Chapter 1
“Raksha, it's time for school!” my mother yelled loudly across the house. I picked up my brush and slowly combed it through my straight hair.
“Ok mom, just 5 minutes!” I yelled back. I put my brush down on my desk and grabbed my backpack. Today was Monday and I had a math test. A math test was the last thing any student was looking forward to but we had to get it over with sometime.
“Mom I can't find my keys!” I yelled. I searched in my backpack again but couldn't find them. I turned around and searched through my white desk drawers. Nothing. I ran toward my bed hoping they would be under my pillows again.
“Try looking in your bathroom!” my mom yelled to me. I ran towards the door and swung it open. I dashed through the hall to the bathroom. It was bright and highly white. Mostly everything in the bathroom was white because my mom didn't really feel comfortable with too many colors. I opened up my cabinets and saw my keys. I grabbed them and shoved them in my pocket.
Then my brother came running into the bathroom. “Sis, you have martial arts today, remember?” he told me. I nodded at him and got up and ran past him. I went in my room and opened my closet. I searched for my num chucks in my organized bins. I found them lying next to my yellow belt. I didn't need my yellow belt anymore because I'm a black belt. I grabbed my num chucks and stuffed them in my backpack. I put on my shoes and ran downstairs.
I ran into the kitchen and saw that my mom made bacon and toast. I ran up to the table and swiped some bacon. “Thanks mom, see you tonight!” I yelled as I ran out the door.
School was really boring and I had to take that math test. I wasn't sure if I passed it or not. I'm pretty sure that I got a C.
“Hey Raksha how was your test,” I turned my head around. Rubina and Taylor were standing right beside me. Taylor's blonde hair was shining in the florescent lights and Rubina's black hair was covering her eye. “So?” Rubina said flipping her hair out of her face. I shook my head and then put my head back in my arms.
“My mom is going to kill me, take my num chucks out of my bag and kill me with them please,” I said to them.
Taylor grabbed my arm and tugged it.
“Come on, you'll live!” Rubina and Taylor said at the same time. They both looked at each other in a weird way then screamed “Jinx!”
“No it will be worse if she does it, if you do it, it will be less painful.” They looked at me and started laughing. I rolled my eyes and got up.
Rubina and Taylor followed behind still laughing. I quickly turned my head around and glared at them. They stopped laughing, and then smiled. I shook my head and rolled my eyes smiling. They were dorks, but they were my dorks.
I stopped at my locker and turned the nozzle right three times 24 to the left twice 12 then to the right once 6. My locker opened, inside was three textbooks, my diary, my martial arts outfit and a first aid kit. I grabbed my martial arts outfit and my first aid kit.
My instructor made me co- instructor so I have to help with healing the wounded and teaching when he isn't around. Today I have to teach 8 year olds how to kick in the air. I waved goodbye to my friends and left the school grounds.
Chapter 2
The Martial Arts Center was not very far from where my school was. It was only 4 blocks or so and my house was only 2 blocks away from the Center. I walked down the sidewalks of my town listening to my IPod. I got an IPod Shuffle for Christmas from my grandmother and it is turquoise, my birthstone color. The sky was dark and but it was still bright enough to be out. I stopped at a traffic light and pressed the crosswalk button. I walked onto the street and to the Martial Arts Center.
Finally over, I walked out of the building tired from helping. Those kids in the building were wild and full of energy. I got to teach them how to do a high kick.
I was still in my uniform and I forgot to change. I walked into the thrift store that was next door to Martial Arts Center. It was a little dark but it was still visible and there were racks of clothes in the middle of the store. I might as well look at this store, I've never been here before.
“Hello, how may I help you?” the woman behind the counter said. I turned around and smiled.
“Hi, is it ok if I look around?” I asked her.
She nodded and smiled then went back to her laptop. I went up to the racks of clothes and searched through them. I didn't really see anything that would express me. I ran my fingers through my hair in disappointment. I sighed then turned around.
There's a beautiful dress on a manikin in the window. I walk up to it to look at it. It was a white short dress and on the bottom it ruffled. The top near the breast area it had a crescent moon on it. It shined in the lights and the color of the moon was a sapphire blue. It was beautiful and I had to have it. I stroked the fabric softly. It was so soft and it was my size.
“Um excuse me would you like that dress?” a voice said behind me. I turned around and the woman was standing behind me. I smiled at her.
“It's so pretty, where is it from?” I asked her.
She had a frown on her face, I could tell what she was about to tell me is sad.
