Hello! I participated in NaNoWriMo for the second time this year, and came out with something wholly unexpected: a serious story. I named it The Phoenix and the King. It's about what the title suggests, but with a twist: the Phoenix is a human. It's a sort of Beauty and the Beast-esque story. Please take a moment and meet Ignatius, the villain.
Brief Description

Age: Late thirties to early forties
Build: Solid and forbidding. Sinister somehow.
Skin: Sort of a lightly tanned, due to wind and snow.
Eyes: Either very, very pale blue or the irises can be made of black flames.
Facial Features: Square, with a solid chin. Gaunt cheek bones. Cruel.
Hair: Long, shaggy, and pale yellow.
Personality: He is a malevolent Phoenix, and the villain of the story. He steals the souls of other Phoenixes and wants the throne. He is willing to assassinate whomever lies in his way. Cruel, unfeeling, and remorseless.
Clothing: Basic clothing, but finely made Imagine something a person who has lived in the wild for a long time would wear. Ragged, patched, scuffed, etc. It is made of fine cloth and has been repaired well. Alternately you may dress him in very fine clothes befitting a high-born villain.
Theme Song: N/A
Description from the Book
Thank you very much for reading this and I hope very much that you will not only take this on, but also enjoy it.