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Yuki's Journal
well i write poems so that what ill put in here
Legend of Zelda
Looking over the land of Hyrule a man shrouded in shadows. A dark evil demented smile formed his lips as he let a laugh echo through out the land. He descended from the world of shadows until he reached the plush green land. He hovered over the ground as he made his way to a village he simply held his hand up and sucked all the life from the village turning all the people into these horrid creatures he then raised his hand in the air as a dark ominous cloud covered the sky. The monsters left the destroyed village and went around the land wreaking havoc.

. . . . .

"Link! Link honey wake up!" a sweet angelic voice rang through the hero's ears he sat up and rubbed his eyes as he looked at his love he gave a soft smile then it turned into a frown "whats wrong?" he said slipping from bed his blond hair falling in his face. "Link he's struck again! the entire norther village has been destroyed monsters..have killed everyone im afraid we don't have much time" the woman said. Link nodded and went to put on his green tunic and his hat and white tights and then his boots he picked up his sword and shield he looked at her then placed a soft gently loving kiss on the woman's cheek before dashing out of the room. A ball of light floated around Link "Link! We must hurry! Ganon is back!" the ball of light said it formed into a ball of light with wings "I know Navi" Link said simply as he ran to the stables and put a saddle on his horse Epona. Getting on his horse he raced out of the stable and into the Hyrule Field he saw the dark cloud over the town slowly growing in the sky.

We can't be to late...Can we?" Link muttered to himself as he jumped off his horse and slashed a monster blood spewing on the ground then the corpse turned to shadows only leaving behind a red rupee. he picked it up "Sweet..." he mumbled and put it in his pouch. He saw more monsters with in the town. He grimaced as he ran toward the town he pulled his shield off his back and reflected fire arrows he looked and saw some more monsters but they had crossbows. He frowned and pulled a bow off his back and aimed his bow he closed one eye then aimed and shot. Bulls eye. He ran into the two and killed off the rest of the monsters then sudden;y a jolt of electricity hit him and he fell to his knees he looked behind him and saw Ganon he frowned and flipped up before getting ready to fight.

Ganon laughed darkly as he snapped his fingers and a mass of black energy formed beside him it turned into a barrier holding the Princess Zelda; Links girlfriend. Link frowned "Leave her out of this Ganon!!" Link growled. Ganon laughed evilly "You are a weakling. you have no power boy." Ganon said as his voice rang through the demolished town. Link growled and clenched the hilt of his sword. His eyes widened with the crystal barrier went solid as the princess' shriek filled the air, but suddenly an arrow shot past Link and hit the barrier as a burst of light shattered the barrier. A tall man a bit taller then Link appeared and caught the princess then jumped back away from Ganon. The man had pure black hair and deep emerald eyes his skin was pale. He wore a grey tunic with a light chain mail he had a bow mounted on his back along with a shield he had a dagger on a belt he wore and a sword in its seeth. The man smirked "I finally caught you Ganon!" the male said with a revenge seeking smirk. Link blinked and looked at the male holding Zelda he frowned getting a bit jealous but snapped out of it when the man spoke. "hey! you! stop day dreaming and get this girl out of here!" Link only nodded taking the unconscious Zelda in his arms he ran to Epona and easily got on holding Zelda close he sped out of here and back to the castle looking back he saw Ganon and the man fighting a fierce battle.

