=.= Fu.ck my iPod cuz I spent an hour on this entry and the site crashed and restarted! I forgot half the s**t I wrote!
Ok rewriting now! Don't screw up iPod!
Hey Listen! (Oh no, it's Navi! XD) don't forget to read my last entry if you like Wedding Peach or anything like Sailor Moon. Ok, so I taugh my best friend how to rp and now she is obsessed more than me to drawing (I drew 50 pages of drawings under 24 hours). She completely drained ny creative mind! And she wants to rp again tomorrow, we've been at it for like 4 days!
Now I have information and don't know if I'm aloud to tell cuz I haven't asked my friend about it yet =.= I just don't get the chance, do I?!
Update on couples:
Lin/Green Hyrulia and Shadow Shundaki
Lily/Blue Hyrulia and Yuichi Tsukai
Violet Hyrulia and Vio Hyrulia (don't freak but this is incest X.X)
Yang Yaminora and Sappho Nanami
Link Hyrulia and Rin Fujimoto
Ai Tsukai and (wats his name)
Zelda and Link
Non-couples...ppl who ik aren't dating someone (yet):
Zumi Tsukai
Kameko Tamaki
Kagome Shurno (I think)
Dark Shundaki
Dusk Shundaki
Possibly might date? Or possible couples
Zumi and Dark
Dark and Dusk (oh wow..another incest story)
Rin and Nick
Now I should probably get back to Brawl since ive gotten so bad...I got beat by a 4! That wasn't the best day for me! Plus I was my best character.....yeah
Oh wait...Maybe I could use Ike as Yuichi >w< Both has Blue hair and possibly wear gold/yellow..It should work out fine, if I learn how to use him first...He is so slow! And then Marth..he is weak (lol sorry) but Im actually better with Marth...so yeah
Now since I love four swords I might do a story with FS Lin..but wat about Truth and Shadow Realm? I'll finish them..in like a million years from now...how about Four Swords or Time Melody? Well those are easier...
Biggest thing ever for me, FS is ny favorite LoZ but I don't have the game...I only have the manga...And having a hard time picking favs...
Like the characters...For the LoZLT version and original
Blue Lin or Green Lin?
Vio or Blue?
It's sooooooo complicated, unless someone sticks Shadow in...SHADOW DOMINATES ALL! Even you Yin!!!!!! *laughs like Tadase from Shugo Chara* HA HA HAH HA HA HAH! TAKE THAT!
Well im pretty sure that's everything I wrote.. SEE YA! Nighties
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