Feels like I am going to ignore Easter Service again. Come on, Jesus did not rise up from the grave on Easter, Easter is just a thing the cathloc church inventited and not to mention they ruined the calander.
This is true cause the Bible symbolicaly states that Jesus is joy to our lives. So he is to be treated with respect. -The Torah (Jewish Bible that the Bible dirives from) is true, not the cathloc church calender! -the one we read everyday.)
Jesus was born on the last days of the Feast of Tabernacles (A festival that takes place for eight days) that is Late November Early October. Not on Christmas Day that falls on Dec. 25. This is like a month off and thank you cathlic church for moving the Calander dates around and screwing up Jesus's birthday! ARRGGG!
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Name: Jade Curtiss
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Owner: Lotus Curtiss
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Name: Jade Curtiss
Age: 35
Likes: Me, Curry Dishs's.
Dislikes: Annoying people
Owner: Lotus Curtiss
Bio: Necromancer King. Do you really want to know?