OC Profile,bio sheet
by =Renacido
Full Name: Zero X. Cross (Still trying to figure out her middle name, she using her middle name as a substitute for her first name.)
Pronunciation of their name: (ZEE-row ex cross)
Meaning of their full name: http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/0,,sid9_gci856016,00.html, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X, -
Why did their parents name them this?: -
Nickname(s): Rabbit, X, Demon...
Why they have that as a nickname: People call her a Rabbit because they think of her as sweet, innocent, cuddly, and cute. X because she prefers her middle name. Demon because people find her creepy and/or scary and/or weird.
Do they like their nicknames?: She loves her nickname X. The others she likes or doesn't really mind.
Sex: Female
Race/species: Part Demon
Ethnicity: -
Realm/Universe(Real world, an anime verse, etc.): -
Age(and how old they look): 10-17
Birth date: -
Orientation/Sexual preference: Straight (accepts homosexuals, bisexuals, ect.)
Why this sexual choice?: (You can't choose. Duh. You're born with it.)
Do they believe it's right?: She feels bad for not being either of the others, but she doesn't mind.
Height: -
Weight: -
Shoe size: -
Blood type: -
Can they bleed?: Yes.
What color is their blood?(Mainly for non human-based characters): Black or Dark Red
Describe their voice(Deep, rough, soft, high, etc.): Soft/Calm/Serious Voice
Do they usually speak like this(Or is it a learned behavior?)?: She always had a soft voice but learned more about speaking from how her dad spoke. (Note: She's a mute so she barely talks)
Eye color(s): Black (where the white part is), White (where the color is)
Is this eye color uncommon?: Yes, plus it shifts colors too. The two eyes can barely decide on one color together. When they do, it becomes pure white.
Facial structure(high cheekbones, narrow eyes, etc.): Mature looking and still a little childish and cute.
Body build(slim, muscular, etc.): Slim and skinny
Posture(slouched, correct, etc.): Correct, learned from her father
Ears(pointed, cat, etc.): Wolf ears
How they smile(Smug, sincere, false, etc.): Usually frowns, but she barely smiles. It's kind of a sincere smile or calming smile.
Do they limp?: Nope.
Body abnormalities(Cleft lip etc.): Wolf ears, eyes, scars/marks.
Describe how they walk(Fast, slow, weak step, etc.): Calm Step
Why do they walk this way?: It contents her
Right/left handed(or ambidextrous perhaps?): Right handed
Hair color(s): White with black streaks
Hair style: Spikey, emo/goth, a little below shoulder length
Why?: That's what her style is.
Is their hair healthy?: Yes.
If not, why can it not be maintained?: -
How thick?(Coarse, baby fine, etc.): Thick, but not TOO thick.
Abilities(As in powers): See things others can't
Skin/fur color(s): pale, kind of ghost like
Patterns(on skin/fur and where they are(Like a leopard pattern or something)): Spikey patterns lay on her hands/arms, upper right shoulder blade and neck, and ...
Scars/birthmarks: -
Tattoos: None
Reasons behind tattoos: -
Piercings: None
Reasons behind piercings: -
Extra extremities(Another arm, tail, horns etc.): -
How does this extremity cripple them/does it cripple them or is it helpful?: -
Weapons?(If any):
How the outfit is put together(describing what goes where and how):
Why they have this clothing preference:
Mental state/disorder(insane, sane, borderline, etc.):
What caused this disorder to arise?:
Mental stability:
Why do they have this degree of mental stability?:
Emotional stability:
Why do they have this degree of emotional stability?:
Personaliy snapshot:
In depth personality:
Most prominent personality trait:
Best traits of their personality:
Worst traits of their personality:
What caused this kind of personality to form?(based upon upbringing/social whatnot):
Where do they get the majority of their personality?(Like how children tend to act like their parents/caretakers over time):
First impression usually given:
How do they handle times of struggle?:
Are they logical thinkers(nearly null question if they have certain disorders, no contradictions allowed)?:
Right brain/left brained?:
Current faith(religion):
If they don't have one, why?:
Are they strong in it?:
Do they actively practice it?:
Why did they choose this faith?:
Why do they believe this religious plunge is correct?:
Do they know?:
What superstitions do they have?:
Reasons why they have these odd beliefs:
General attitude:
Why this attitude?:
Why they chose this path:
Do they know the outcome of this choice?:
Do they believe this is right?:
Emotional trauma(if any, and why):
How do they respond when the trauma issue is talked about/touched on?:
Morals(and what they are):
Do they hold these morals for religious reasons?:
Personal quote and(or) motto:
Drugs they take/have taken/or do:
What caused them to do drugs?:
Are they dependent on a certain drug?:
Is it prescribed to them?:
Earliest memory:
Mental ailments:
Emotional ailments:
In times of trial/trouble, do they react, or respond with logic/decent coherence?:
In times of happiness, how do they react/respond?:
History/Current drive/Relationships/Location/Education
Current dream in life:
Why is this their dream?:
Long term goals:
Short term goals:
Life interests:
Where they're from(as in planet/galaxy/broadly):
What country?:
Current residence:
What education level do they have right now?:
Highest education level completed:
Why they picked this occupation:
Brief job history:
Do they have a good resume?:
If not, why?:
If so, why?:
A brief history on them(how they got to where they are now):
Family background/upbringing:
Martial status(Single, married, dating, etc.):
What kind of romantic are they?(easily lovestruck, tough nut, etc.):
How did their parents meet?:
Are they illegitimate children?:
View on friends:
Why do they feel this way about friends?:
Self proclaimed status on caste:
Social status:
Where are they on the caste of the realm they live?:
Do they like their position?:
Where would they prefer to be?:
Are they based on a stereotype?:
Did you want them in this general stereotype?:
Do other people see them as this stereotype?:
Up close and personal
Biggest phobias(Everyone has them):
How often does this fear take a toll on them?:
Biggest hopes:
Do they depend on these hopes(or are they like dreams)?:
Good habits:
Bad habits:
Eating habits:
Eating disorder(s)(if any):
Sleeping habits:
What caused these sleeping habits?:
Do they enjoy these sleeping habits?
