- This looks like the coolest game! I will confess to being a Ghibli fan -- I have a totoro and a catbus in my cube.
- Went to the midnight showing of Toy Story 3 and was surprised by all the TS3 cosplayers. Highly recommended movie -- definitely the best Toy Story and maybe one of the best Pixar movies.
- the Nintendo 3DS sounds incredible. Despite the lack of flying cars, jetpacks, and underwater cities, it nonetheless feels sometimes like we're living in the future.
Spring Cleaning
A subject near and dear to my heart, so I'll lead with this. The user response in the Spring Cleaning forum was great -- not only did we get over 60K votes and 8000 posts in the main forum, but we also got over 10000 posts and 14 pages of topics in the Spring Cleaning Proposals forum.
Very cool!
We need to slice the data a couple of ways to determine final winners, but using a simple formula for ranking:

results in the following top threads, such as:
- New Puzzles for Jigsaw
- Fix Signature Length Calculation
- Allow Users To Report Profile Comments
- Fix/Possibly Revamp Fishing
- Option for Linked Accounts and Alternates (mules)
- Add Inventory Search
There were also a lot of cool proposals made by users, and we ended up moving 5 or 6 of the most popular to the main forum.
So, starting this Monday, the immensely talented team of Gaia developers will start working through the bug lists, seeing what we can fix and improve. Some of the fixes will be visible to the users (such as the stuff in the SC forum), while some will be completely invisible -- for example, we have some devs that want to speed up the header / footer generation, and some devs are going to work on cleaning up the markup for some features.
Payment Problems
All card redemptions went down starting at 5am on Friday for a few hours. So what happened?
(Elide long description of DNS here -- I wrote three paragraphs and then realized it was boring as heck)
Basically, the link between us and our third party provider went down due to an accidental misconfiguration on the vendor side, and it meant that all the pin redemption requests weren't going through. People started retrying their pin redemptions, and then got the message "duplicate PIN," and then probably had all sorts of dire feelings for Gaia and Walmart / Target / 7-11 / whoever.
The cool thing about this, though, is that as soon as we fixed the link, everyone got their pending payments -- the payment system automatically resubmits pin redemption requests until they go through.
The achievements team has been pushing out bug fixes all week for the achievements (Cart Raider, in particular), and will be looking at others. They'll actually be spending the next month or so adding achievments, making sure everything runs smoothly, and helping the site become more fun.
Booty Grab
It's been updated: mentioned by various devs and will be announced tomorrow that we're fixing a number of the most egregious BG bugs (immortal fish, for one, and the fact that your tank could glow even if you hadn't touched it for months). So why are we dealing with BG?
Basically, the gold payout for it is currently way too high. We rate features on a "gold per minute" scale -- the feeling being that if you play different games, you should get about the same amount of gold.
We also give gold for things that benefit the site -- for example, when you post a message, you're helping to contribute the to the rich tapestry of intercommunication on Gaia, so you should be rewarded for that. The purpose of BG was to encourage people to browse the forums; the theory was that the more you browse, the more likely you are to interact.
There are two problems with Booty Grab -- a) the gold per minute is much, much higher than any other feature, and b) with the aggregation sites, people are entirely bypassing the forums and not engaging at all. So, something has to be done -- it was dumping entirely too much gold into the economy -- but the reason that everyone is so cautious about changes is that there are people that invested real money into their fish tanks, and we need to make sure that they are not impacted unfairly.
Updated: Interesting discussion in the comments about BG.
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