1. How much gold do you have?
Around 350k
2. How much gold would you like to have?
5 mill XD
3. What’s your name?
Can't tell ya unless you're a close friend.
4. When’s your birthday?
January 23rd
5. How old are you?
6. What zodiac sign are you?
Western = Aquarius
Chinese = Rat
7. Gender?
8. Sexuality?
9. Hair Color?
10. Is that you natural hair color, if not what is?
It is.
11. Short hair or Long hair?
12. Do you have layers in your hair?
13. What shampoo do you use?
Head and Shoulders
14. Eye Color?
15. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
16. Ethnicity?
17. Height?
About 5'2
18. What country do you live in?
19. What state do you live in?
20. What’s the weather like?
Very stormy lately :T
21. Color?
It's a tie between hot pink and black
22. Food?
Pumpkin Pie/Pizza/Dippin' Dots Ice Cream
23. Drink?
Mountain Dew Supernova/Voltage
24. Candy?
25. Dessert?
Pumpkin pie
26. Breakfast meal?
Cereal/Cereal bar
27. Lunch meal?
Anything really. But if I had to pick, Maruchan ramen
28. Dinner meal?
29. Sport?
30. Hobby?
Drawing/being an idiot
31. School subject?
Mythology/Computer class
32. Season?
33. Movie?
Uhm...Hard to pick on that one...
34. Actor?
I don't really have anything to say on this one either.
35. Theme Park?
Kings' Island
36. Actress?
Again, hard to pick on this one.
37. Book?
House of Night series
38. Author?
James Patterson
39. TV show?
Invader Zim
40. Channel?
Cartoon Network/Nickelodeon
41. Flower?
Tiger Lily
42. Restaurant?
43. Number?
44. Holiday?
45. Song?
Hard to pick on this one.
46. Artist?
What kind of artist? O_o
47. Band?
Flyleaf/Linkin Park
48. Genre of music?
49. Radio station?
99.7 The Blitz
50. Video game?
Hard to say, I like alot of games.
51. Animal?
Clouded Leopard
52. Store?
53. Ice cream flavor?
Cake Batter
54. Smell?
Hard to say.
55. Gum brand?
56. Super Hero?
Zim *He's not a super hero!* OH YES HE IS D<
57. Day of the week?
58. Month?
59. Do you or have you ever gone to school or college?
Currently going to school
60. Which school/college did you or do you go to?
Can't tell you &.&
61. What is/was you favorite class?
62. What grade are you in?
63. Favorite teacher?
Mr. Schaefer
64. What is/was your school mascot?
65. What were/are your school colors?
66. What kind of grades do/did you normally get?
C's, a few D's.
67. Do you have a job?
LOL NOPE biggrin
68. If so, what is it? If not, where would you want to work?
I'd love to work at our local game/dvd place.
69. How much do you get paid? Bump if you don’t have a job.
70. Do you like your job? Bump if you don’t have a job.
71. Have you ever been fired?
LOL NOPE biggrin
72. Have you ever travelled?
73. What’s the furthest you’ve ever travelled?
74. If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
Narnia, duh :3
75. Have you ever been to Disney World?
No D:
76. Disneyland?
No D:
77. Have you ever been on a road trip? Where to?
Yes, to Florida.
78. Have you ever been on a plane? Where to?
No D:
79. Have you ever been on a train? Where to?
No D:
80. What’s the longest amount of time you spent travelling?
About 2 days.
81. Favorite place that you have travelled to?
Florida, it sure beats West Virginia.
82. Have you ever gone to a city?
83. Have you ever been to the country?
Which one?
Have you ever? (1)
84. Fallen off the bed?
85. Broken someone’s heart?
86. Had your heart broken?
87. Had a dream come true?
88. Had any piercings?
89. Skydived?
90. Run away from home?
Thought about it once.
91. Stolen something?
Unless you mean from my friends, no. *DON'T TELL THEM*
92. Said “lol” in a spoken conversation?
93. Glued your hand to something?
Tried to. It didn't work D:
94. Laughed so hard you cried?
95. Laughed so hard you peed?
96. Gotten stitches?
Idk, maybe.
97. Broken a bone?
98. Had your tonsils removed?
99. Had a serious injury?
100. Had my wisdom teeth removed?
101. Had braces?
102. Had the chicken pox?
103. Seen a shooting star?
104. Seen a UFO?
105. Met a famous person?
106. Ridden in a taxi?
107. Eaten sushi?
No, I don't like seafood &.&
108. Seen snow?
Uhm, yeah, duh &.&
109. Gone out in public in your pajamas?
LOL YUP biggrin
110. Been in a play?
111. Cheated on a test?
112. Fainted?
113. Gone Snowboarding?
114. Gone Surfing?
115. Gone Skiing?
116. Name something that is red.
117. Name something that is blue.
118. Name something that is green.
119. Name something that is brown.
Tree bark
120. Name something that is white.
121. Name something that is black.
The night sky
122. Name something that is pink.
Pink colored pencil
123. Name something that is purple.
Gaz's hair
124. Name something that is yellow.
125. Name something that is orange.
Traffic cone
126. Name a color in a different language.
Shiro and Kuro (White and Black)
127. What color is the shirt that you are wearing?
Kuro :3
This or That? (1)
128. Pierced nose or tongue?
129. MTV or BET?
MTV, duh.
