I got a letter from my school just now, and it said...
'Dear student,
Congratulations! You have passed to the second year of your study gamedesign. We wish you a good summer vacation.'
You've heard it! I officially passed my first year! Woo-hoo! blaugh I am going to finish my summer assignment though, because it can be possible they counted the points on that one in advance. I mean; possible extra credit, and I get to make my first, working game in Adobe Flash. I'm not letting that opportunity slide. 3nodding I'm going to work on it this afternoon, because I've been slacking off for about two days now. sweatdrop I have to animate some stuff and check the tutorial my teacher sent me for the Actionscript code. And yes, I'm actually going to try and understand it. xd The rest of my spare time is going to be spent practicing my drawing in both Adobe Flash and on good 'ol paper of course. I still need to improve anatomy and hands. And of course videogames, Gaia and writing in terms of relaxation. I still have a whole list if quests to finish, but that's going to be lowest priority. I just got a new game called Castlevania Lords of Shadow and I'm already horribly stuck on a boss. gonk
Current priority list(high to low):
1 Finish my summer assignment.
2 Keep in touch with my friends.
3 Videogames.
4 Drawing.
5 Writing.
6 Gaia quests.
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Zephyra13's diary
My life. A little word of warning; there's a lot of drama in here. ^^; I usually write off my problems in here.
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CB's resident psycho chick. Quote me if you want to talk to me.
Current mood: Feeling insane and paranoid. eek
Questing: Stalkers.

This is my internet face.
CB's resident psycho chick. Quote me if you want to talk to me.
Current mood: Feeling insane and paranoid. eek
Questing: Stalkers.

This is my internet face.