Shikoku is Shikoku!
Hello, everybody! Shikoku is answering your questions today! Yay!
Shikoku is happy happy to see many questions! Shikoku is very excited to answer them! Yayness~! :3
Shikoku cannot do introductory things for too long, so we'll begin shortly~
Let's answer things!
KuKu Highman : Hey Shikoku, Beef or Bacon?
Shikoku: Hey KuKu, bacon.
Chizu.v2 : Dear Shikoku, I have a small problem with my hair. It is curly and long and has a tendancy to get tangled very easily, and if i get lazy on the brushing for even a day it will be a complete rat's nest. I happen to have one aprticularly large knot in it at the moment, and I can't decide whether i should put bucketloads of conditioner in and hope it comes out, or just snip at it with some scissors for a while and try to brush it out. Can you help me?
Shikoku: Good evening, version two Chizu. If Chizu likes Chizu's hair long, Shikoku recommends the conditioner. If Chizu doesn't mind Chizu's hair short, Shikoku still recommends the conditioner. Shikoku hopes Chizu understands that even if Chizu performs snipsnip on Chizu's hair, Chizu will still have problems with Chizu's hair! D:
Shikoku demands that Chizu take care of Chizu hair! Use conditioner whenever Chizu performs head exorcism and be sure to use it properly, and and leave it in for a few minutes before washwash~ biggrin
Chizu.v2 : Dear Shikoku Kyushu, why are you so amazing and godly? Are you more godly than god himself? Than candy?
Shikoku: D: Erm, I don't really believe in God so I can't answer that but the candy...
Nope. Candy is far superior. :l
Kayed : Dear Shikoku, How much wood would a woodchuck chuck If a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Shikoku: 12 kilograms.
okamie : dear guy or wutever are u god or satan
Shikoku: Neither. Shikoku is Shikoku. Well, kind of Satan.
Shikoku finds it difficult to believe that people cannot seem to understand this. It is a simple yes yes. sad
the #1 best : Dear Shikoku Kyushu, I'm planning to blow up the school with my mind. Can I do that, if not how?
Shikoku: Hello, possibly redundant name. Shikoku is sorry, but you cannot blow your school up with your mind, and there is no other method to go about doing this. So Instead, Shikoku wrote a poem for you called, "A Poem for the #1 Best."
A Poem for the #1 Best
You are the #1 Best/
In everything that you do.
Aside from blowing up schools that is/
That's something I've beaten you to.
Lorelei Irken : Dear Shikoku, What do you think the cake is?
Shikoku: There was a time when Shikoku believed it to be blatant lies, but now that the Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center is being reformatted in some way or another, there may yet be hope for unlies!
liza may : Dear Shikoku Kyushu, do all boys like girls based on their looks? r they hard to find? it is for me cuz im ugly -.-"
Shikoku: No, Liza May. They do not. Or at least, Shikoku doesn't think so. There are many many who do desire off outward appearance though. Shikoku finds that it's usually those people who only desire the outside beauty to be the people who need a good avoiding.
Liza needs to find someone who likes likes inside beauties~ Or a healthy mix of both. But it must be healthily mixed. biggrin
These people are not too hard to find. Liza just needs to search in places that don't involve drinking and dancing at the same time. You will find one very soon~ :3
Shikoku would say Liza is not ugly! But Shikoku has no point of reference. D:
But then again, Liza is only ugly if Liza is made of worm eggs. Is Liza made of worm eggs? Shikoku does not like worm eggs.
Ice-cream is yum : Dear Shikoku Kyushu: Do you like ice-cream? And if so, what flavor is your favorite? :3
Shikoku: Hello you! Appropriately-named-so-to-force-Shikoku-into-having-to-say-yes, "Shikoku does enjoy ice cream" you! Hello!
Shikoku japes~ If Ice-cream is yum was not named Ice-cream is yum, Shikoku would still have to answer with a "most certainly!"
Shikoku loves cookies and cream ice creams~! biggrin
But but wait! Ice-cream is yum is implying that there is more to ice cream than cookies and cream! What is this nonsense? Shikoku does not understand!
velma vieu : well Shikoku i haves a question Do you think its annoying when people say they are leaving TM just cuz other people are saying it and when they dont leave do you find that your happy or annoyed? ok sorry that was two questions plz dont get mad....^^
Shikoku: Shikoku has not come across this before! Shikoku actually doesn't read other Avi's diary entries unless--well, Shikoku must consider many things before reading other Avi's entries.
But to answer Velma's question, Shikoku isn't quite sure what this will accomplish. Shikoku is baffled as to why someone may do this! D:
Shikoku would think it annoying, yes. Especially if it happens often enough.
Creamychan : Dear Shikoku Kyushu, how can you tell if someone likes you? My friend likes somebody and wants to know if he likes her back. I've asked him multiple times to tell the truth and yet, he ignores me. So it's okay if you don't want to answer, but it would make my friend really happy.
Shikoku: Hello, Creamychan! Shikoku needs to first state that there are no symptoms of liking someone. Disregard what you hear and what you read. Or rather, the symptoms of liking someone varies drastically from persons to persons. What this means, Creamychan, is that it's very, very difficult to determine whether your friend is liked by this lordly fellow without directly asking him, as you must study the subtleties in mannerism and any changes that may occur upon his being in the premises of your friend. But Creamychan has no time for such tomfoolery! Shikoku apologizes, but the best way to find this out is directly asking him as you've been doing. Until he starts unignoring Creamychan. D:
food luffy : my question: is the awesome D.Gray-Man anime ever going to continue?