130. Black or white?
131. Summer or winter?
132. Left or right?
RIGHT. *You never go left*
133. Hot or cold?
134. Spring or autumn?
135. Sun or moon?
136. Puppies or kitties?
137. Rain or Snow?
138. Night or Day?
139. Blue or Pink?
140. Chocolate or Flowers?
Chocolate *I can't eat flowers! Well, I probably can, but I don't think they'd be delicious*
141. Computer or Television?
142. Chocolate or Vanilla?
143. Fingers or Toes?
144. Twix or Snickers?
145. MySpace or Facebook?
146. Hamster or Gerbil?
Both are freaking awesome
147. Koala bear or Panda bear?
148. The Simpsons or Family Guy?
Family Guy
149. Christmas or Halloween?
150. Coke or Pepsi?
151. Cake or Cookies?
152. Canada or USA?
Canada *They're probably doing ALOT better than we are*
153. Japan or China?
154. France or Italy?
155. Disneyland or Disney World?
Idk D:
156. Spanish or French?
Spanish *Can't pronounce anything in French DX*
157. Vampire or Werewolf?
Either is awesome.
158. Superman or Batman?
159. Comedy or Drama?
Both. Make it a Dramedy D&
160. Noise or Silence?
Noise *Silence is too loud. No, seriously, I dare you to lock yourself in a sound proof room, the silence gets to you...*
161. Blind or Deaf?
162. Jacob Black or Edward Cullen?
Jacob, he's hotter and seems to be smarter
163. Crab or Lobster?
Neither I hate seafood
164. Potato Chips or Popcorn?
165. Chocolate Milk or Hot Chocolate?
Chocolate milk
166. Call or Text?
167. Fair or Circus?
168. Popsicle or Fudgesicle?
169. Pancake or Waffle?
170. Harry Potter or Twilight?
Harry Potter
171. Baked or Fried?
172. Aquarium or Zoo?
173. Polar Bear or Penguin?
174. McDonalds or Burger King?
175. Taco or Burrito?
178. Hot Topic or Pac Sun?
Hot Topic
Random Trivia
179. What is the capital or Sacramento?
180. Who was the 16th president of the USA?
181. What was the name of the Beatles first album?
182. In Beauty and the Beast, what is "Beauty's" actual name?
183. San Diego is in which state?
184. What is the square root of 256?
185. Thumper is from which Disney movie?
186. San Diego is in which state?
187. What is the capital of Florida?
188. What continent is Chad located in?
189. Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in what year?
190. What is the capital of Texas?
Um...Housten? *Idk how to spell that*
191. Dory is from what Disney movie?
Finding Nemo
192. Washington DC is in what state?
193. What is on Canada’s flag?
Maple Leaf
194. Name a song by Aerosmith.
Love in an Elevator
195. The joker is in what superhero movie?
196. Cho Chang is from what movie and book?
197. Name a song by U2.
198. How do you say hello in French?
199. How do you say “table” in Spanish?
200. What is the name of Ferris Bueller’s best friend?
201. What is the name of the dog in Family Guy?
202. When is St. Patrick’s Day?
203. What is the capital of New York?
New York
204. Name a song by Linkin Park.
Wretches and Kings
205. When was Elvis Presley born?
206. What continent is Brazil located on?
South America
207. Gaston is from what Disney movie?
Pochahontas *Idk how to spell it*
208. What football team was originally called the New York Titans?
209. What was the first sport televised in the U.S.?
210. What is the longest movie ever made?
211. When is Labor Day?
212. Name a song by The Rolling Stones?
213. To Kill a Mockingbird was written by whom?
214. When was Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated?
215. What was the first city to reach a population of one million?
216. Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?
217. Who was the 3rd president of the USA?
218. Madagascar is on the coast of which continent?
219. What is the longest river in the world?
The Nile?
220. What is the 4th planet from the sun?
221. What president is on the $5 bill?
222. What is “red” in Spanish?
223. Name a song by Green Day.
American Idiot
224. Name a song by Coldplay.
...I can't remember one atm
225. Who was the first American in outer space?
John Glenn?
225. Who is the 22nd president of the USA?
226. Who wrote The Great Gatsby?
227. Who is the author of the Hunger Games series?
Can't remember
228. Name a movie directed by Steven Spielberg.
I never read credits &.&
229. When was McDonalds created?
Sometime in the past
Would You Rather?