“Well an old woman came in here a month ago and gave me this beautiful dress, I'd wear it myself but it's not my size, sadly I heard she passed away 2 days later. Rumors say that she was a witch; I don't know for sure, their rumors you know? But I bet it's not cursed,” she said laughing. I laughed with her.
She took the dress down and took it to her desk. I bought the dress from her and gave her $40.00 for it.
“Is this dress washed?” I asked her. She nodded and giggled once. “Is it ok if I put it on now, in your changing room?” I asked in a scared but curious way.
“Ya sure, help yourself, and when your done can you flip the closed sign on your way out?” she told me.
I smiled and giggled. “Thanks, and ya sure no problem,” I said.
I walked to the other side of the room. There was a small closet space, only fit for one person but big enough to change. A red curtain hangs from a rail that's attached to the ceiling. I pushed the curtain to the side and stepped in.
I took my uniform off slowly and carefully trying not to damage my outfit. Then I took the dress and slipped it on my body. It was a perfect fit and it looked amazing on me. I look down at my feet. I was still wearing my shoes. I needed
high heels. I packed up my old clothes and put them in my bag. I came out and she was at the desk on her laptop again. She looked at me then down at my feet.
“Need high heels?” she said laughing a little. I looked down at my feet then back up. I nodded smiling. She got up and went to the back of the room. There were shelves of shoes. She took a pair of white lace high heels down.
“What size shoe do you wear?” the woman asked.
“A size 6,” I said. She walked up to me and handed me the shoes.
“The shoes are a size 6, and their on the house no charge, you already paid a lot for the dress.” She said
I gave her a big smile then bent over to put the high heels on. They matched my dress and they looked brand new. This thrift shop wasn't all bad.
“Thank you so much for your hospitality, I'll be going now, I'll come back again soon you can count on it!” I told the woman while slipping on the last shoe. She smiled then went back to her laptop. I grabbed my backpack and walked up to the door and flipped the sign, then went out the door.
I looked up at the sky, it was getting dark and it looked like as if it might rain soon. I walked down the sidewalk slowly and gracefully so I don't fall. It was a pretty odd day. Everything today didn't go as it planned. I don't know if it could get any weirder. Not only did I have to go home and face my mom with my grades, I'd have to earn more money since I spent most of my allowance on this dress. Although it did call my name like a sirens song. I giggled from my own thoughts.
Chapter 3
All of a sudden I heard a voices. They sounded like men at least two. I walked faster down the sidewalk. I turned my head toward the ally next to me. There were two men standing over another boy. The boy didn't look far from my age, he looks brutally injured.
“Should we kill him?” one of the men said.
“No we could sell him to the news, or ya kill him, hm this is confusing,” the other man said.
“Please let me go, I wish no harm, please,” the boy said coughing into his sleeve. Then one of the men kicked him in the stomach.
“Shut up you freak,” the other man said pointing at the boy.
I gasped in shock, he was hurting that poor boy. I had to do something, I couldn't just let them hurt him. So I put my bag to the side hiding it. I walked into the ally about to kick some butt.
I walked down the pathway with my heels clicking loudly and echoing. The two men looked up at me. Their gazes look insanely crazy and scary. The man with the beard looked the scariest. One of them grinned and the other turned his body towards me.
“Let him go please, you shouldn't hurt others.” I said nicely. I put my hand on my hip.
One of the men walked closer to me. “Well baby cakes, you see I just can't obey your rules, but your gonna have to obey mine,” he said with a big ugly smile on his face.
I wanted to punch that grin off his face. He's a flea bag. He walked up to me and put his hand on my hip. Then he started to rub up and down.
“You have a nice body, why don't you be a good little girl and come with us,” the bearded man said.
I don't like to be touched. I grabbed his arm as fast as a viper snake and pinned his arm to his back causing him pain and screaming. I smirked. Then I flipped him to the ground and the man stayed on the ground.
Then all of a sudden the other man came running towards me with his arms out. I twirled around and did a front flip kick into his stomach causing him to fly into the air.
“You b***h, you're going to pay just you wait,” the man with the beard said.
Then he pulled out a knife, it was silver with a button on the handle. I hesitated to do anything. Then the boy that was injured got up from the ground. The two men didn't even notice him getting up. They were too busy focusing on me.
I shifted to one side and ran for my backpack. The men behind me followed me but they weren't quick enough. That's what happens to people who drink alcohol it makes them slow.
I reached into my bag and pulled out my num chucks. I swung them behind me, knowing that they were behind me at that moment. The man screamed in pain because I hit him in the face, and it is extremely painful to be hit by num chucks.
