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Alex's life expectancy
It's my life. All 23 hours of crap. With one hour of bliss in between.
Chapter 2: Magician
March 31st 2030
Morning, Dorms
1 day
I awoke in my bed. Wondering how I got there I looked at the note next to my bed.

"Yamuna-san. We carried you to your dorm. Don't worry you don't owe us anything. We're not those kinds of people."

It was definitely from Judge. I looked at the day on my cell phone. It was Sunday in the morning. School was already over. Maybe I could beg for Mitsuru-sensei to help me get the incidents off my record…yea. Right.

I placed my phone back in my pocket. As I did so it clanged on something else in my pocket. I took my cell out and took the other object out. The velvet key. I stared at it in awe. This must be a joke. There was no way it was real…was there? I mean let's face it. I was already hearing voices in my head yet I was still sane. Maybe this could be so as well. Well what the hell do I know.

I placed the key back into my pocket and sat up on my bed. I was still in my uniform as I could see. I took they key back out and found some clothing in my closet. I changed into my regular clothing of a white T-shirt, blue jeans, and a black jacket with double sided copper buttons, slipped the key back in my pocket, and walked down onto the lobby.

I saw Judge reading a book while the TV was on behind him. I turned the TV off for, no one was watching it.

"Where's sensei?" I asked Judge.

"She's upstairs talking with Korijo-Sensei." He answered.

I nodded. I heard voices again. Artemisia and Juno were being repeated in my head over and over and they were loud.

I placed my headphones on to drown out their voices. I sat on the chair and listened to my music, unsure of how to spend my first weekend in Japan.

That's when I saw Kirijo and Yamagishi-sensei walk down from the stairs and talk. They must've been talking about me because they were staring in my direction from time to time. Kirijo-Sensei motioned for my attention. I turned off my music and took my headphones off. The voices were still there, but not as loud as before. And even weirder still they seemed to be coming from my sensei's. How was that possible?

"Yamuna-San. I'd like to invite you to a little event that you might be interested in. It's a little ritual that my friends and I do twice a year to…celebrate some occasions. I would very much appreciate it if you could escort the two of us to our meeting place."

If this was an anime, a tear drop would've fallen down the back of my head. How in the hell was I suppose to say no to that!

"Hy Sensei." ((Hy means "Yes" in Japanese.))

"Thank you." Kirijo-Sensei said with a little bow. Yamagishi-Sensei looked the same way I did, but she said nothing. It was like she was used to it. Were these two friends for a while or something? My thoughts were interrupted by the door being knocked upon. Kirijo-Sensei walked towards the door, arms still crossed. (How does someone walk like that and not expect to be stared at!) and opened the door with one hand. A man in a driver's uniform was at the entrance.

"Madam Kirijo, your ride is here."

"Right on time. Thank you." She said to the driver. She turned to me.

"Shall we Fuuka-kun?" Kirijo-sensei asked, still looking at me.

My other sensei nodded. I turned to Judge. He was oblivious. Wrapped around the world of his book. I shrugged. I wasn't like I had anything else to do. I walked outside of the dorms and saw the limo. My god…it was huge! I stared at it for a while, taking in the black beauty of a car before me. Kirijo-Sensei showed me the back of the limo as we got in. As soon as Yamagishi-Sensei was in the car, the driver wasted no time getting in and speeding off to our destination.

Morning, Near Iwatodai station

1 day

It was a spacious limo. I was sitting alone on one side while my Sensei's stared at me from the other. Mitsuru-Sensei poured herself a glass of something in a wine glass and drank out of it with practiced precision. She noticed my gaze.

"It's not wine, if that's what you're wondering. I don't drink. It's actually just fruit punch. And I'd drink out of a plastic cup instead if I could, but my company doesn't want me to 'Spoil my image'." She sighed.

Fuuka laughed a bit.

"Your father sure did leave a lot for you to manage didn't he Mitsuru-chan?" She asked.

Mitsuru nodded.

