Tues 17
I forgot my lab at home... my chemistry lab on the density thingy... guuuahhh! (its downstairs) D:
bwah! Picture day. wore my light blue aero shirt.. diana said my 'long' hair was 'pretty' and that she 'likes' it. On the bus, chin sits next to me. rolleyes cheton decides to talk to chin about the dance or watever.. and the whole time.. cheton was like.. "so, u going to the dance?" *points his head in my direction. and like "so, u taking anyone?" *point head. point head. woww. is he freaking serious.. i was just sitting there like trying to ignore both of the morons. for a smart guy, cheton is pretty stupid. then, i go home and complain to anh. he laughs.. neutral
Wed 18
homeroom schedule. played telephone. it went from something about 3 keys in a cabinet? to "scary ppl come from mexico.." LOL. i think it was mainly my fault.. kinda. sergio was the one that whispered/mumbled it to me.. and he has a really strong accent.. i thought he said "Im scared that too many mexicans are coming here." when he actually said something about "too much hw this year." HAHAH... oops. after he told me the first time.. i was like "wat?!" i didn't hear anything at all. well, i heard him.. but i didn't understand it at all. . it was like "auuuyyhiiiiiyyeea". then he repeated it...and i was like "ok... " (sergio is mexican..) and i said it to emma.. and i was trying to not crack up the whole time.. she was like.. "wat?" and im like *shrugs?* and she wanted me to repeat it, and i did. and she was like "umm..okk.." heheh... woops. and the whole time, i was trying not to burst out laughing.. but i was grinning.. and lenny saw that.. and he heard the final message. i think he thinks im racist now. :T lenny's friend tried to spread a uhmm. 'inappropriate' message around instead. and the girl he whispered it to was like blushing.. i wonder what he said..
Matt was annoying today. Mr. Akins was absent.. so i didn't know wat to do with my lab, so i just kept it. I had so many tests today.. ahhh... Spanish test. -easy peasy x] math quiz - epic epic epic fail.... w history test- ok
Thurs 19
Spanish- watched weird video about this mexican guy that lives in miami. he apparently liked to check girls out, and after staring at a girl that was walking/talking to her teacher, he says something in spanish.
"what do you think he said?" - mrs. lawson
"i like the way she walks!" - scotty
hahahhaha.. u gotta love him. even tho hes extremely obnoxious. i'll get to that story later..
Math- turns out, i did fail that quiz, but he didn't count it. cause apparently pretty much everyone failed. AWESOME! yeshness [;
Chemistry- i approached mr. akins before class.
"mr. akins, were we supposed to turn in the lab?" - me
"yes" - him
"oh.." *shoulders sag - me. mr. akins look a teeny bit amused.
"can i still turn it in?" - me
"yes, i will accept it." - him
me----- phew.
It rained that day. and i felt really bad for the other kids since they didn't bring an umbrella....so i was gonna share to victoria, but cheton ran under my umbrella and asked if i would share.. so i nodded.. then i asked him if he wanted me to walk him over to his house or if he wanted to run. he looked at me shockingly (for i never speak) and says yeah.. then he ran off.....uhm...ok? im so nice. i shared. hahah
Fri 20
retook math quiz (100%)
Scales quiz - i shook soooo badly. my arm was trembling and everything. it was horrifyingly embarrassing. (92%)
Li comp pop quiz for Jane Eyre - a 75%? .. >.<
Sat 21
procrastinated. didn't do anything productive much.
Sun 22
FIRST DAY OF TNTT. i got an old guy for my giao ly. bac son or something. he gave us a packet. and we got andy again! woo! i love andy. or ehm. anh troung. hahah. oh yeah, apparently, jericho (hahahah, i just learned how to spell it) won the prize from last year. we either get to split up $200 or share it with the class. i really don't care what we do with the money to be honest. i went to tj maxx with my mom, and i bought a pair of black pants...for tntt.
and then, my parents and i went driving around. we went and looked at a closed nail shop. it was a pretty nail shop too. but it had really bad location. and then, we went out to eat. it was chi thuy's bday(23rd). we went to outback. it was really really good. i had a rib-eye. yurm. and then anh nghia left to go to college after dinner. and yea..oh yeah. the guy waiter and the outback ppl didnt sing happy bday to her. wat jerks. we said it was her bday too! like that made chi thuy kinda sad. all they did was give her a little ice cream dessert. and that's it. the waiter was like "we're not gonna sing because we are bad." or watever. then 5 minutes later, all of the outback ppl came out and sang happy bday to another person. wat buttholes.
we went home. and i had sooo much hw to do. crap u ap world history. urgh.
Mon 23
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Life Ain't Burger King
you don't always get your way.
you don't always get your way.