Link finally got to the castle and went inside he walked to the princess room that was in a tower. He laid her in her bed and looked at her. He sighed and touched her cheek lightly. Zelda grimaced and opened her crystal blue eyes she looked over at Link and gave a soft smile. They had been secretly dating but it turned more serious and well now they were secret lovers. Her father would never allow her to marry a forest boy. Zelda slowly sat up as Link helped her "Take it easy love.." he said his tone worried yet loving. Zelda placed a soft gentle kiss on his lip, which he welcomed. He wrapped his arms around her holding her close. "Link..who was that? that Man?" she asked only seeing the arrow and then got a glimpse of the man before she passed out. "I don't know. It's odd timing though don't you think?" Link said a bit of suspicion in his voice. Zelda frowned "He saved my life don't you think you should be a bit more grateful?" Zelda said as she looked at him. Link sighed "I guess your right." he grumbled he stood up and kissed her head "Get some rest My Princess ill check on you later" he said smiling as he moved to the window "See you tonight" he said giving a wink before jumping out of the window he landed on the ground below with a light thud as his horse stood waiting. Link got on Epona and rode out heading back to Kokiri Forest. The kids there Link's life time friends had agreed it was ok if he still stayed there. Saria who was like a sister to him was all for letting him stay. Link soon arrived in the forest he was greeted by the Know-it-all-Bros' "WE heard the commotion saw the clouds! WE know HE'S back." they said rather annoyingly. Link nodded "Don't worry though ill beat him again just like i did last time." he said confidently. the Brothers nodded and walked off to there spots where they're normally found. Link walked to his tree house where he lived his entire life. He looked around the bed he built to fit his size thankfully. He sat down on the bed and looked around "Navi" he said as his fairy partner appeared out of no where. "Yes Link?" she mused floating around the room she stopped above the Kokiri Sword. Link and Navi talked for hours talking about his adventures and Zelda of coarse... Soon Link fell asleep..

. . . . .

Zelda was woken up by a knock on her door. She slipped from her bed and walked to her bedroom door with grace in her steps opening the door she saw her father and the man form earlier. "ah Zelda your up! I want you to meet Prince Yuudai he's the one that saved you." Zelda smiled "thank you...for saving me" she said looking into his eyes. She suddenly felt a bit dizzy. Yuudai smirked having her under his spell just as Ganon predicted. Catching her before she fell. Yuudai looked ay the King "I believe she is still weak she needs rest..With your permission i will stay with her" he said giving a bow. The king nodded "very well take care of my daughter" he said before turning and leaving. Yuudai closed the door locking it as he carried Zelda back to her bed laying her down. He walked around her room and waited for her to wake up. About thirty minutes later. She sat up and rubbed her eyes she looked and saw Yuudai she smiled "Prince Yuudai" she said smiling a bit. "Please call me Yuudai" he said sitting on the edge of the bed by her. Zelda nodded "thank you...for saving me" she said her cheeks tinted a light pink as she looked at him. She seemed to forget about everything even Link she just looked into his eyes and before she knew it her lips connected with his. Yuudai pulled her close as he kissed her. Deepening the kiss turning it more passionate. Yuudai knew he had her for himself. Each kiss turned more passionate then the last soon Yuudai pulled Zelda's dress off with ease and she pulled off his tunic and chain mail before either of them knew it there hot bodies were pressed against each other. Yuudai gently and sexually bit Zelda's neck, which made her give off a light sexual moan that slipped through her lips. Yuudai laid Zelda down as he kissed her body lightly and sexually making her want more. As a symbol formed on the back of Zelda's neck once it was fully formed she would live to hate the hero and love only Yuudai. Zelda moaned when she felt Yuudai press the tip of his 'hardness' on her 'sweet spot' She bit her lip and tilted her head back as he fully pressed his hardness in her. Zelda gasped "o-oh!" a moan slipped from her lips. Yuudai thrust in and out of the Princess with lust and passion he touched her every turn on spot pulling her into him more he kissed her slightly roughly and sexually. The kiss took her breath away as their bodies moved in sync. She felt her mind go foggy her memories being replaced with Yuudai. With each thrust... kiss...Breath.. The truth seemed to be buried deeper and deeper till.. it was gone. Zelda's eyes widened as all her past memories between her and Link were replaced with memories of her and Yuudai the whole fighting Ganon was her and Yuudai freeing the Sages her and Yuudai... To her Link didn't even exists. Yuudai smirked lightly against her neck as he moved in and out. Before he knew it Zelda was on top looking down at him with a lustful look in her eyes. She moved up and down on his hardness as he grasped her hips helping her. He moaned when she started to grind hard. Arching beck in pleasure. Yuudai looked up at her as his hands wandered her body stopping at her breasts he gripped them roughly making her moan. Soon he made her release her hot juices covered his hardness minutes later Yuudai came inside her he made sure to fill her up. Zelda let a sexual scream slip form her lips luckily her room was high up so no one could hear her. Yuudai kissed Zelda gently and lovingly finally having her in his grasps. Zelda laid by him breathing hard she bit her lip as her eyes raked over him. Yuudai looked at her then brushed some hair out of her face he was breathing hard but managed to calm it rather quickly he kissed her neck lightly then bit it and sucked leaving a love mark. Zelda closed her eyes tilting her head so he could get to her neck better. Yuudai smirked and pulled his hardness out of her as he held her close there hot sweaty bodies against each other. Yuudai knew this would be the perfect time to ask her "Will you marry me?" he whispered in her ear. Zelda's eyes went wide. "y-yes!" she gasped she blushed when he kissed her and held her close. "good..." he said softly as he watched her fall asleep in his arms.

