 Author's notes:
For those subscribed to my journal if any there may be, i am choosing to start righting something in this empty void. It will be primarily fantasy, although it will not rip anything off. I'm tired of morons writing fanfiction that have no business changing worlds just because they can't come up with their own. So i plan to just write a littld story about nothing, think of Seinfeld nothing ever happened on that show but people watched it, same principle here, except things will happen.
thanks cya. ____________________________________________________________________
In a tiny cottage, south of the royal district of the fair country of Tel' a small family begins the day. This home has not been used as a hearth for decades. Instead the fires that come from the brimstone and the kitchen are rather used to make pastries and breads. The stove used to melt butters and create cremes.
The front of this tiny store located in the middle of the city is always brimming with life, the whole day is hustle and bustle people pushing and shoving for hot bread, and rich eclairs." Nothing more Satisfying then a Goldschmit good!" The customers preach their wears here and there, village to dale, dale to city road, etc. etc. But all this fame and success is nothing that one little boy would want to take over. Nothing this little man, would ever want, but something his siblings would lovingly accept. " Let them have it, i'll do without." A young man, lengthy and slender was walking down a narrow passage between the baking and rising rooms." Stupid bread and pastries, i want something better then this yeasty practice, ancient and dusty with flour," he let out a heavy sigh and the bricks awakened from their flour and sugar dusted nap. As he breathed in he felt the usual hap hazard sting against his wind pipe beginning to choke in a cough. " Ugh," he leaned against the wall dramatically clutching his throat," vile place," he screeched at the top of his lungs.
"Hey Amshael shut up and help us!" A young redheaded girl glared at him as she tried to move three massive bags of flour by herself. "Yeah!" A younger girl almost identical, except for her height, was walking behind dragging a leaking bag of flour. "Sure," Amshael sighed and picked up two of the massive bags as well and followed the precession." Why do you always have to yell at me Clara?" "Cause you never help when told!" She snapped back at him," Lucinda pick that bag up or leave it your spilling the flour everywhere, just because you don't like this place doesn't mean it doesn't feed you and me and the rest of the family." " And i'd rather starve sometimes then know this is my fate." Amshael dropped down and took Lucinda's leaking bag." go get a sack of sugar they are smaller, but don't dip into it." He walked faster then his older sister," get out of my way if you are gonna force me to help." he threw down the sacks and went back for more," Slave driver," he whispered under his breath to her as he walked by.
The rest of the chore went on until the delivery buggy was empty, all with less help from Clara then what was started. Amshael sat down and took a break exhausted," Get off your lazy bum," The order came from a strapping young man in a uniform," you know you have work to do," He flipped his blond hair back and covered it with his lieutenant's hat." Come on Thadeus i just emptied the whole cart." Amshael's voice was laced with his hatred for the man. "Now dad wants you in the shop we have an important party coming in for a celebration."Thadeus voice boomed down at the younger boy.
Amshael heaved himself from the wall and kicked the rocks along the floor. As he walked down the furnished Hallway he tied back his black hair and put on his cap." Ok showtime." he made a genuine smile appear on his face and he walked behind the counter, two more of his siblings were tending to the crowd of sweets shoppers. Two people, twins, one male the other female, both extremely happy and annoying to Amshael," yes yes get them now they'll go quickly," the boy laughed," Their as sweet as me and that's the truth," tiny giggles came from the girl's mouth as she finished wrapping some strawberry tarts.
" Ugh," Amshael turned to face his clientele, men an woman hungry for bread." Hi sir how can i help you?" He looked at the gruff little man, whose eyes were hid by his golfing hat. He reached up with his hand and scratched his sunburnt bulbous nose." i'll take," his voice was just as old and characterized as him," that nice hearty loaf there." Amshael smiled and wrapped the loaf in brown paper." Three twenty-five." he held out a hand and the coins fell into it," thank you sir, have a good day, next please?"
The rest of the day carried on with the old mundane routine, the same old people came in getting their fresh loaves, scones, and sweets; Thankfully the sun finally started to set," Lock up shoppe," the twins said as the walked back to the chateau." right thanks for the help." Amshael continues to sweep the crumbs and flour off the floors. " Don't be so selfish little brother, right Camellia," The boy turned to the girl," Right Seusio?" They laughed and were gone out the door. " Moronic, prideful, ingenious, idiots." Amshael's gripes were kept under his breath as he continued to sweep. He sighed heavily. The entrance door rang," Oh sorry sir were closed," Amshael kept at his work.
" Oh darn, ugh are you sure i can't get one quick loaf, its been a long day at the training center and i was sup-," Amshael stopped him with a wrapped loaf," here on the house. Now please i have a lot of work to do." Amshael sighed and took off his hat.his hair fell out and revealed too tiny bumps on his head. The man took the bread and thanked him," sorry to intrude," his eyes caught the little abrasions," hah that's funny," he paused," i thought for a second you had horns there." Amshael's eyes got real big and he tousled his hair in a little bit of fear," don't be ridiculous, now please i have a lot to clean see." he pointed behind him at the kitchen that was wide open. " Right." He reached into his pocket," here. If you get a free second come down to the training center and ask for me." He waved and ran off.
Amshael stood there looking at the card," Offices of Magical intervention: Royal army. Hm." he laughed a little." like i'd have the time with all the crap i have to do here."
The floor became slowly but surely less dirty and covered with flour. The kitchen was made spotless and the ovens were reset with fresh wood.
"Good night, little shop," he blew out the last candle and locked the entrance. Crossing to the back entrance he let himself out and re-secured the lock, in front of him a courtyard and beyond that the chateau. All the lights were out except the ones at the entrance," I guess they didn't want to wait for me for dinner." He let himself in and looked around, he was right, food was left for him in his spot on the dining table but he ignored it he was too tired for food." Good night house," he locked the front door and walked up the creaking stairs. As he reached the top level he entered his room. Within moment he was asleep and in bed. it wasn't but thirty seconds that passed behind his closed eyes that he was rudely awakened by his little brothers," Wake up!" there tiny voices yelled louder and louder.
Amshael pushed them off and got up, he crossed to the bathroom," My life needs a change." He scratched his new stubble and sighed again.
first insert complete, if anyone reads this give me some input. thanks remember this is just the nothing show where something happens.
Amshael · Sat Jul 31, 2010 @ 03:07am · 1 Comments |