230. Live in a porta-potty or a sewer?
231. Lose your legs or lose your arms?
232. Live without music or live without TV?
233. Be invisible or be able to read minds?
Read minds
234. Marry the first person you see tomorrow or never marry?
235. Only be able to whisper or only be able to scream?
236. Be saved by Superman or meet Winnie the Pooh?
Winnie the Pooh
237. End hunger or hatred?
238. Skip Christmas for a year, or skip your birthday for a year?
Birthday, I get more presents on Christmas
239. Would you rather get shot in the heart or meet Chuck Norris?
240. Would you rather jump of a cliff or drown to die?
Jump off a cliff
241. Would you rather meet Marilyn Manson or Charles Manson?
242. Would you rather jump from a 10 storied building, or want a building collapsing over you?
10 Story, there's a safety net below biggrin
243. Would you rather hug Eeyore or Winnie the Pooh?
244. Brutally murder your entire family or be part of a human centipede?
Brutally murder my family. I kinda hate my sister so I'd enjoy a part of it.
245. Would you rather go to Hawaii or Croatia?
246. Would you rather find true love or 10,000,000 dollars?
10,000,000 dollars, I already have my love~ heart
247. Would you rather get stuck in a broken elevator for 5 hours or stuck on a broken ski lift for 5 hours?
248. Would you rather get rid of Justin Bieber or Rebecca Black?
249. Would you rather individually slaughter with your bare hands, a human baby or 100 cute puppies?
Human baby, there's too many people on the planet and not enough puppies
250. Would you rather always speak your mind or never speak again?
Always speak my mind
251. Would you rather be a ninja or a pirate?
252. Would you rather be the most popular person in school or be the smartest person in school?
I'm already the smartest, so popular would be cool.
253. Would you rather lose your keys or your cell phone?
Keys, I barely use them
254. Would you rather be a kid your whole life or an adult your whole life?
255. Would you rather be buried alive or burned alive?
Buried alive, there's a greater chance I can be saved.
256. Would you rather be self employed or work for someone else?
Work for someone else.
257. Would you rather have fame or wealth?
Wealth. I can buy whatever I want and plus I won't have to worry about paparazzi.
258. Would you rather be stuck on a desert island with 4 people you hate or alone?
259. Would you rather be caught cheating or catch your significant other cheating?
Him be caught cheating. It'd be easier to work out.
260. Would you rather not need to sleep or need to sleep?
Not need sleep. I'd get stuff done more.
261. Would you rather run out of oxygen at the top of Mount Everest or underwater?
262. Would you rather drink a bottle of Purell or a bottle of perfume?
EW. Um... Purell. I think it'd be nasty but go down easier.
263. Would you rather go without brushing your teeth or washing your hair?
Hair. My hair can always be fixed, losing teeth can't.
264. Would you rather lose your hair or be really hairy?
Lose hair. I can buy a wig ;D
265. Would you rather freeze to death or burn to death?
266. Would you rather be alone and rich or loved and poor?
Alone and rich. Sure, it'd be lonely, but I feel like I've been alone for a while now.
267. Would you rather visit the past or the future?
Past. There's no chance of robots taking over in the past.
268. Would you rather stop animal abuse or pollution?
269. Would you rather see a murderer go free or an innocent person sentenced to death?
270. Would you rather be 16 and pregnant or have curable cancer?
Curable cancer. ******** being pregnant.
271. Would you rather be shot or stabbed?
272. Do you believe in God?
273. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
274. Do you believe in the Easter Bunny?
275. Do you believe in happy endings?
Depends on your definition of happy.
276. Do you believe in true love?
277. What is your religion?
278. Do you believe in heaven or hell?
279. Do you think the universe was created by Big Bang or God?
Both are pretty controversial. But God
280. Do you think global warming is real?
281. Are you a democrat or a republican?
Neither. Screw politics.
282. McCain or Obama?
In hindsight, McCain. Obama is running this country into the ground just as Bush was.
283. Do you think the death penalty should be legal?
284. Do you go to church?
285. Catholicism or Baptism?
286. Buddhism or Hinduism?
287. Do you think water boarding is okay?
288. Bush or Obama?
289. Do you think the world will end in 2012?
290. Do you believe in reincarnation?
291. Do you think that zodiac signs are accurate?
292. Do you think abortion should be against the law?
293. Do you think gay marriage is okay?
294. Do you think that there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?
295. Do you believe in vampires?
296. Do you believe in werewolves?
297. Do you think that the driving age should be younger?
298. Do you think the drinking age should be younger?
299. Are you a vegetarian?
300. Hamburger or Hotdog?
301. Milkshake or Smoothie?
302. Fruits or Vegetables?
303. What is your favorite breakfast restaurant?
305. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
306. What is your favorite place to get ice cream?
307. Have you ever had calamari?
308. Have you ever had alligator?
309. Have you ever had lamb?
310. Chinese food or Mexican food?
311. What is your favorite seafood restaurant?
312. What is your favorite Italian restaurant?
313. What is your favorite ice cream topping?
314. Cherries or Strawberries?
315. Chocolate Milk or Strawberry Milk?
316. Pop tarts or Toaster Strudel?
317. What is your favorite appetizer?
318. Coffee or Frappacino?
319. Regular Lemonade or Strawberry Lemonade?
320. What is your favorite cereal?
321. What is your favorite soup?
322. Caesar or Italian Dressing?
323. Pudding or Jell-O?
324. Gummy Bears or Sour Patch Kids?
325. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?
