit(thanks to the Gold Increase from luck), My Density, Keen Aye, Iron Will, Fleet Feet
Optional Buffs/Rings to Take
Sweetheart Ring, Fortunes Favor, Fitness
Recommended Power-Ups
Ghi Amp, Double Orbs, Supercharger
Average For 99% Of Target Users
Gold: 15K - 25K (The chests and crews create too much of a variable to be exactly precise)
Reason:I say in this order because of obvious reasons, you need the armours to survive and to be able to get all the way through, quickly, safely and without incident
The theory behind speed mobbing is to get in and out as quick as possible while gaining the most gold possible, although many other forms do this there's a specific way to speed mob and do it well without incident, people will tell you that it cant be speed mob as it isn't fast enough even though most amateur speeders get a 10-13 minutes run, some have been shown to do this in less than 10 minutes stretching as little as 8 minutes, but this is still using power-ups, speed mobbers rarely leave behind their fellows as its a team run and everyone must rely on the other members for support, killing all enemies in SS with the occasional exception of the tunnel clams, clams out of the way just after the queen and the clams within the 'clam pit' these are normally optional and are up to the leader but to properly speed mob doing these are a must.