Name:Kaze Age:20
He's the quickest ninja in his village,and he trained since he was 4 years old.When given missions to kill someone he can enter and leave the place so silently and quickly people think it's the wind.He has two diffrent eye color's one eye is light blue(left) while the other is a diffrent color blue also maybe darker(right). *Will add more later

rushed color Ninja ref
Two above are by me
Cute Art of Him
Art by Poppu-Corn
Cool Art of Him
Art by GreeNuu
Awesome Art of him
(sleeve is on wrong arm,eye colors are switched,his skin is white but not white as in the actual color white,and he wears sandals with socks and the leggings though the shoes look nice too =w=) (Not being mean just saying this so if anyone just clicks this picture and none other and they want to draw him they'll know ;w; )
Art by clohartxD