326. Maple syrup or Honey?
327. Favorite Fruit?
328. Favorite Vegetable?
329. Favorite Pasta?
330. What is your favorite sandwich restaurant?
331. Favorite lollipop flavor?
332. Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza?
333. What is your favorite pizza topping?
334. Sweet or Sour?
335. What is the spiciest thing you have ever eaten?
336. What is your favorite soda?
337. Corn or Peas?
338. What is your favorite type of sandwich?
339. Favorite Sauce?
340. Ketchup or mustard?
341. Name a food that is yellow.
342. Name a food that is blue.
343. Name a food that is red.
344. Do you like to eat cookie dough?
345. Have you ever been to Zaxby’s?
346. Name a food in a different language.
347. Regular Chocolate Bar or Almond Chocolate Bar?
348. Peanuts or Walnuts?
349. Are you allergic to anything?
350. What is your least favorite food?
Name a Food/Drink/Restaurant that starts with…
351. A
352. B
353. C
354. D
355. E
356. F
357. G
358. H
359. I
360. J
361. K
362. L
363. M
364. N
365. O
366. P
367. Q
368. R
369. S
370. T
371. U
372. V
373. W
374. X
375. Y
376. Z
Name a Song/Artist/Band that starts with…
377. A
378. B
379. C
380. D
381. E
382. F
383. G
384. H
385. I
386. J
387. K
388. L
389. M
390. N
391. O
392. P
393. Q
394. R
395. S
396. T
397. U
398. V
399. W
400. X
401. Y
402. Z
Name a Movie/TV Show/Play/Book that starts with…
403. A
404. B
405. C
406. D
407. E
408. F
409. G
410. H
411. I
412. J
413. K
414. L
415. M
416. N
417. O
418. P
419. Q
420. R
421. S
422. T
423. U
424. V
425. W
426. X
427. Y
428. Z
Name an animal that starts with…
429. A
430. B
431. C
432. D
433. E
434. F
435. G
436. H
437. I
438. J
439. K
440. L
441. M
442. N
443. O
444. P
445. Q
446. R
447. S
448. T
449. U
450. V
451. W
452. X
453. Y
454. Z
455. Do you like to play sports?
456. Are you on a sports team?
457. Do you know how to swim?
458. Football or Baseball?
459. Have you ever gone surfing?
460. Skateboarding or Surfing?
461. Who is your favorite sports team(s)?
462. Football or Basketball?
463. Have you ever played paintball?
464. Volleyball or Softball
465. Favorite NFL team?
466. Least favorite NFL team?
467. Hockey or Ice skating?
468. Favorite basketball player?
469. Favorite football player?
470. Wrestling or Boxing?
471. Have you ever played lacrosse?
472. How often do you watch movies?
473. What is the last movie you saw?
474. Do you prefer to bring popcorn or candy to the movies?
475. Harry Potter: Which is better the books or the movies?
476. Star Wars or Star Trek?
477. What is you favorite superhero movie?
478. Favorite Pixar movie?
479. Favorite Disney movie?
480. Warner Bros. or Disney?
481. Romance or Horror?
482. Action or Drama?
483. Have you ever snuck into an R-rated movie?
484. Did you see the new Harry Potter movie? Give it a rating of 1-10.
485. Do you have a favorite character from a movie? Who is it?
486. Do you have a favorite director? Who is it?
487. High school Musical or Glee?
488. How often do you watch TV?
489. Do you have a favorite character from a TV show? Who is it?
490. Disney Channel or Nick?
491. Glee or The Office?
492. South Park or Futurama?
493. Favorite Comedian?
494. Do you have a favorite reality show? What is it?
495. Jersey Shore or The Hills?
496. Do you have a favorite sit-com? What is it?
497. MTV or Fuse?
498. American Idol or America’s Got Talent?
499. One Tree Hill or Degrassi?
500. The Vampire Diaries or Teen Wolf?
501. Favorite Cartoon?
502. Favorite cartoon character?
503. Full House or That 70’s show?
504. Scrubs or House?
505. Have you ever seen a play?
506. Have you ever been in or helped with the production of a play?
507. Do you have a favorite play? What is it?
508. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off or The Breakfast Club?
