Examples of my writing: poems, scenes from books, random inspiration I happened to have on Gaia, whatever.
A Joke
A joke Laughter follows Sitting on the couch I had known longer than I can remember Next to the funniest man in the world His eyes lighting up Brighter than the sun His smile contagious Passing to everyone of us How could things go so horribly wrong? How could in just one year The man so full of life And emotion And love And… just safe Be in the hospital now For the third time in two months? How can he be lying there In so much pain? What did he do to deserve this? The man that taught me I could be anything That I could do anything The man that taught me to whistle To laugh To joke Can’t remember my face He can’t say my name Why can’t you remember me? Why can’t you just say my name? Just say my name! Please…