"Well…it's not like he'd foreseen his death. Actually it was very surprising to us all if memory serves." Mitsuru said.

I was lost.

"But…your father died of illness. Wouldn't there've been early symptoms of it?" I asked. I probably shouldn't have but my curiosity got the better of me. And the voices in my head didn't help either.

"Yes…let's…leave it at that." Mitsuru said. She was hiding something. I could tell. She might be beautiful but she was a terrible liar.

She shook her head and changed the subject. Predictable.

"Do you know about strange things happening? Apathy Syndrome, for instance?" Mitsuru asked me.

I shook my head.

"No Ma'am. Besides what I already told you I don't know anything, besides Apathy Syndrome disappeared 20 years ago." I answered.

"Actually, Exactly 20 years ago." Fuuka added.

"Is that what we're celebrating?" I asked. Mitsuru shook her head.

"No. We're celebrating for another reason." As we pulled up I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Uh…why are we at school." I asked.

"Cause this is where we celebrate." Mitsuru-sensei answered.

Late-Morning, School

1 Day

As we entered the high school Fuuka-sensei split up from us. She said that she had to go tend to a friend of hers to make sure she was "Presentable". I wasn't really paying attention because I heard even more voices in my head. Then we met some people whom Mitsuru-sensei (Wait…have I been thinking "Mitsuru" the whole time? Wow…so much for formality.) introduced me to.

The first person was a cop. And you could definitely tell by his looks. That…and that he could probably knock your block off in seconds.

"Akihiko." Mitsuru said,

"Mitsuru. It's been a while."

"Just a few months." She said.

The man, obviously Akihiko, took a questionnaire glance at me.

Mitsuru nodded at him.

"Don't worry. Everything'll be the same. He's just here for explanations."

"All right…but it's on your hands. I'm not gonna clean up after you." He said, turning his back to us and heading for the roof.

I was very confused.

Sensei looked at me.

"Did you hear any voices that said Caesar?" She asked me.

I was a little shocked…I wasn't paying attention to the voices…but now that she'd mention it, there was a tiny voice among the others named Caesar.

"Yes…but it's a small one. I can barely hear it from all the others."

Mitsuru nodded.

"I thought so." She said with a smile. I waited for her to fill me in. She never did.

Next up was a man in a brown coat and a baseball cap. He must be an artist because he had a sketchbook strapped to his leg and a pencil under his cap.

"Hay! It's Mitts-chan!" He said.

Mitsuru wasn't appreciative.

"You have one for Yukari, leave it at one Junpei Iori."

"Aw come on senpai. Liven up a little." Then he left upstairs.

Mitsuru looked at me.

"Anything? Trismegistus Maybe?"

Again, she was right on the mark. But this time the name was easy to hear.

"Yea…can I ask you something?"

"Sure. Go ahead."

"The voices I'm hearing…you know what they are, don't you sensei."

"Yes. I believe I have a vague idea. And you've just proven to me that I'm right…I'm just still trying to figure out some small details." She twisted her wrist to look at her watch. Even Rolex would've fainted at the hands of this expensive piece of wrist wear. It looked expensive enough to feed half of Japan for two weeks!

"It's almost time. Let's go to the roof."

The only one else who was there besides the people we saw was the same woman who came out of Sensei's office ("Her name is Yukari Takeba." Mitsuru told me before we got to the roof.) and that was it. Fuuka-Sensei was missing.

Akihiko looked at his cell phone.

"Where are they? They should've been here by now." Akihiko said, looking impatient.

Yukari answered.

"Well we do have an extra person. So maybe Fuuka's helping her get ready?" She guessed.

Junpei looked bored.

"Well could someone tell them to hurry the hell up? I gotta make a living somehow-"

The door opened. Out came Fuuka sensei. She said something but I was to distracted by the girl coming out behind her to notice. She was beautiful. Beyond beautiful. Pale skin, deep blue eyes, an innocent stare. She wore our school uniform very nicely… Dear lord I must be in heaven cause that was an angel in front of me. I couldn't help but stare at her worse than Mitsuru-Sensei.

