The one behind the scenes:Cezzary
Hi,My name is:Allin Ross
But you can call me:Work name Allison
My last birthday cake said:20
If you can't tell,I'm a:Male
I am:5'9
And weigh:120,But who's counting?!
I am a(n):human
I can do all this:power of the trap <- thats a joke
Just in case,I have these:hu? n-no no ^^' im not a violent person heh heh
What I do here:Student
Classes I take:Acting 1, Sewing, Painting, Algerbra, Karate
I am who I am:Allin is basically the quiet kid in the back of the room, he normally keeps to himself for his own reasons but those that do know him say he is often nice and very modest but on certen days he just disappears and drops off the face of the earth?
My past:Allin was born an orphan, his father leaving his mother the day she announced her pregnancy and his mother dieing in a car accident 3 mouths after he was born. He was taken in by the state and raised in an orphanage his entire life. Wile living in the orphanage he was one of 2 boys out of a group of 13 kids and once the other boy was adopted All found himself often bullied by the older and more numerous girls. Once he was 18 however he left with ought hesitation and moved on to educate himself more but after high school ended he was left with no money and was looking at a huge price tag for the cost of the classes. He looked high and low for a job, but with no experience he wasn't having any luck. His last chance was a caff in town so he went their looking for a job as a host or at least washing dishes until he could find something better but the owner saw an interesting opportunity and that he had a hidden potential. She managed to convince him to put on a maid costume witch took a great deal of coxing but once she did she was shocked with his appearance. All said he was uncomfortable and wanted to change back so the owner walked him back to the bathroom to change but instead she pushed him out of her office and onto the caffe floor wear every one could see. All froze and turned beat red as every one looked at him, A few moments passed and every one went back to what they were doing but a few were still staring at him with ga ga eyes . . . . no one knew he was a guy All didn't know weather to be pissed or relived about this but when she let him back into the office all changed and stormed out of the caff. A week later All came back after the last of hiss money had been used on his living expenses and he got a job as a hostess under the name Allison. He has worked their for 3 years now and has saved enough money to get started with school wile still working at the caffe luck fully no one knows about his shameful double life.
My fave color:SlateGray
My Orientation:straight do i look gay to you . . . . don't answer that -.-'
Seme or Uke: Uke

The one behind the scenes:Cezzary
Hi,My name is:Tatiana Zorine
But you can call me:close friends tend to call her wolfy
My last birthday cake said:20
If you can't tell,I'm a:female
I am:6'2 wile human 6'11 wolf
And weigh:115 wile human 196 wolf,But who's counting?!
I am a:werewolf
I can do all this:normal werewolf perks plus some ice based magics
Just in case,I have these:Whip
What I do here:Student
Classes I take/Teach:Chemistry, Biology, Medical Science, Symphony Instruments, Story/Novel Writer
I am who I am:Despite her cute and innocent appearance she has inherited her fathers sadistic rituals and takes great pleasure in dominating others once she gets them alone preferably in her room. Thou wile out in the open and in the public view she tries to avoid showing that side of her but when
My past:Tatiana was born into a wealthy family in the capitol of Russia. She was raised like many kids her age but she revived the best of everything do to her families extrema wealth, Thou despite her parents best efforts she developed odd habits over the years, for one she found torturing others quite entertaining like her father and because she attended an all girls school as well as hearing stories from her mother about most men she grew to fined them to be ore savage beasts than anything ells so she ended up having a fancy for women over men. He parents were shocked none the less by this because being an only child that had no interest in men that meant she would likely not give birth to a proper child. With little ells to do they took her from her all girls school and sent her away to the academy for a more co-ed style surrounding hoping it might even her out.
My fave color:DarkTurquoise
My Orientation:Lesbian
Seme or Uke:tends to conceal her strong dominant behavior wile out in the open but wile in private Tatiana becomes extremely dominant and aggressive
wolf version
<3 Evil version XD Hawt <3

Character Name: Sonya Ashcroft
Race: Human
Age: 24
Personality: Sonya can seem rather cold some what like a machine she makes harsh decisions with little concern for personal feelings of herself or others. She is strong will and doesn't like to take lip and in a world willed with strong beings Sonya relies on her mined to even the playing field to great affect. Over all she is a strong dominant individual.
Subject: Science/biology and is also a stand in nurse
Bio: Sonya worked as a Bio engineer for a pharmaceutical company that was trying to master and crate a way to effectively change the chemical make up of a living beings DNA witch would allow them to chemically change some one's race without the use of surgery and could be easily done outside of a hospital, and once this was accomplished the true task of blending races together could begin and they could make hybrids. Their were 20 head scientists including Sonya working on the project along with countless assistants. Eventually the program ran out of funds and the investors lost hope and interest in the program, now Sonya makes a living at the school providing education to students many of witch lack any motivation or desire to learn.
Crush: "hmm? I'm a scientist I have no time for that silliness" N/A
Anything Else: Suffers from a peculiar disease that she keeps to herself. Sonya is a master of the sciences as well as alchemy, she can make a potion for just about anything and tends to cause chaos when her inventions inevitably back fire. She is known for what are called 24 hour punishments, if a student acts out or starts slacking she gives them a little intensive to show some initiative, one of her favorite ones is a liquid that is absorbed by the skin and can cause gender swap withing 6 hours and lasts up to 1 day.