509. What is your least favorite movie?
510. Favorite horror film?
511. Favorite Romance film?
512. Favorite comedy film?
513. Favorite Zombie film?
514. Favorite Vampire Film?
515. Favorite werewolf film?
516. Do you have a favorite play writer? Who is it?
517. Have you ever been in or seen a musical?
517. Grease or Hairspray?
518. Do you read comics?
519. What is your favorite comic?
520. The Hunger Games or Harry Potter?
521. How often do you read?
522. What is your favorite book genre?
523. What’s the last book you read?
524. Books or Comics?
525. What is your favorite series?
526. Do you have summer reading? Which book did you have to read?
527. How often do you go to the library?
528. Fiction or Nonfiction?
529. How often do you listen to music?
530. IPod or Mp3 player?
531. Have you ever been to a concert? Who did you see?
532. If you could see anyone in concert, who would it be?
533. Can you play any instruments?
534. If you could learn how to play any instrument, what would it be?
535. The Rolling Stones or The Beatles?
536. If you could meet any singer or band, who would it be?
537. Rock or Pop?
538. Favorite music genre?
539. Least favorite music genre?
540. Alternative or Country?
541. Adam Lambert or Kris Allen?
542. Fall Out Boy or All Time Low?
543. Classical or Metal?
544. Michael Jackson or Elvis Presley?
545. Aerosmith or The Steve Miller Band?
546. Ke$ha or Lady Gaga?
547. Taylor Swift or Carrie Underwood?
548. Eminem or Lil Wayne?
549. Name a song by Lady Gaga.
550. Classic Rock or New Rock?
551. Do you own any CD’s? What?
552. How many songs do you have on you iPod?
553. Do you have a song stuck in your head right now? What?
554. What is your favorite place to get music?
555. Do you have a favorite music video?
556. Have you ever written a song?
557. Guitar or Violin?
558. What are you wearing right now?
559. Where do you normally get your clothes?
560. Where do you normally buy your shoes?
561. Which shoe brand do you normally wear?
562. How often do you wear jewelry?
563. Necklaces or Bracelets?
564. Hot Topic or Spencers?
565. Rue 21 or Pac Sun?
566. Heels or Flats?
567. Hollister or Abercrombie?
568. Skirts or Pants?
569. Do you paint your nails? What color are them?
570. Do you have to wear a uniform to school?
571. How many pairs of shoes do you have?
572. JcPenny’s or Belk?
573. Vans or Converse?
574. What is your favorite color to wear?
575. How often do you wear perfume/cologne?
576. Do you have a favorite piece of clothing? What is it?
This Or That? (2)
577. Iphone or Blackberry?
578. Las Vegas or Los Angeles?
579. California or Florida?
580. Caterpillar or Butterfly?
581. Zebra or Cheetah?
582. Strawberry or Blueberry?
583. Yellow or Purple?
584. Blue or Green?
585. TV or Movies?
586. Books or Magazines?
587. Kisses or Hugs?
588. Jason or Freddie Kruger?
589. Weird or Normal?
590. Hot Fudge or Caramel?
591. Roses or Lilies?
592. Pickles or Cucumbers?
593. Outside or Inside?
594. Sunrise or Sunset?
595. Green Day or Blink 182?
596. Monkeys or Penguins?
597. Tattoos or Piercings?
598. Baked or Mashed Potatoes?
599. Cars or Buses?
600. Blue or Green Eyes?
601. Nachos or French Fries?
602. Dolphins or Whales?
603. Salt or Pepper?
604. Skittles or Starbursts?
605. Sausage or Bacon?
606. Ferris Wheel or Rollercoaster?
607. Stripes or polka-dots?
608. Curly Hair or Straight Hair?
609. Beer or Wine?
610. Yesterday or Tomorrow?
611. Bagels or Doughnuts?
612. Lucky Garden or P.F. Changs?
613. Cheesecake or Ice cream cake?
614. Lollipops or Jolly Ranchers
615. Mascara or Eyeliner?
616. Lip gloss or Lipstick?
617. Tall or short?
618. PE or Art class?
619. Crazy or Calm?
620. Jelly fish or Sea Turtles?
621. Music or Art?
622. Cows or sheep?
623. England or Britain?
624. Australia or New Zealand?
625. Avril Lavigne or Taylor Swift?
626. Twizzlers or Licorice?
627. Horses or Donkeys?
628. Blackjack or Poker?
629. Uno or Go Fish?
630. Headphones or Earphones?
631. Laptop or Computer?
632. Pen or Pencil?
633. Markers or Crayons?
634. Flip-flops or Tennis shoes?
635. Crosswords or Word Searches?
636. Hangman or Sudoku?
637. Puzzles or Board games?
638. Pinball or Pac man?
639. Solitaire or FreeCell?
640. Chess or Checkers?
641. Reading or Writing?
642. Hearts or Minesweeper?
643. Posters or Band T-shirts?
644. Nintendo DS or PSP?
645. Hardcover or Paperback?
646. Chocolate Chip cookies or Sugar Cookies?
647. Apples and peanut butter or Bananas and peanut butter?
648. Apple pie or Cheery Pie?
649. Crayons or Colored Pencils?
650. Scrambled Eggs or Fried Eggs?
651. Broccoli or Carrots?
652. Car or Truck?
653. Ice-cream cookie sandwich or Choco Taco?
654. Watermelon or Cantaloupe?
655. Climbing or Diving?
656. Swiss or Cheddar?
657. Mozzarella or Parmesan?
658. M&M’s or Skittles?
659. Duck or Goose?
660. Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan?