Yukari started laughing.

"Guess you never told him about Aegis huh Senpai?" She asked.

Mitsuru shook her head.

"Don't worry. He'll be filled in after we're done."

I was barely paying attention to them. She stood in front of me. I stood straight real quick and introduced myself to the blonde teenager.

"Hi…my name's Sen. Nice to meet you Aegis."

She shook my hand with her gloved one. For a girl, she had the strongest grip I've ever felt!

"Mitsuru-chan. You didn't tell me that another person would be here." Aegis said. Her voice sounded funny…it was…off…somehow. Like it was a bit monotone.

"Well…it was a last minute decision. He'll be fine don't worry…"

Akihiko stood up.

"It's noon."

Everyone was silent. Even the voices in my head. They wall stood in front of the memorial and all of them took out their guns. Except for Aegis. I wonder why.

I stood behind them in silence. Mitsuru looked at me.

"Don't worry. They aren't loaded. I just wanted to tell you that now."

I wondered at why she said that…then they all aimed their guns at their heads. I was shocked for a second or two then calmed down. They wouldn't kill themselves. Especially with un-loaded guns.

Mitsuru gave a speech while they held their guns to their heads,(Or in Aegis' case, held her hands to her heart) almost like it was a salute.

"Today is a very monument us day. Today marks the day we stopped living in the past. For 20 years ago today we learned a truth. A very dear friend of ours gave his life to give us ours. He gave his life for all of humanity. But it wasn't until this day that we learned why. As we've been carrying on our lives, we have been living for him. Doing everything we can to see that he returns to us. But our journey has been tough and harsh, nonetheless. Some of us have lost our power. Some of us choose not to use it. Some have excelled to heights, almost of his level of power. Some of us just keep it."

"Our lives were defined on this very day. So this year, as we have been doing for every year since we've learned this truth, we shall use our power, in his name. And for those of us not here with us today because of death or because of other reasons, they are still with us in spirit, and they are still carrying out our final orders. So…in his name. Call out your Personas!"

"Trismegistus!" Junpei pulled his trigger.

"Isis!" Yukari followed

"Caesar!" Akihiko did as well.

"Artemisia!" Mitsuru followed suit.

"Juno!" Fuuka unwaveringly pulled hers.

"Athena! Thanatos! Orpheus!" Aegis stood as tall as she could and spread her arms out wide.

I marveled at the beauty of their ritual…for about three seconds!

"What….the….hell!" I walked slowly back. Seven monster/things were above them! And they didn't seem to notice!

"What are you standing there for! Hurry and run before they kill you!"

I shouted at them. They just looked at me. Junpei looked around.

"The hell are you taking about. Mitsuru-senpai you picked a very weird apple." Junpei said, oblivious. I was wide eyed. How could they not notice these things! It was right above them! Inches away!

Mitsuru walked to me. The monster/lady/thing followed her.

"You can see them can't you? Our personas?" she asked.

"Wha? Those monster things! Yes I can see them!" I said hurriedly.

Mitsuru looked up…and kept looking.

"But…how? It's not the dark hour." Akihiko asked. He was the only one without a…Persona was it? I was still confused as hell.

Mitsuru looked at Akihiko. "Yesterday he came to my office, saying he heard voices in his head. But they were the names of our personas.

So I brought him to our little…ritual…to see if I was right. But it turns out that's not all you can do is it Sen?" She asked me. What was she talking about?

Yukari looked at Mitsuru. "Let me guess. He has Potential?"

"It's most likely. But we won't know for sure. For now…let's get him filled in before he has a heart attack." Mitsuru said.

"Geesh. By the look of him I'd say he already had one." Junpei said. I don't think he was far off….

Evening, Dorms

1 Day

"So…let me see if I have this right. These things are called Persona?"

Akihiko nodded. "Correct so far."

"And they're…like…your guardians?"

Yukari nodded this time. "I guess you could call them that."