. . . . . . . .

Link woke up to the sound of his fairy partner yelling and nagging him to wake up. "Link! Link wake up! Ugh your such a lazy boy!" Navi said clearly annoyed. Link groaned and sat up he rubbed his eyes as the sun leaking in from his door hit his face he grumbled got up he put his boots on and the rest of his armor he grabbed the master sword and left jumping out of his tree house he headed for the lost forest he was going to the Forest Temple to train. Most people would get lost forever but Saria's Song echoed through out the forest getting louder with each passing of a tunnel it was then you just had to listen and hear the song get louder before making a choice. But Link had already memorized the way so he didn't need to do that. he was soon at the gate that lead into the maze. He grimaced then remembered he could just play the Forest Temples song to get there. Face palming him self he growled and took out his Ocarina and played the Minuet of Forest he soon arrived at the forest temple. He sighed and pulled out his grappling hook and grappled to the broken stair well then he simply walked into the temple which always seemed to be full of monsters. He drew his sword and held his shield as he fought some Wolfos he sighed and seethed his sword as he looked around "Link! you only have one heart! One more hit and your done for!" Navi said. Link frowned "i-i know!" he growled as he looked around for a heart. He sighed as he stood up he felt a ball of energy hit his back as everything went black. He fell to the ground. Minutes later he woke up his vision blurry he looked around seeing he was back in his tree house he frowned. Link got up and stretched it was about time to go see Zelda he smiled and ran out of his tree house jumping down he looked around seeing everyone was still asleep he left the forest. He checked his pouch Navi stays in and there she was asleep so much for a helpful Partner. He got on Epona and raced to the castle he rode through the town people were talking he heard something about the Princess getting married. He frowned at this and rode to the stables. he got of Epona and left her there. He walked to the Princess' room only not to see her there he frowned then jumped off the balcony and walked to the garden he hid behind some rose bushes seeing some guards talking he heard Zelda laughing and giggling. He peeked out from behind the bush and his eyes widening seeing that she was with another guy. He sat back down what the ******** was going on? He frowned adn looked again seeing Zelda kiss the guy his eyes widened and he frowned. He stood up and walked to them "Zelda! what the hell are you doing!" he said. Zelda jumped as her face grew angry "And who are you?" she said flatly. Yuudai raised a brow "How did you get passed the guards?" The Prince said pulling Zelda behind him protectively. "What am i doing here? Who am i? Zelda! have you forgotten!?" Link said enraged now. Zelda frowned "Its Princess Zelda and i don't know who you are! GUARDS! GUARDS! ARREST THIS MAN!" her words echoed as guards filed into the garden and grabbed Link putting shackles on him.... They pulled the struggling hero to the dungeon. ......

(Alright! ill finish it later! It keeps growing LOL! )

User Comments: [3]
Community Member

Fri Mar 18, 2011 @ 01:13am

Please do more!!!! I really liked it!!!! biggrin

Community Member

Fri Mar 18, 2011 @ 07:14pm

WOW!!! this is awsome your really good Shadow ^^ i like it very nice, two thumbs up ^^

Malice Paradox
Community Member

Tue Mar 22, 2011 @ 01:47am

Very well written, I've never played the games but now I'd like too...

User Comments: [3]
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