Name; Chirami (Chira)
Age; 14

Powers *u*?; No. She's just a regular girl.
Profile; Chirami was born on December 21, 1996 on a cold, winter day. Growing up to an abusive family, she had low self-confidence and became sensitive. Her older brother, Rua, often locked himself in his room, never coming out unless it was for school. Due to Chira's shyness, she had no friends at all and was sorted as an "emo" for being alone. She, however, did okay in school, gettings B's on most of her school work. Chira would often get bullied because she couldn't defend herself. She was often called weak by her family and
classmates. Everyone believed her to be a failure, causing her to cry often. Once, she felt like she suffered to much in her home and tried to run away, but ran into a person who changed her life.
Likes; Nice people, cinnamon rolls.
Dislikes; Mean people, herself (at times),
Personality; Timid, sensitive, and kind.
Name; TBA
Age; 15

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heart By AngelBaby12349