Well I do love gum. I love it more than anything. When i was little (Elementary School) kids would tell me gum was made out of plastic. So I was fine with chewing it. Now today (College) I find out that gum is made out of ground up animal bones. I try not to think of this while i chew it. Ugh. Im going to ralph. eek But when i dont think of that i think of how much i love gum. how it has saved me from starvation in class.

I love Cinnamon or mint gum. Its always nice to sitch it up and spice up your taste buds. smile But the gum i dread the most is any fruit flavor. because after a while my breath will start to smell and taste like old bananas. um, YUCK. (I dont even kiss my boyfriend if he eats fruity gum) He now chews the mint ones. Yee. Cause he likes me. lol. I dont mind sharing, because i know one day ill run out of gum and someone will have to let me have a piece. its like an unwritten rule.

so in conclusion, I LOVE GUM. biggrin