661. What is your biggest fear?
662. Are you afraid of dying?
663. Spiders?
664. Ghosts?
665. The dark?
666. Heights?
667. Roller coasters?
668. Failure?
669. Clowns?
670. Thunderstorms?
671. Are you claustrophobic?
672. What is Bibliophobia?
673. What is Dendrophobia?
674. What is Ecclesiophobia?
675. What is Gamophobia?
676. What is Hippophobia?
677. What is Japanophobia?
678. What is Kathisophobia?
679. What is Linonophobia?
680. What is Lutraphobia?
681. Have you ever screamed while watching a scary movie?
682. What is the scariest movie you ever saw?
683. Twelve- o- clock midnight. You hear a knocking on the door. What's your reaction?
684. The Ring or The Grudge?
685. The Poltergeist or The Exorcist?
686. The Shining or Carrie?
687. Gory or Paranormal scary movies?
688. The Sixth Sense or Donnie Darko?
689. Saw or Scream?
690. The Blair Witch Project or 30 Days of Night?
691. What’s the scariest book you have ever read?
692. Have you ever seen a ghost or something unexplainable?
693. Steven King or Chuck Palahniuk?
694. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
695. Do you have any goals?
696. If you could have one wish come true, what would you wish for?
697. Who delivered the famous “I have a Dream” speech?
698. What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had?
699. Have you ever dreamed that you died?
700. Fell off a cliff?
701. Do you usually remember your dreams when you wake up?
702. Have you ever dreamed that you were flying?
703. Being chased?
704. Naked?
705. How often do you have nightmares?
706. Do you daydream a lot?
707. Have you ever made a dream catcher?
708. Have you ever had a reoccurring dream?
709. Have you ever had a dream that had someone it you’ve never seen in real life?
710. Have you ever got shot or stabbed in a dream?
711. Have you ever dreamed you were drowning?
712. Have you ever had a dream come true?
713. How many people are in your family?
714. Are your parents still together?
715. Do you have any siblings? How many?
716. Cousins? How many?
717. Lots of friends or few close friends?
718. Do you have your own room?
719. What color are the walls of your room?
720. What color are your bed sheets?
721. Do you have a desk?
722. How many bathrooms are in your home?
723. House or Apartment?
724. Do you have an office in your home?
725. How many pillows do you have on your bed?
726. Do you have any step-parents?
727. How many TVs do you have?
728. Do you have your own bathroom?
729. Do you have a garage?
730. Movies with friends or Beach with friends?
731. How many aunts do you have?
732. How many uncles do you have?
733. Are your grandparents still alive?
734. Say “kitchen” in Spanish.
735. Who are you closest with in your family?
736. Are you a godparent?
737. Do you have godparents? Who are they?
738. Bedroom or Living Room?
739. What is your favorite room in your home?
740. Do you have curtains in your room?
741. On a scale of 1 to 10, how messy is your room?
742. Are any of your great grandparents still alive?
743. What do your parents/guardians do for a living?
744. Are you the oldest, youngest, or middle child? If you’re an only child bump.
745. Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
746. Do you have a crush on someone?
747. How old are your parents/guardians?
748. Do you have a printer in your house?
749. Friends or Family?
750. Do you miss anyone?
751. Do you hate anyone?
Name a person you do or don’t know for each one.
