Leader: Shiva Tenshi
Whereabouts: Philae
Kekkai Genkai: Tenshi hana(Angel Flower)
This nicely sound Kekkai has two sister clans with very close traits of this clan one being the Yurei clan and the other being the Ketsueki but unlike these two they are able to use strong mind/telekinesis type powers to move and chreat invisible body parts such as arms or wings and such. Allowing them to use them as forum of weapons or fighting this is key to who they fight long range but this does drain them of chakra and at the moment they start to use them their eyes glow a bright red color showing they are using their kekkai genkai. This being said they have master long use of this type of jutsu however they do have a small range if they useing it to attack only those older and much better train can go to the maximum of 10 meters and only one have ever broken that but is dead now. This leads many to believe they have the power to kill with in range and without even having to move a must the angel touch as they have come to call it.
They also have the one thing that Ketsueki clan is very well known for not the blood manipulation but the using of Houtai base arts and even have their own version of it which none have seen and thus many don't know what the different is from that of the sister clan. Since its unknown how their houtai looks or works many believe that its always on them like that of the Ketsueki clan and others believe that its not even real but then again who knows since this clan keeps to itself on this art.
The last one is somewhat interesting as it is if they give about half of their chakra up they can change and only be able to use hand to hand and physical weapons but they lose their arts of houtai and their angel touch. However the gain is great due to the fact they gain speed, flight, and other scenes. They also have forbid doing this very part of their Kekkai Genkai and thus those who use it normally don't come back to the clan and are hunted down for the very reason that this part of the Kekkai Genkai is allowing the person to see a part that they believe shouldn't be allowed to see. Only one person seen it and as stated she is no longer part of the living.
Clan Symbol:

Bio: Tenshi hana clan founded on the soul belief that no matter what the truth must always come to light at any cost. This being said the clan has always been one to work on that of the arts of rang attack as it founder was one of the few who could kill a enemy without even being close to them and had kill someone about a mile away. Many back then believe that this was all a joke until a war broke out thanks to the their younger sister clan "Ketsueki " oath with the demons they work with in battle. Threatening the village the leader of the clan along side many ketsueki clan lead a charge and first strike into the heart of the mess many memeber from both clans suffer lost but at the end both of them pay high prices to sealing the demons off. The leader of the clan had lost her life in the fight along side like that of the sister clan losing two of its most value members.
At the end a deal had been made with the seal off demons that didn't mean for this war to start and thus had allow themselves to become the summoning of both clans and shortly after this deal was made the Ketsueki clan along side two other sister clans broke away from this village and went their ways. Tenshi hana clan stay behind to get everything back to work and the next leader in the clan was made Kage of the village. For long time the clan numbers grew not having such a deadly art like that of the Ketsueki clan made it much easier for the numbers to grow again. However new threat rose and this force the clan members to send small groups out in search of the other sisters clans to help out in an upcoming event that the Kage had stumble onto. It appear that someone is planing a major genocide on a scale unknown and as they rush to try a put to it the clan was hit hard by an unknown enemy that new how to take them down.
Once again the numbers of this great clan has been dropped and the Kage is at the moment fighting for her life. While the others are doing what they can to keep the village from falling apart all that is known many of the members that are left have in fact left with out asking and that has also lead to many problems within the clan trying to keep a lock on the village while dealing with this hidden treat. At the moment the fate of this clan is unknown to how it will live throw the mass killing that may start at any second of the day.