Un peu de moi
Name: Marissa Nicole Brown, call me Missa c;
Age: 15
Gender: Female!
Birth: April 12, 1995
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Religious views: Agnostic
Ethnicity(s): German, Swedish
Height: 5'7" D;
Hair Color: Naturaly dirty blonde ;o
Eye Color: Hazel Green
School: Davenport High School
Let Love In, nient toute la haine

MSN: rawrgirly_16@hotmail.com
Xbox360: [ask in pm]
faits au hasard sur moi
-i'm really sweet, don't let how i act in the CB mislead you ;3
-i sing, and love doing it.
-i love talking to people, but i run out of material quick.
-i LOVE seikon no qwaser.
-i like alot of older music.
-i accept everyone
-i'm not a normal person ^-^
-i live in the middle of nowhere..
-i am a perv, get the ******** over it.
-i'm not into RP. it consists of 49 year olds sitting at the computer gettin hard. ew.
-i'm messy. and unorginized.
-i love animals. ******** hunting.
-i use profanity. a lot.. get used to it.
-i play a lot of video games.
-i admire anyone who's musically inclined
-i love inside jokes
-i do believe karma is a b***h
-i'm a nerd OHHURHUR
-i play golf
-i lovers my phone
-i love photography. it's my life..
-i love Random Comments & PMs.
-i love Piercings & Tattoos.
-accents turn me on.
-southern accents, go to hell.
-i love Starbucks
-i love Hugs.
-i adore kisses.
Mon anime préféré
-Seikon no Qwaser
-Kiss x Sis
-Gakuen Mokushiroku: High School Of The Dead
-Kaichou Wa Maid-sama!
-To Love-Ru
Merci de visiter ma page, au revoir!