752. Someone you love.
753. Someone you hate.
754. Someone with blue eyes.
755. Someone with brown eyes.
756. Someone with green eyes.
757. Someone with brown hair.
758. Someone with red/orange hair.
759. Someone with blonde hair.
760. Someone with black hair.
761. Someone with light brown hair.
762. Someone who wears glasses.
763. Name a sibling. If you don’t have a sibling bump.
764. Name a cousin. If you don’t have a cousin bump.
765. Name a godparent. If you don’t have a godparent bump.
766. Someone with an olive skin tone.
767. Someone you want to meet.
768. Someone you want to see again.
769. Name a past or present classmate.
770. Someone younger than you.
771. Someone older than you.
772. Someone who lives far away from you.
773. Someone with lots of freckles.
774. Name the tallest person you know.
775. Name the shortest person you know.
776. Name the smartest person you know.
777. Name the dumbest person you know.
778. Name the prettiest person you know.
779. Name the most talented person you know.
780. Someone you look up to.
781. Someone who annoys you.
782. Someone with curly hair.
783. Someone with straight hair.
784. If you could become fluent in any language, which language would you choose?
785. If you could travel to either Spain or Mexico, which would you choose?
786. If you could go to any university in the world, where would you go?
787. If you could travel to either New York City or Washington D.C, which would you choose?
788. If given the chance to go to outer space, would you?
789. If you could travel to either Paris or London, where would you go?
790. If you could go to either San Francisco or San Diego, which would you choose?
791. If you could go to either the Bahamas or Hawaii, which would you choose?
792. If you could go to either Greece or Italy, where would you go?
793. If given the opportunity, would you rather sky dive or scuba dive?
794. If you could go to either Hong Kong or Tokyo, where would you go?
795. If given the chance, would you go to India?
796. If you could go to The Grand Canyon or Niagara Falls, where would you go?
797. If given the opportunity, would you rather learn how to play the drums or guitar?
798. If you could ho kayaking or canoeing which would you do?
799. If given the opportunity, would you rather learn how to surf or skateboard?
800. If given the opportunity, would you rather swim with sharks or dolphins?
801. Would you rather witness an eclipse or see a shooting star?
802. Would you rather go on a cruise or go white water rafting?
803. Would you rather ride in a helicopter or a hot air balloon?
804. Would you rather watch a rocket launch or travel to the moon?
805. Would you rather ride an elephant or ride an elephant?
806. Would you rather go whale watching or watch turtles hatch?
807. Would you rather visit the Wall of China or The Taj Mahal?
808. Would you rather visit the Eiffel Tower or The Leaning Tower of Pisa?
809. Would you rather visit the White House or a Chocolate Factory?
810. Would you rather go to Disney World or Universal Studios?
811. Would you rather go to Discovery Cove or Sea World?
812. If given the opportunity, would you ride the fastest rollercoaster in the world?
813. If given the opportunity, would you sleep in a haunted house?
814. If given the opportunity, would you live in a foreign country for a year?
815. If you could learn how to write in any language, which would you choose?
Have you ever? (2)
816. Have you ever gone ice skating?
817. Have you ever gone roller skating?
818. Ridden on a subway?
819. Snuck out?
820. Done drugs?
821. Dyed your hair?
822. Taken a pregnancy test?
823. Have you ever had oysters?
824. Rolled down a hill?
825. Ridden in a limo?
826. Lied about your age?
827. Been drunk?
828. Gotten a tattoo?
829. Been lost?
830. Had a manicure?
831. Ridden a horse?
832. Told a rumor?
833. Eaten snails?
834. Been on a cruise?
835. Been to Saint Augustine?
836. Jumped off a swing?
837. Been to New York City?
838. Moved?
839. Stayed awake for a whole day?
840. Have you ever been to a zoo?
841. Have you ever climbed a lighthouse?
842. Have you even gone camping?
843. Have you ever volunteered?
844. Have you ever won a contest?
845. Have you ever made a pizza?
846. Have you ever cried while watching a movie?
847. Have you ever seen “The Titanic”?
848. Have you ever read a book in a day?
849. Have you ever played pool?
850. Have you ever played golf?
851. Have you ever painted a room before?
852. Have you ever got sick on a fair ride?
853. Have you ever been bitten by a snake?
854. Have you ever been to an aquarium?
855. Have you ever had surgery?
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856. Post the letters or your first name in separate posts.
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860. Name all 44 presidents from order of first to last in separate posts.
861. Post the letters of the state you were born in in separate posts.
862. Post the letters of your last name in separate posts.
863. Post numbers 1 to your current age.
864. Post the letters of your father’s name in separate posts.
865. Post the letters of your mother’s name in separate posts.
866. What time is it right now?
867. What day is it?
868. What month is it?
869. Where were you born?
870. Wal-Mart or Target?
871. Wendy’s or Chik-fil-A?
872. Pick up a book closest to you. Flip to a random page and post the page number.
873. Sharpies or Pens?
874. Dunkin’ Doughnuts or Starbucks?
875. Cappuccinos or Frappacinos?
876. Pizzas or Burgers?
877. Turn on the TV. What channel is it currently on? If you don’t have a TV, bump.
878. What is the square root of 64?
879. Mickey Mouse or Minnie Mouse?
880. Are you able to vote yet?
881. How often do you go on Gaia?
882. Do you know any card tricks?
883. Uno or War? (cards)
884. Squares or circles?
885. Do you like ramen noodles?
886. What’s the last thing you ate?
887. Have I ever repeated a question?
888. Have you ever gotten stung by a bee?
889. Spray paint or Paint brush?
890. Are you a morning person?
891. Do you like beef jerky?
892. What did you have for lunch today?
893. Shrimp or Scallops?
894. What year was the American civil war?
895. Name one thing you know how to cook.
896. Name something that you are craving.
897. Have you ever cut your own hair?
898. Do you believe in aliens?
899. What is your favorite dish for thanksgiving?
900. PS3 or XBOX 360?
901. Art or Music?
902. Do you like your neighbors?
903. Flowers or Trees?
904. Have you ever seen a tornado?
905. Do you know anyone that does or has served in the military?
906. Do you drive?
907. Think of a song. Post the name of the first song that comes to mind.
908. Have you ever eaten octopus? Would you ever try it ?
909. What do you think is your worst quality?
910. Have you ever abandoned a quiz?
911. Monopoly or Life?
912. List the 12 months of the year in separate posts.
913. What's your mood right now?
914. Can you juggle?
915. Are you good at multi-tasking?
916. Messy or Organized?
917. Have you ever donated anything?
918. Have you ever hear of Pillow Pets?
919. Turn on your TV. Is it on commercial break? If you don’t have a TV, bump.
920. Hamster or Rabbit?
921. Beach or Mountains?
922. Starfish or Seashells?
923. Do you ever shop online?
924. Krispy Kreme or Dunkin Donuts?
925. Ranch or Blue Cheese?
926. Have you ever done a TekTek Contest?
927. Are you currently listening to anything?
928. What is your middle name?
929. Have you ever donated blood?
930. Can you whistle?
931. What is the capital of Nebraska?
932. 98 + 84 =?
