stare Being Black On Gaia stare
Okay so your already see me title. If you don't wanna hear me do a rant or anything like that. Then leave right now, don't even read this whole section. What I'm about to say has nothing to do with my race, but others as well on this site. I remeber when I first signed up here on Gaia like 3-4 years ago and it was.....alright. I know one thing though, going on Rallies at night was terrible. Back then my avi had purple hair and man do I remeber the feedback I got from many people stare (Can't repeat b/c you guys already know what I'm talking about) b/c of their stupidity I had to change my avi hair to what it is So where am I going with thise story? Well I'll tell ya. WTF is up with people talking junk about black people on this site?!! Like last night my sis was on her account and decided to go on Rally. There she saw a guy with a nice avi and complimented him on it. I guess there was some jealous girls or maybe they didn't like her avi b/c before you know it their like "OMG look at her, I wonder if she's dark in real life. LOL" Now I didn't see them type this, my sis saw it herself and told me what they said. So ya know? Since these girls wanna talk junk about dark skin,might as well check their pro right?. Do you know what we found on their pro's? You really wanna know? Turns out the girls were black themselves and no not (Maybe she is or maybe she isn't black, but black like a hershey bar) I was like OMFG ARE YOU KIDDING ME REALLY?!! Then the chickenheads got alot of nerves having a LIGHT SKIN avi with BLONDE HAIR. Now there's nothing wrong with picking your avi's skin tone and everything thing. But I do find it a problem if one person wants to crack on someone else and their the same age, race,religion, gender as them. Their profiles were ridiculous. One of their pro's were like "Hit me up on my numba 820--------(Ask and I'll give it to ya)" and I was like "b***h, don't nobody want to talk to your titty-shot wearing a bra a** on Gaia. This ain't no damn Twitter or Myspace. Go sit your fat a** somewhere else talk2hand " Then she got nerves saying on her pro "Age 1_(PM me and I'll tell you)" Who the ******** wanna pm you about your age? Who the ******** are you anyways? You ain't no damn Mariah Carey, sit your a** down girl, don't nobody care about your age or who you are rolleyes Man that girl was a trip talking all that fire out her mouth and her a** is just as black as me(Ghetto wise) So after I checked her pro, I wanted to see the other girl's. OMG just like the 1st, FAKE AND PHONY. Her dumb self got a pic of herself with WEAVE in her head, posing and s**t. Thinking she the bomb, when I know her REAL hair is short like that(Can't even touch the back of her neck), wearing some weave her mama did for her like 2 months ago(I ain't stupid) So whats the point to this story? ALOT!! There is alot of things up with this story. I think people on Gaia get too delusional and worry about what other people say. Man this whole "Dark Skin Avi" is getting annoying. I don't know if you had someone who came to you out fo the blue and said some racial mess to you for no reason. Luckily this don't happen to me everytime I go on Rally on w/e just saying it happens once in a blue moon. I don't understand why someone would say some racial s**t for no reason neutral Like damn, can't my behind just sit down on my car and relax myself? How come I can't get a nice compliment on my avi? How come when my a** show up for Rally like 99.9% of the time I'm like the only dark skin avi there? I think people on here get to damn comfortable, b/c this site is too annoymous/secretive(Meaning some idiot can talk alot of s**t and not really get in trouble b/c we don't know who they really really are. Get what I'm saying?) I think Gaia should make this site a little more personal and face-to-face like Facebook,Myspace, Twitter or something. b/c maybe then people wouldn't say the things they say now. Also I don't understand this whole "asia" thing on Gaia. Everyone is like "OMG your azn? ME TOO" People, stop kissing other people's asses on this site. It's okay to be proud of your race, but don't come to me trying to downput ME for being BLACK, when my a** had nothing to do with you anyways. Sometimes I wonder if anyone else experience this promblem when they get on this site neutral But I think I said enough(Getting tired of typing and page is getting really long lols) All I want to say if YOU have a problem with my avi's skin tone. I just wanna ask you. "Are you gonna help me pay me gold to change it? Since you wanna complain about my tone, I was just wondering if YOU are going to take the time to change my avi,car,house,aquarium,clothes,items and etc? Since this is bothering you so much. If not STFU and keep it moving" I come on this site, same as you for friends,games,events and stuff. I DID NOT I repeat DID NOT come on this site to be anyone's punching bag. Just b/c you suck at talking to black people or maybe they hurt your feelings IDK neutral Doesn't mean you have to come at me like a whiney b***h saying stereotypes in my face like thats going to piss me off or rile me up. I'm immune to your ignorance. I have seen the same type of racial b***h-assness from people before. So go ahead and say "******" But I just want to let you know I AM AFRICAN AMERICAN and the username is ONECOOLCHICKXD, not "black girl" "nig" or w/e the hell you wanna call me that's stupid. People on this site are so stupid it's almost annoying. Like yesterday I was dressed up like El Vira, ya know? That women with the big black hair and that famous dress thats shows off her cleavage and stuff? lols Anyways I went to Rally to just walk around and stuff. Then some user(White skin tone) followed me and said"SNOOKI" and I was like "no I'm not" and he was like "BLACK SNOOKI" and yet again I was like "no I'm el Vira noob. Do your research dumbass"(I left that Rally BTW) After I said that I was like "OMG people on here are sooo stupid. Like how the ******** you don't know about the famous spooky mistress? My goodness society is poisining young people's minds surprised Like some people say "People hate on which they do not understand" So hopefully after reading all of this(You are a fantastic reader and a deep person to actucally take the time to read this all) So before you say some ignorant crap like that, just think before you say some dumbmess like that. I'm not sure if anyone has had this type of mess like I have(It don't have to be racial of course lols) But just remeber if someone talks crap at you for no reason. Brush it off and move on. You can't get riled up on what some person(s) said. 99.9% of the time 1.Their profile is on private(Didn't I mention this b***h-assness before? neutral ) 2. They do this infront of their friends(Strange pattern) 3. Their NOTHING like their avi's so they shouldn't be talking(Like really a make believe pixelated avi, TRULY looks like you? QUIT LYING) So just ignore all these Haters. Haters gonna hate, so make sure you don't respond to them b/c silence hurts more than words. I just wanna say I am PROUD TO BE BLACK. I have alot of courage to do what some others on this site couldn't, be who I am. I don't wanna be like everyone else. I wanna be myself and really I don't care what people say about my skin. I heart my dark skin. I wouldn't change it in the world. So haters try to get under my skin, but I know one thing. "Do you want me to give you your refrerance number on that report?"
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