Shikoku: Luffy, are you watching DGM subbed? Shikoku is well aware that DGM ended on a certain not so great episode 103. If Luffy is asking whether there will be a second season, Shikoku is very positive there will be. DGM is very good profits. biggrin If Luffy is watching DGM dubbed, it's on hiatus. It should return soon to your televisions. But then Shikoku would also wonder why Luffy watches DGM dubbed. D:
Louii : Dear Shikoku, How did you start with the tips????
Shikoku: Many Avatars are between the age of 16 and 25, Louii. Shikoku understands that they are not very experienced in life matters. Shikoku wants to teach them to become good people!
Shikoku wants to teach them to not blow up their parents or eat their parents among other valuable lessons. :3
Remember, children! Cannibalism is bad! D: Though I find it good. :3
SasukeKat : Dear Shikoku Kyushu, I jumped down the hole. I had my garlic and my holy water ready.I had intended to defeat Dracula.....But what I found under there wasn't Dracula.I found Candy Mountain, and I think some unicorns want my kidney......What should I do? =3='
Shikoku: Hello, SasukeKat. Shikoku finds it very odd that SasukeKat would find Candy Mountain instead of Dracula. As everyone knows, SasukeKat, Candy Mountain is not real! :O However! As Notreal as Candy Mountain might be, unicorns are very real--and they don't often go after kidneys. That is, unless, SasukeKat's kidneys are made of rainbows. SasukeKat, the only thing you can do is vomit out your ranbow kidneys. Unicorns are very dangerous creatures, and if SasukeKat wants to continue living, SasukeKat should just simply regurgitate what they're looking for.
Hinaiichigo : Dear Shikoku, Why isn't the number 11 pronounced onety-one?
Shikoku: Because english is dumb.
Cherry-B : Dear Shikoku: How do you answer all your question?o.o?
Shikoku: With perseverance and much "care" for all of Shikoku's jail buddies~! biggrin
Edward224 : how can I earn money hre?
Shikoku: Edward, there are many ways to earn money in the Holy Roman Empire. You can sell off your land or do some farming. Or become an Imperial Knight! Shikoku is told that Imperial Knights are paid well in the HRE.
Sutaa : Hey, Shikoku. Did you know that extinct birds lay very few eggs? Also, I have sent you a package of your brethren, Honeydukes Chocolate Frogs. Treat them well~!
Shikoku: Hello, Sutaa! Shikoku is well aware of this fact! However, many of our fellow Avis are not! Applefrog has been searching the world for an extinct bird to prove this point, but Shikoku's search has been in vain thus far. D: Thank you for the chocolate frogs, Sutaa! Applefrog will treat them with the utmost decency!
starris : Dear Shikoku, Don't you think instant noodles are awshum?? :3
They're delicious and have many variety flavors...Even though they are not good for health...=___="
Shikoku: Dear Starris, Shikoku loves instant noodles! Ten or a little more years ago, Shikoku would splurge on instant noodles knowing that Shikoku wouldn't be able to instant noodle as often ten or a little more years later. D: Now that it's ten or a little more years later, Shikoku has to constantly tell Shikoku not to instant noodles! It is bad for Shikoku's high blood pressure. Nogoodgood. .__.
Chelinka : Dear Shikoku, Shikoku on the wall, Who is the fairest Avi of them all? Yours Faithfully, Chelinka. <3
Shikoku: Oh, Chelinka, Shikoku on the wall is so very fond of lady LaLa. biggrin Shikoku will stand by this as Shikoku's answer. Unless, that is, Chelinka will shatter Shikoku on the wall brokenbroken~ Then I suppose Shikoku on the wall has no choice but to choose Chelinka! D:
But regardless! Chelinka is quite fair herself! :3
vincelabsu : Dear Shikoku, How can I breed a shikoku and a kyushu? thanks! biggrin
Shikoku: Allow Shikoku to put it simply:
You put the Apple in the bowl and you smash it into pieces.
Take the froggy by the head and squeeze until its fetus
pops out its backside, throw it in the bowl and warm.
Then stir and hum a melody 'til Shikoku is born.
Yay! Remember! Feel free to ask a question in the comments! Shikoku will answer all your questions in the next installment of Ask Shikoku!
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I'm Bitchy Amaya
Badass Booti is herself
UPRlSlNG is ******** superheroes by day. And night. Beat that, bitches. cool
Badass Booti is my CB lover. heart
And we have our own soap-opera. emotion_kirakira
I'mma bird, ********! I'mma bird!
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UPRlSlNG and I are birds, moe'suckras! cool
And we have our own comedy. emotion_kirakira
And she's the mother of my children. heart
Badass Booti is herself
UPRlSlNG is ******** superheroes by day. And night. Beat that, bitches. cool
Badass Booti is my CB lover. heart
And we have our own soap-opera. emotion_kirakira
I'mma bird, ********! I'mma bird!
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UPRlSlNG and I are birds, moe'suckras! cool
And we have our own comedy. emotion_kirakira
And she's the mother of my children. heart
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