933. 30 + 52 =?
934. 9 + 74 =?
935. 123 + 93 =?
936. 56 - 9 =?
937. 90 – 56 =?
938. 345 – 87 =?
939. 5 x 5 =?
940. 25 x 2 =?
941. Have you eaten dinner yet?
942. What’s the weather like right now?
943. What is your shoe size?
944. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
945. Do you think you are easy to get along with?
946. Dairy Queen or Baskin Robbins?
947. Jeans or Sweats?
948. Have you ever straightened you hair?
949. What time is it?
950. Who is the last person you talked to?
951. Which do you think is prettier: Blue or Green eyes?
952. Have you ever seen Rugrats?
953. Brownies or Cookies?
954. Have you ever had Coconut ice cream?
955. Who do you call the most?
956. High school Musical or Glee?
957. Is this quiz boring you to death?
958. Gum or Tic Tacs?
959. Do you have any posters in your room?
960. When did the Titanic sink?
961. What did you want to be when you were little?
962. Do you like mustard?
963. Do you dust your house?
964. Do you have a diary?
965. How much gold do you have now?
966. Does your family own more than one computer?
967. Have you ever been sprayed by a skunk?
968. Have you ever had a pie thrown in your face?
969. Snow or sand?
970. Ever sleep on a water bed?
971. Ever play laser tag?
972. Ever play paintball?
973. What do you like to put on hamburgers?
974. Are you right or left handed?
975. What kind of toothpaste do you use?
976. What kind of computer do you have?
977. How many tickets do you have?
978. How much Gaia cash do you have?
979. Which continent do you live on?
980. How many cds do you own?
981. Water Parks or Theme Parks?
982. Do you have cable or satellite?
983. Have you ever dissected a frog?
984. What time is it?
985. Do you know how many pints are in a gallon?
986. Pills or liquid medicine?
987. Fish or cats?
988. Strawberries or peaches?
989. What is 12x12?
990. What is your favorite Skittle's Flavor?
991. Are you Straight, gay, or bi?
992. Have you ever killed an animal by accident?
993. Do you have a favorite magazine? What is it?
994. Do you know your multiplication tables?
995. Would you ever marry someone for their money?
996. Have you ever had anchovies?
997. Does your school have good cafeteria food?
998. Is your school private or public?
999. Do you own scented markers?
1000. Chinese Checkers or Checkers?
1001. What is your birthstone?
1002. How many emoticons are there?
1003. What elementary school did you go to?
1004. Do you have makeup on right now?
1005. Do you have any pets?
1006. What are you wearing right now?
1007. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
1008. Bump 3 times.
1009. Do you ever want to get married?
1010. Do you watch the news?
1011. Do you speak another language at all?
1012. Are you currently in the middle of reading a book?
1013. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
1014. Fried calamari or Fried Shrimp?
1015. Breadsticks or Salad?
1016. Do you like to use wooden pencils or mechanical?
1017. Chocolate Cake or Cheesecake?
1018. Do you like Care Bears?
1019. Barney or Sesame Street?
1020. Do you remember the first word you were able to read?
1021. Do you have an overdue library book?
1022. Finding Nemo or Monsters Inc.?
1023. Dentist or Eye Doctor?
1024. How long have you been doing this quiz?
1025. What is 135 times 674?
1026. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
1027. Are you the kind of friend that you would want to have as a friend?
1028. What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you do not love them back?
1029. What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up on?
1030. You are on a flight from Honolulu to Chicago non-stop. There is a fire in the back of the plane. You get enough time to make ONE phone call. Who would you call?
1031. Have you ever faked sick?
1032. What is your blood-type?
1033. Have you ever been in a car accident?
1034. Do you know anyone that has ever been in a car accident?
1035. Do you believe in love at first sight?
1036. Have you ever seen a dead body?
1037. Do any medical problems run in your family?
1038. Do you prefer boxers or briefs?
1039. Would you ever have sex before marriage?
1040. The first thing I do in the morning is ___________________.
1041. Publix or Winn-Dixie?
1042. Do you pray?
1043. Are you good at spelling?
1044. Are you a fast or slow typer?
1045. Do you recycle?
1046. Do you know what ecotourism is?
1047. Do you feel younger or older than your current age?
1048. Have you ever made out in a movie theater?
1049. Do you have an innie or an outtie?
1050. What's your favorite flavored Pringles?
1051. What day is it?
1052. Was this quiz worth the gold?
1053. How much gold do you have right now?
1054. Are you glad that it is over?
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