Special skills(Not meaning powers):
How do they spend their free time?:
What about their non-free time?:
Can they honestly hold a job down?:
If not, why can't they?:
Are they lazy?:
What's their favorite time of day?:
Why is this their favorite time of day?:
Does this time have anything to do with their upbringing?:
Favorite food?:
Why is this their favorite food?:
Least favorite food:
Why is this their least favorite food?:
Can they cook?:
What is their favorite color?:
Does this color have something to do with their personality?:
Why is this their favorite color?:
Least favorite color:
Why is this their least favorite color?:
Favorite animal:
Do they not like animals?:
If so, why?:
First language:
Second language(if any):
Was their an urgent need to learn this second language?
Why do they like this pet?:
For non-humanoid characters
Pack/Clan/flock name:
Position in pack/clan/flock:
Long haired/feathered?:
Claw length:
Tail length:
What do they add to the clan/pack/flock?:
Height to shoulders:
Questions for you, the creator of this OC
Are they based at all on some fandom/anime's races/ideas/characters?:
A)Even though this is supposed to be an original, fandom free character?:
Are they "unique" in fashion and overall appearance to be "scene" or "sparkledog"-esque?:
A)To the point it /should/ draw unneeded attention to your character, but it doesn't?:
For the realm they live in, are they an odd race?:
A)If so, why are they in the strange realm to begin with?:
B)To save the day?:
Do they have an unusual ability to attract potential lovers?:
A)They flirt all the time?
B)Even though they may have serious trauma issues that cripple them mentally in every area?(but here?)
Are they unusually attractive(To you the creator)?:
A)Are you sure they're not? (Everyone likes attractive characters afterall)
Are they unusually unattractive?:
A)Do they stay that way?:
Did you make this oc after yourself(Null if said character is a per/fursona)?:
Are they void of real flaws?:
A)Or do they always have "something" to balance off their biggest flaws?:
Are they chock full of flaws?:
A)To the point it dominates their personality?:
B)To the point these flaws /should/ cripple, but they don't?:
Do they have a wit that is never slighted/out witted?:
Do they follow the "superman" personality mold?(meaning brunt, brash and kickbutt but tender/teddy bear on the inside):
Do they have a tragic past?:
Are they named with a name no mother would dare to give their child?(E.G., Roto SoƱar which means "broken dreams" wink :
A) /Just/ because you thought the name was cool?:
B)Regardless of the grief this character would be given should they be a real person?:
C)Did you name them this /just/ because it sounded cool?:
Can they pull random powers/skills out whenever is so convenient for them?:
A)With no logical reason?
B)Do these powers override to the point of being infallible?
Do they share all of the same views you do?:
Do they "attentionwhore" in rps/stories with them in it?:
Do they get away with horrible crimes without punishment?:
Are they punished unjustly?:
Are they always right?:
Are they always wrong?:
Do they tend to fret over things of the past?:
A)Like flashbacks?:
B)To the point they "attentionwhore"?:
Are they gay, lesbian, bi, pan, gender-queer because you think it's "cool"?:
A)Are they unusually "well" accepted if they are any of these?:
Make sure you think your ocs through, no one likes a Mary Sue/Gary Stu
View User's Journal
My Thoughts
Thoughts that cross my mind are worries I have, and can't get them out of my mind..
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Only a puppet to one's amusement. The life lived has always been a lie.
"I don't have nightmares, I create them."
"I'd like to depart this world the way I arrived, screaming and covered in someone else's blood."
"I'm the original, I don't need a label."
I am the type of person you would love to see suffer.
"I don't have nightmares, I create them."
"I'd like to depart this world the way I arrived, screaming and covered in someone else's blood."
"I'm the original, I don't need a label."
I am the type of person you would love to see suffer.