The man fell to the ground again, then looked back at me. His face was bleeding, it was a dark red color and I could smell it. It smelt like copper and metal. I was never bothered by that smell, I quite enjoyed it.
Then the bearded man got up and started running out of the ally into the sunset. I took a deep breath and put my num chucks back into my bag closing it up and putting it over my shoulder. I turned around towards the ally again. The men were gone but the boy was still lying in the ally awake. I got up and ran towards him. He was sitting on the wet floor, and he was dirty. He was very handsome and he looked my age. I'm not always correct. His hair was a dark black and it blended into the wall. His skin was as white as a star in the sky, it glowed in the darkness.
He looked up at me and smiled. His eyes were so piercing, they were a bright sapphire color. It was as if I was hypnotized by his eyes. He was beautiful.
“Hey are you ok?” I asked him. I bent down and touched his leg slightly. He jerked it quickly away.
“Ya I'm fine, thanks for helping, just please leave,” he said slowly and softly. He reached out to touch his leg then he grunted.
I gasped, then took my bag off my shoulder. I reached into my bag and pulled out my first aid kit. I knew it was going to come in handy someday. I opened it up and pulled out a mini bottle of peroxide and gauze.
“Your leg is hurt let me help,” I told him unwrapping the gauze.
“No, don't, why would you want to help a street rat like me?” he said depressingly. I looked at him and smiled.
“Because I'm not as cruel as every human on this planet.” I reached for his jeans that were torn and noticed he was bleeding.
“I need to cut your pants a little to get to the wound.” I went to my kit and pulled out the scissors then cut the hole in his pants wider.
His wound was bad, and he needed help. I couldn't just leave him here the men might come back. I grasped onto my peroxide bottle and poured it over his wound cleaning the wound from germs. He screamed loudly.
“Aaaahhhhhhh! Holy mother of ******** it burns!” he shouted. I laughed at him.
“Don't be a baby, I broke my arm and my bone came out, so I wouldn't be complaining about peroxide on an open wound. I'm almost done, then you'll be a little better, but you'll need rest.” I told him concerned. I then noticed that he has wood splinters in his leg. I pulled them out carefully, and he didn't seem to notice. I reached for the gauze and wrapped it around his leg carefully and fast. He twitched every so often because it did hurt. I tied it in a knot. I put my items back in the first aid kit and closed it putting it back in my bag.
“You're an angel, aren't you?” he said, then he passed out.
I grabbed his arm and tugged it. “Come on don't pass out, get up. Come on you need to come with me,” I told him.
I got up and swung my bag on my back. I bent down and grabbed his arm and wrapped it over my shoulders. I lifted him up on his feet and balanced his body weight. He didn't seem to weigh as much as I expected. I tried walk a little but he was still unconscious. I dragged him and walked as much as I could to the opening of the ally.
I looked up in the sky, it was already night time, and it was dark already. My house was only a block away, I could easily get home, but I would get in trouble. It was a risk I was willing to take.
I couldn't possibly continue walking carrying him this way, it would be too much of a struggle. I wonder if I could take that short cut in the woods I thought to myself. Although it was dark and scary but I guess I could beat anybody else who dared to touch me. I laughed, then the boy moaned silently.
I shifted my shoulder up a little to keep his balance and keep him from falling on the ground. I dragged him to the grass by the forest and stopped. I was getting really tired, and I thought doing yard work was tough.
I finally arrived at my house, all of the lights were off. It was close to midnight, they must be worried. I never gave it thought what would happen if I missed curfew.
My house seemed taller at night than during the day. I lowered him on the ground gently and ran up to the door. I reached into the bag from my back and grabbed my keys. I unlocked the door and opened it wide.
Then the lights came on. I looked around the room finding my mother sitting in a chair. She looked worried.
“Where have you been? It is past midnight! There are so many things I am going to do to you missy!” she yelled.
I stood there motionless.
“I found a boy, and he's injured,” I said softly. She stopped yelling and looked at my face.
“What, is he all right?” I shook my head no and shrugged my shoulders.
I moved to one side holding my balance and his.
“Put him on the couch, I'll help you,” she said. She walked over to the other side of him and lifted his arm over her shoulders. I did the same. We lifted his body onto the couch. He looked so peaceful asleep.
“Whats his name?” my mother asked.
“I don't know, he didn't tell me,” I told her. What am I a phycic?
“Go put him on your bed, I'll come up with the big first aid kit. Then I'll call the cops.”
I nodded and then carried him up stairs.
I lied him onto my bed slowly and carefully. The moon shone into my room from my windows.
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