"And…a long time ago you all as teens helped save the world with Personas from Nyx? But the one who gave his life to save us was Minato Arisato?"

Mitsuru nodded. "Yes. That's correct. It's okay if you don't believe us-"

Believe her! The proof was floating above their heads!

"Then…how come Akihiko doesn't have his persona?"

Akihiko chuckled a bit.

"I lost mine to my life. I didn't train as much as I used to with it and it just got lost to time. But it's not like we need them anymore. The Dark Hour's gone and there's no more shadows to kill."

I thought about it.

"So…then…why can I hear their names and see them?" I asked.

Mitsuru shook her head.

"We don't know. This is the first time anyone's ever been able to do that." Akihiko answered.

Yukari looked at Akihiko. "But if you think about His power and Aegis' power then you kinda have to think that anything's possible right?"

"My thoughts exactly." Mitsuru agreed.

"Well…to hell with it all anyways." I turned my body on the couch and saw Junpei eating a cup of noodles.

"I don't wanna use my persona anymore anyways. We have no use for it. So what's the point?" He asked.

"Well at least they're still there!" Yukari shouted. It was a good thing Judge was gone from the dorms. This would just seem weird to a normal person.

"And what good to us are they exactly now Yuka-tan! They can't do anything to help us in real life can they!" He retorted.

Yukari stopped acting mad and started acting like she was embarrassed.

"Actually…I've trained enough to use Garu and help me clean the store…" She said shyly.

Akihiko nodded.

"Persona or none I can still use some Zio skills. I can turn on my shaver without batteries at least." Akihiko admitted with a nonchalant look.

"Sometimes I use Bufu to place ice in my drinks. Well…that and some target practice." Mitsuru admitted as well. I was amazed. Having a persona granted you these powers? Wow.

"I sometimes listen to Orpheus' music." We all turned to Aegis.

"It…helps me a lot and it reminds me of him." She said with a hint of sadness.

I looked at Mitsuru.

"Another thing…she's a robot?" I asked.

"Yes." she answered.

"Two things. Cutest robot I've ever seen and the most human robot I've ever seen."

"Agreed." Akihiko said while nodding. Then his watch went off.

"Uh oh…time for the night shift. I have to go Mitsuru. It was nice seeing you guys again!" He said as he left the building. Junpei walked out as well.

"I gotta go paint something or other. I'm depressed enough anyways, might as well get something out of it." He left, Trismegistus following his every footstep.

Yukari looked at Mitsuru.

"Do you mind If I stay here tonight? My house is kinda far from here…and old habits die hard." Mitsuru nodded.

"I was going to stay as well anyways. I really don't feel like going to work tomorrow." She admitted. Finally. Some sign of her being human.

Fuuka looked at me. "You don't mind do you Sen-kun?" I shook my head. Actually. With three persona users in my dorm tonight, I felt a lot safer for some reason. Especially with Juno.

"Um…would it be a bother if I slept in my old room as well?" Aegis asked.

Mitsuru looked at her with a warm smile.

"It'd be our pleasure Aegis." Mitsuru said.

As everyone left to their room I sat on the couch and soaked in all the information I was handed today.

First up was the weird Velvet room with Igor. Plus he kept calling me great one. What was up with that? I forgot to tell that to Sensei. Oh well. I'll tell her in the morning. Speaking of sensei, her and her friends personas were scary at first. But now that I know about them they're fascinating. The ability to show and use your innermost feelings and personality manifested into a creature named a Persona is amazing! Next up is the Fall. Nyx and Minato were both mentioned here…but why they keep appearing in my head I have no idea. Plus, it's kinda creepy that I have His room. Maybe it was His armband I found in my closet?

So…now what? School's over for now…I have some time off…maybe I could ask Mitsuru if I have a persona. Of all the voices I wonder what it would be? Mythos? Lamia? Cerberus? Maybe Zochotuen? The thought of it was filling my head with many thoughts of excitement! I walked up to my room and changed into my Pajama's and crawled into my bed.

Tomorrow was going to be one hell of a day!

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