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My PaReNtS MaDe A mIsTaKe
[Ezra Elijah]
YoU cAn CaLl Me
[Ezzy, Ez, or Eli]
HoW mAnY cAn ii BlOw
CaNt YoU tElL iiM a
ii Go AfTeR tHe
WhIcH mAkEs Me
PeOpLe LaBel Me As SuCh
[Middle Brother]
ii AcT tHiS wAy FoR a ReAsOn
[Ezra is one of the biggest rebels amongst his siblings. Even before his mother died, he would sneak out of the house and go to parties and such. He is very stubborn and irritable. The boy feels like he's stuck in the middle of his siblings, as a child he didn't get much attention, due to his huge family, so he seeks it through getting in trouble. He doesn't talk to many of his siblings or his father very much at all, though he is rather protective of his sister Pagan.]
ii HaVe A bIg OnE sO yOu BeTtEr LiStEn
[As a boy, Ezra tried to get his father's approval, but he always seemed to mess things up. He found out shortly, that by doing bad things, his parents would pay attention to him. At first the bad things he did started out small, like spilling milk, or "accidentally" breaking a vase, though as time went by, he became more brave and starting doing worse things. He first stole from a convenience store and found out he had a knack for stealing. He didn't know why he stole it, he didn't even want the gum, something inside him just told him to take it. ]
ThEsE mAkE mY hEaRt LeAp
[[ 5-10 things you like // love ]]
ThEsE mAkE mE pUkE
[[ 5-10 things you dislike // hate
KeEp ThEm AwAy FrOm Me
[[ 5-10 things you are allergic to or afraid of ]]
WhAt ElSe Do ii NeEd To SaY
[[ Any extra information you want to tell ]]
WhO ii ReAlLy Am
[[insert username]]]